Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3252 Qin Xiaoxiao Reappears

Seeing Lin Tian's dignified expression, that Young Master Jie became proud, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, do you know how good I am?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian became interested, "The baptism in the God Realm? When did it happen?"

"What? Do you want to go too? I think it's better not to dream, you don't have the qualifications." That young master Jie despised, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "It seems that it is very difficult for you to speak."

"If you want me to speak, that's fine, unless you can defeat me, but that's impossible." After finishing speaking, this Young Master Jie laughed out loud, and the rest of the Demon Slayer Alliance even laughed at Lin Tian.

"Boy, if I were you, surrender quickly, don't waste time." Someone said.

Some people also ridiculed Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, with your strength, it is far behind our Master Jie."

That Young Master Jie was very happy, and even felt as if he was going to float, and teased Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, come on, let me see how capable you are, and dare to fight against our Demon Slayer Alliance."

Lin Tian Jiuxing Jinshen Realm, if he does not rely on soul magic and ghost skills, it is indeed very difficult to win a Nine Stars God Emperor.

"Why are you in a daze?" The Young Master Jie who saw Lin Tian in a daze teased Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I was thinking, what method should I use to deal with you."

"Treat me? Don't dream, you can't help it, especially me who has baptized me, I am a powerful existence." This Young Master Jie said angrily.

Lin Tian intends to try the Buddha God Art, but this Buddha God Art needs time, so Lin Tian deliberately stimulated the other party, "I will show a skill later, so don't run away if you have the ability."

"Run? Do you think it's possible?" This Master Jie just felt that Lin Tian was laughing at him again, so he retorted, and Lin Tian smiled, "That's good."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian cast it, and countless ghosts scattered, so that everyone didn't know which one was Lin Tian, ​​but the Buddha God Art had already been cast, so that Jie Shao kept ringing in his ears.

This made Jie Shao look curiously at others, "You guys, did you hear the bell?"

Everyone shook their heads, obviously they didn't hear it, and that Young Master Jie had no choice but to ask Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, is it your voice?"


"I've said it all, no soul spells or ghost spells are effective for me." That young master Jie said narcissistically, and Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Wait a minute, you'll know."

Seeing that Lin Tianshi refused to admit how powerful he was, that Young Master Jie wasted there, "I'll just see what you can do to me."

So the two competed with each other.

About an hour later, everyone was getting impatient, and that Young Master Jie complained even more, "Boy, what do you want to do?"

But then, Master Jie suddenly had hallucinations around him, which made him look around, "What's going on here?"

Afterwards, everyone saw this Young Master Jie attacking around, as if he had gone crazy, while the disciples of the Demon Slayer Alliance were shocked and started shouting.

But this Young Master Jie looked confused, as if nothing had anything to do with him.

After a while, that Young Master Jie suddenly attacked him, and after spurting out a mouthful of blood, he glared at Lin Tian, ​​"Bastard, how dare you bully me?"

"I said, you can't bear my attack." Lin Tianxie smiled, and this Jie Shao said angrily, "I will kill you."

At this time, a powerful force burst out of Jie Shao's body, and then shattered all the phantoms one by one.

Not only that, but Master Jie also slapped Lin Tian with his palm, but Lin Tian avoided it easily, and said with a smile, "You are seriously injured, and you still want to play with me."

"Even if you are seriously injured, I can still play with you." This Young Master Jie was annoyed, and then continued to go berserk.

But as time passed, Jie Shao's strength was getting weaker and weaker, and he was so scared that he wanted to leave, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "I think, you'd better not leave."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, a phantom rushed into the weak Jie Shao's body, and passed through the barrier of spirit and soul, and came to the opponent's consciousness space, and then everyone saw Jie Shao standing there motionless.

Jie Shao's soul stared at Lin Tian in horror, but Lin Tian was curious, because there was a golden air around this Jie Shao's soul.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you." This Young Master Jie said madly, while Lin Tian stared at those air currents, "What are these?"

"Want to know? Then let me tell you, these are the holy spirit after baptism."

"Aura of the Holy Way?" Lin Tian was suspicious, and that Master Jie said proudly, "Yes, with this aura, I can ignore any of your soul and ghost techniques."

Lin Tian tried it, and it was really empty, and he would be absorbed by this so-called holy spirit.

"It's really weird."

"It's my turn." Master Jie yelled loudly, and the space of consciousness was full of holy spirit, and Lin Tian's phantom immediately dissipated.

Lin Tian, ​​who was outside, frowned, and that Jie Shao took the opportunity to leap and disappear here, and those disciples of the Demon Elimination Alliance also disappeared one by one.

Lin Tian said with a headache, "The air of the holy way is really weird."

At this moment, Qin Xiaoxiao suddenly appeared and stood beside Lin Tian, ​​"You are here."

Lin Tian was even more puzzled, "Why are you here?"

Qin Xiaoxiao, the saint of Kyushu in the last realm, has been brooding over Lin Tian's divorce. The last time I saw her, although she left angrily, she suddenly appeared again, and she was able to find herself in the entire God Realm, let alone It is difficult for others, even Lin Tian, ​​to do it.

So Lin Tian was a little shocked, but Qin Xiaoxiao stared at Lin Tian, ​​and then said under the veil, "I was nearby, and then I heard that the Demon Elimination Alliance was going to deal with you, so I came."

"You're nearby? Isn't this a coincidence?" Lin Tian asked strangely, while Qin Xiaoxiao explained, "It's not a coincidence at all."


"Someone told me." After Qin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out a note and handed it to Lin Tian. After reading it, Lin Tian frowned, "Emperor Lin, will appear on the coastline of Western Shenzhou."

"Yes, I received this a few days ago, so I have been waiting here." That Qin Xiaoxiao explained, and Lin Tian was startled, "Could it be that group of people."

"Who?" Qin Xiaoxiao felt that Lin Tian was in danger, so she looked puzzled, but Lin Tian was curious, "Aren't you curious?"


"Yes, those people, why did they give you a note?" Lin Tian stared at Qin Xiaoxiao curiously, but Qin Xiaoxiao hesitated, "You mean, they know I'm looking for you?"

"It's not that I know, but you probably have been watched by them all the time, and they asked you to come to me. I guess there is some purpose." Lin Tian fell into deep thought.

Qin Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly, "Who on earth has such a great ability to know the relationship between me and you, and also know where you will appear?"

"A group of gods." Lin Tian said coldly, while Qin Xiaoxiao was puzzled, "Gods?"

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