Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3270 Worship

"Not only can I understand, I can break it!" Lin Tian laughed, but in Dugu Huantian's eyes, Lin Tian was just talking nonsense and talking nonsense, so he rolled his eyes, "Who do you think you are? Lin Di?"

"What? Do you know Emperor Lin?"

"Nonsense, Emperor Lin, who doesn't know, and my goal is to surpass Emperor Lin, but it's a pity that he died." This Dugu Huantian looked a little pity.

But Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "It's not a pity at all."

"No pity what?"

"If you are fighting me now, it's the same as fighting him. What a pity." Lin Tian said with a smile, but this Dugu Huantian smiled strangely, "You? Compared with him? It's far behind."

"It's not far, just try it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he disappeared and came behind Dugu Huantian, and then a force hit Dugu Huantian's armor.

Dugu Huantian didn't take it seriously, "Attack as you like, anyway, your attack can't do anything to my armor at all."

"Oh? Isn't it good?" Lin Tian laughed evilly after finishing speaking, and then continued, and this Dugu Huantian is good, but he is too arrogant, especially in front of Lin Tian, ​​he treats him like an ordinary person.

Therefore, Lin Tian cracked the armor after a while, and retreated not far away and said with a smile, "Believe it or not, I can shatter your armor immediately."

Dugu Huantian didn't take it seriously, and still smiled strangely, "Shatter my armor? Don't laugh at me."

Lin Tian smiled and stared at Dugu Huantian, "Then you can take care of it."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he really made a move, and immediately cast the domain, and then a series of divine fire sword shadows directly shattered the armor, and the armor was shattered to pieces.

Dugu Huantian was dumbfounded, and stood there in a daze for a long time, but Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Is there any question?"

"You, you really shattered my armor." Dugu Huantian said in a daze, and Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "What? Still living in a dream, do you think it's impossible?"

Dugu Huantian clenched his fists tightly, "You have completely angered me."

"Then what?"

"I want to let you know how terrible I am." After this Dugu Huantian finished speaking, he put one hand on the ground, and then the green light of the five-pointed star on the ground flashed, and the next moment he summoned a huge cow.

The cow's body is covered with grass, and the green light is shining, and the most important thing is that its eyes reveal killing intent.

"Kill him." That Dugu Huan was in a hurry, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Super beast, wood god bull."

"That's right, Wood God Bull, let you know how scary it is." That Dugu Huan became anxious, and that Wood God Bull roared, and countless green rays of light gathered on Lin Tian, ​​"shattering" Lin Tian on the spot.

However, it was only the shadow that was shattered, and Lin Tian floated not far away and said with a smile, "The skill is good, but it will be unlucky to meet me."

Unwilling to be reconciled, the Wood God Bull turned around again, a wave of green light rushed out, and Lin Tian disappeared again.

That Dugu Huan was in a hurry, and directly released countless green lights in this space, so that Lin Tian's trajectory could be clearly seen, so the wood god bull could also aim at Lin Tian to attack.

But Lin Tian was laughing there, still teasing, "It's a pity, it's a pity."

Mu Shenniu became a little impatient, and was still mad, and attacked in all directions, making the whole space full of green light beams, and Lin Tian disappeared immediately.

That Dugu Huantian snorted, "Aside from dodging, what else can I do?"

"Don't worry." After Lin Tian uttered his voice, he was already standing on the back of the Wood God Bull, and that Dugu Huantian sneered, "Kill him."

The wood god bull was about to make a move, but Lin Tian used the trapping beast technique, weakened the opponent, and then opened his own domain, the phantom spread out, and the powerful force instantly turned a super beast into a roasted cow, and screamed.

Lin Tian stood beside the roasted cow and said with a smile, "Your cow is quite delicious."

Dugu Huantian's face twitched, and he said through gritted teeth, "You, do you really want to die?"

"If you have the ability, I will do whatever you want." Lin Tian's words drove Dugu Huantian crazy, "I, I will kill you."

After finishing speaking, Dugu Huantian opened his domain, and Lin Tian smiled, "It's just waiting for you."

Before Dugu Huantian could react, Lin Tian began to devour the opponent's aura, and after that Dugu Huantian suddenly felt the aura dissipate in his body, he began to wonder, "This, what's going on?"

Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Need I tell you?"

"What do you mean?" This Dugu Huan was in a hurry, and that Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "The moment you opened the domain, your air has been locked by me."

"Locked?" Dugu Huantian was suspicious, but Lin Tian made a move, and the domain opened up all of a sudden, that Dugu Huantian didn't even have a chance to dodge, and finally he was so frightened that he gave in, "Stop, I'm convinced."

"Give up your soul." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, while Dugu Huantian said depressedly, "Give up my soul?"

"Yes." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and Dugu Huantian was depressed, but in order to survive, he had to do as he did, and after Lin Tian got into the soul seal, he said with a smile, "I think you can spare your life because you worship Emperor Lin so much, but next, you have to help me lead the battle."

"First battle, what do you mean?" Dugu Huantian was stunned, and Lin Tian said, "That is, you help me fight those people, otherwise I will be too tired to fight you one by one like this."

"You." Dugu Huantian's eyes widened, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "What? Is there a problem?"

"Eighteen masters, I'm just at the bottom, let me play with them? You might as well let me die." That Dugu Huantian was depressed, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "You make up your air first, and when you turn around, I will naturally help you."

Dugu Huantian didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but he still sat cross-legged to recover, and Lin Tian also made some spirit-gathering formations to make him recover quickly.

This Dugu Huantian asked curiously, "What relationship do you have with Emperor Lin?"

"really want to know?"

"Nonsense, in the field of Shenhuo Killing, only Emperor Lin can do it, how could you?" Dugu Huantian said strangely, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "What if I say that I am Emperor Lin?"

"You, stop joking, just you? Emperor Lin?" That Dugu Huantian despised him, and felt that Lin Tian had tarnished his idol, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Why? Don't you believe it?"

Dugu Huantian said affirmatively, "Nonsense, Emperor Lin, but the genius in my heart, how can it be possible that you, a god, can compare?"

"Shenjun, isn't it enough to be a genius to defeat you?" Lin Tian looked at Dugu Huantian with a smile, and Dugu Huantian was speechless with anger, "That was my carelessness."

"Careless? Is it possible, what other means do you have?" Lin Tian asked back.

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