Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3239 Extraordinary Hall

Seeing Lin Tian's arrogance, Brahma Guardian snorted, "You're going to die, so I'll help you."

After finishing speaking, black starlight flickered on Brahma Guardian, and the next moment, Brahma Guardian disappeared, and Lin Tian had an ominous premonition, and sure enough, Brahma Guardian suddenly came behind Lin Tian, ​​and the speed was very fast, hitting Lin Tian in one hit.

Lin Tian's soul was seriously injured on the spot, and at the moment of falling down, Lin Tian cast the soul blink technique and disappeared from here.

"Where's the person?" The other male guardian was puzzled, while the female guardian was curious, "Wouldn't he run away?"

Brahma Guardian snorted, "He has been marked by me, even if he escapes, I will know."

The two looked at Brahma Protector, and Brahma Protector made a calculation and said, "He went to this Shenyou Xuhun Palace."

"Shenhun Xuhun Temple? Shall we chase after it?" The male guardian asked worriedly, but the female guardian twisted her head and said, "This guy will definitely die inside."

Brahma Guardian was not reconciled, so he could only say, "Let's wait outside the formation of Shenyou Xuhun Palace."

"Yes." The two of them responded, and then they came to a formation where various stars were shining, and this was the only way to pass through the Shenyou Void Soul Palace, so they could only wait there.

At this moment, Lin Tian was healing in an open space in this formation. He didn't come back to his senses until the soul of the soul was repaired by the soul repair technique.

However, Lin Tian's top priority now, he still wants to learn the Void Soul Tribulation first, and he has to pay attention to dealing with those guardians.

Therefore, Lin Tian began to walk forward, and the formation here was a fake for Lin Tian, ​​so it had no effect on Lin Tian at all. Instead, Lin Tian came to the center of the formation very easily.

In the center, there is a deserted hall, and Lin Tian walked to the hall, and went outside the hall, staring at the hall.

I saw a few large characters hanging on the hall, "Shenyou Xuhun Hall".

Seeing these words, Lin Tian felt that his soul was about to be burned by something, so he quickly lowered his head, not daring to confront these words.

"This hall is a bit extraordinary." Lin Tian muttered to himself, and then he packed up his mood and entered the Shenyou Xuhun Hall.

The Shenyou Xuhun Hall is very clean, and when Lin Tian walked inside, he found nothing unusual on the wall except for some paintings.

"The therapist only said that Xu Hun Jie is in this Shenyou Xu Hun Palace, but he didn't say the specific location." After Lin Tian saw how big it was, he felt depressed.

At this time, Lin Tian felt uncomfortable again when he saw the words on the wall, because there were still the same words as the words outside the main hall, "Shenyou Xuhun Hall".

"Strange, how do you make these words?" Lin Tian was very depressed, especially when he saw those words, it seemed that the soul was attracted away, but when he didn't look at them, the soul was fine.

This made Lin Tian couldn't help looking at it several times, and then quickly lowered his head, until finally, Lin Tian turned around, intending not to read these words, but in this hall, only these words are relatively unique.

Lin Tian had no choice but to open the "God's Eye Technique", and at this time there was a door in the void of the hall, and on this door were those words.

Lin Tian felt uncomfortable on the spot, and after a short rest, he said depressedly, "Do you want to engrave such words on even a door?"

This made Lin Tian very depressed, but at this point, Lin Tian still calmed down, endured the discomfort, came to the door, and after pushing the door open, he found a "treasure house".

Therefore, in this "treasure house", there are many books, and among them, the Void Soul Tribulation is engraved on a wall, and Lin Tian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw it, "Finally found you."

Then Lin Tian began to adapt to these things on the wall one by one.

From this point of view, even Lin Tian had forgotten how long, until after recording them one by one, Lin Tiancai handed them over to the avatar for comprehension, while he himself continued to wander in this treasure house.

I saw a lot of weird words and some incomprehensible things recorded in these books.

But there is a weird symbol, and this symbol is like a snake-shaped sword burning with flames.

Seeing this sign, Lin Tian was puzzled, "Snake-shaped sword? What does this represent? Why do all the books have this mark."

Lin Tian was suspicious, and then looked around, wondering who built this Shenyou virtual soul hall. After all, this virtual soul robbery is really not easy.

"This Shenyou is even more unusual than the Ghost Realm."

When Lin Tian was sighing, Lin Tian saw three words written on a book, "Heavenly Soul Realm".

When Lin Tian saw the Heavenly Soul Realm, he thought of the unique world that the gods and lords were sucked into, but seeing these words again here made Lin Tian wonder, "Could it be that Shenyou and the Heavenly Soul Realm are also related?"

So Lin Tian opened it, but the text inside was also incomprehensible.

"It seems that these things can only be taken away first, and they can be seen by someone who knows them." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he moved all the things that could be moved here.

When Lin Tian got everything done, he walked out of the treasure house and came outside the Shenyou Xuhun Hall, but he didn't leave right away because there are now three guardians outside.

So Lin Tian asked Shengyue Tianqin to come out.

When Shengyue Tianqin saw this Shenyou Xuhun Temple, she was taken aback, and stared at the big characters for a long time, but it seemed that nothing happened.

Lin Tian looked at her suspiciously, "Aren't you uncomfortable?"

"Uncomfortable? What is uncomfortable?"

Lin Tian pointed to these big characters, "That's the characters."

"No, what's the matter?" This Shengyue Tianqin didn't understand what happened to Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian looked at it again, but felt very uncomfortable, as if his eyes were going to be stabbed blind, he quickly regained his senses, and said depressedly, "Why are you all right?"

Sensing that Lin Tian was different, Shengyue Tianqin became suspicious, "Could it be because he is a human soul, not our ghost?"

Lin Tian wondered, "Could it be that these words are aimed at other races?"

"I don't know about it, but depending on the situation, I'm fine, so it should mean something like that." Sheng Yue Tianqin said, and Lin Tian sighed, "Then take your time, I'll be practicing here for a few days."

"How many days have you practiced? Why?"

Lin Tian talked about the three old monsters outside, and said, "If they don't have enough strength to go out, the three of them will definitely catch us again. At that time, we still have to escape."

"You, can't do anything to them?"

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "In the final analysis, I am only at the Golden God Realm, and the gap between me and Shenyou Guizun is still too large. I can only rely on some opportunistic methods to deal with them."

Sheng Yue Tianqin hesitated, "Then how did you get in here?"

"There is a formation outside. It may be scary to others, but it has no effect on me." Lin Tian said with a smile there, and Sheng Yue Tianqin was startled, "So that's what happened."

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