Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3259 Whoever breaks the field is not necessarily

After Lin Tian heard this, he looked at Elder Ao with a smile, "Your field is indeed quite powerful, but I have a trick, which is specially designed to break through the human field."

"It's ridiculous, I'm in the domain of half-step gods." Elder Ao said disdainfully, and Lin Tian opened a mark on his right arm.

This imprint was obtained from the Holy Land of Kyushu, and this imprint can devour domain space.

But this Elder Ao didn't know, but when the imprint was opened, the air in the opponent's body disappeared crazily, so that Elder Ao flew out quickly, and then stared at Lin Tian like a monster, "You, what did you do?"

"It's nothing, it's just destroying your domain." Lin Tian smiled strangely, and Elder Ao found that the spirit in his body had almost dissipated at this moment, so he quickly took the pill to make up for it.

But Lin Tian said, "I will kill you while you are sick."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he started to do it. The elder Ao was terrified. When he was about to leave, Lin Tian came to him again, and as soon as the field opened, those flame sword shadows hit him one by one.

Elder Ao was seriously injured on the spot, so scared that he hurriedly said, "I, I admit defeat."

"Admit defeat?"

"Yes, admit defeat, don't hurt me." The elder Ao said depressedly, but Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Do you think it's enough to admit defeat?"

Elder Ao said anxiously, "Then what do you want?"

"It's very simple, give me your soul." Lin Tian looked at Elder Ao with a smile, and Elder Ao said in a panic, "You won't destroy my soul, will you?"

"No, I just want to see if you're lying." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and the Elder Ao said nervously, "It's that simple?"


So Elder Ao took the initiative to stretch out his soul, and Lin Tian entered the soul seal. It was not until Lin Tian's soul seal was completely completed that Elder Ao knew how terrifying Lin Tian's soul was, so he stared at Lin Tian in horror, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know about this question, but you just need to take me to your main altar and find your leader."

"Me, our leader?" The elder Ao was shocked, and Lin Tian didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he said, "Lead the way, other, I don't want to say more."

Elder Ao had no choice but to say, "Then, please follow me."

After Lin Tian and Elder Ao left, that Liu Yunjian appeared from not far away, and then stared at their leaving back and muttered to himself, "Too, so scary."

Then Liu Yunjian reported back to the main altar what happened just now.

In the main altar, the person in charge of collecting information, after receiving the news, notified the Great Elder, and this elder was an old man with only one arm.

I saw the old man stroking the horned beard with his unique arm, and staring at the other elders present, "You have also seen the news just now."

Some elders were suspicious, "Grand Elder, you mean that the person who fights against our Demon Slayer Alliance will kill the domain with divine fire?"

"Yes, didn't you guys watch the scene just now? It's indeed the Divine Fire Killing Domain." The great elder said, but everyone was startled, and some elders even said, "Didn't you say that the Divine Fire Killing Domain was created by Emperor Lin?"

The Great Elder explained, "The rumors are so, but there is no guarantee. Some people have learned it, so don't be too nervous."

Hearing these words, the originally turbulent Elders became a little quieter. After all, Emperor Lin, the name alone made them afraid.

But the Great Elder said again, "No matter who he is, if he dares to oppose us, then he must be dealt with properly."

"Great Elder, tell me what to do." An elder asked, and the Great Elder said, "Go and call some people who were baptized to come back and get ready. Maybe that kid may come to our main altar."

"Come to our main altar and take revenge on us?" The first elder asked curiously, and the first elder hummed, and the other elders looked at each other, but these elders thought that Lin Tian didn't have the guts.

But the Great Elder stared at everyone and said, "Nonsense, I won't say more, now, hurry up and make arrangements."

Everyone had to rush to make arrangements, while the elder was deep in thought, until a young disciple came with a pair of black gloves and said with a smile, "Master, I heard that you asked us to come back, right?"

"Well, we need to deal with a guy." The great elder said, and the young man said with a smile, "Who? Someone who needs our baptism?"

"This man has some skills, and he defeated Liu Yunjian and Jie Shao, and even captured Elder Ao." The elder said, and the young man immediately said happily, "Oh? Master, who is so powerful?"

"Huangfutian, I'm not joking with you." The great elder immediately said solemnly after seeing that the other party didn't take it seriously, and Huangfutian, the young man, smiled, "Master, don't worry, I have my own sense of propriety. Besides, I have been baptized and I am very capable."

"So what about the baptism? That Young Master Jie and Liu Yunjian have already been dealt with?" The Great Elder feared that his apprentice would be careless, so he shouted, while Huangfutian hesitated, "Then Master, tell me what to do."

"You, the person leading some baptisms, wait here, I guess that kid will come to your door."

"Does he have such courage?" Huangfutian asked, and the great elder said coldly, "According to Liu Yunjian's information, that kid wants to find our leader, so I think he will definitely come."

"Looking for our leader? Is he so courageous?" Huangfutian stared wide-eyed.

"It's true." The Great Elder said, while that Huangfutian hesitated, "What are you looking for with our leader?"

"I don't know." The Great Elder didn't understand either, but Huangfutian had no choice but to say, "That's fine, I'll wait with someone."

After finishing speaking, Huangfutian withdrew, and the great elder fell into deep thought. As for Lin Tian, ​​he was heading to the main altar under the leadership of Elder Ao at this moment.

But Lin Tian has a solemn face, because since the two pieces of jade pendant fused together and guided the third piece of jade pendant to fall in the Sand God Tiancheng, there has been no induction anymore, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

"Strange, why did the guide stop there?" Lin Tian always felt strange, but no one explained to Lin Tian at the moment, Lin Tian could only go to the main altar of the Demon Slayer Alliance to find out what was going on.

Elder Ao said cautiously, "My lord, we have many masters in the Demon Slayer Alliance, so you must be careful."

"What? Are you worried about me?"

"If you die, I'm sure I won't be able to live either, so it's better for you to live." The Elder Ao said nervously, while Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Don't worry, no one in this world can do anything to me."

"That's good." Elder Ao said awkwardly, but he was curious about who Lin Tian was and why he spoke so madly.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he asked as he walked, "How many people in your Demon Elimination Alliance have been baptized by the God Realm?"

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