Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3276 Holy Path Cave

Dugu Huantian, who was on the side, had just finished reminding, and after realizing that something was wrong with Lin Tian, ​​he showed a suspicious expression, "Why, your look still seems to be full."

Lin Tian said to himself, "The wasteland cannot restrain me."

Dugu Huantian was startled, and he looked Lin Tian up and down, and sure enough, he didn't lose his air before he wondered, "You, you are really a monster."

"Let's go, don't waste time." Lin Tian said helplessly, and that Dugu Huantian uttered an oh, and continued to lead Lin Tian forward.

At the moment, there is a group of people standing outside a hole beside a misty pool.

There were the Palace Master of the Sea God Palace, Mo Yun, Elder Ku Jiu, the Great Elder of the Demon Elimination Alliance, and Huangfu Tiandu were there.

Not only that, but the burly leader of the Qin League turned his back to them and said, "After entering, you will become stronger, and when the time comes, you can deal with that kid as you like?"

"Really?" Everyone was startled, and the leader of Qin League said coldly, "You came to me, didn't you just want to deal with him?"

Everyone nodded wildly, and the leader of the Qin alliance said with a smile, "Go in, and achieve the divine body of the holy way as soon as possible, so that boy, he won't be able to fight against you."

As soon as everyone heard this, they leaped in one by one, but then screams came from inside the cave, and the leader of the Qin alliance showed a strange smile on his fake face, "You guys, just enjoy it slowly."

Then the leader of Qin League disappeared.

Under the leadership of Dugu Huantian, Lin Tian arrived at a hot spring in less than a day, and there was fog everywhere.

"This is the baptismal pool."

"Oh? Is it that simple?"

"My lord, you don't know. These look like hot springs, but most people's physical bodies can't hold them, so no one can go in for baptism."

Lin Tian smiled when he heard this, "What if I go in?"

"With your aptitude, it shouldn't be a problem, but you are only a god-king, so you don't know if it will work. After all, no one below a god-emperor has tried it before." Dugu Huantian explained.

After Lin Tian thought about it, he jumped and really entered the pool, and then the aura in his body changed color and turned into golden yellow, and these golden air currents are exactly the aura of the holy way.

Lin Tian became suspicious, and the god roots, godheads, god bones, and bloodlines all changed one by one under the aura of the holy way.

I saw that Lin Tian's divine root began to grow crazily, and Lin Tian's cultivation base also flew from a one-star god to a five-star god.

Dugu Huantian, who was on the side, was dumbfounded, "This, isn't it scary?"

Lin Tian muttered to himself, "The magical place in the wasteland is really extraordinary."

At this moment, a voice came from a distance, "You are finally here."

The person who spoke was the leader of the Qin League. He was wearing a fake leather mask, walking not far from Lin Tian, ​​and smiling at Lin Tian in the mist.

Dugu Huantian immediately became alert.

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and smiled at the Qin leader, "I thought you would run away."

"Escape? How is that possible?" The leader of the Qin alliance laughed strangely, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Oh? What else do you have to do to wait for me?"

"In our area, there is a hole called the Holy Way. In the past, no one dared to try it, because the people who entered it were very painful. But now, there are a group of people who want to win you, so they took the risk." That Qin League leader smiled strangely.

When Dugu Huantian heard this shock, he hurriedly said to Lin Tian, ​​"My lord, this cave of the holy way is terrifying."

"How scary?"

"It is said that a genius went in one day, and when he came out, his face was completely changed, and he could not live for three days."

"Oh? So cruel?"

"So, at present, no one has lived for more than three days." This Dugu Huantian said, while the Qin League leader said with a smile, "Are you afraid?"

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Come on, let me see who they are."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked out of the pool and stared at the leader of the Qin alliance, and the leader of the Qin alliance smiled evilly, "Let you take a look at this one first."

After finishing speaking, Palace Master Hai appeared, but on his face, there were a lot of burns and you, but he was very happy because his sense of strength had improved a lot, and he looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Boy, we meet again."

"It's really good for you to be like this?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the Palace Master Hai said, "It's the best for me to be like this."

But Lin Tian laughed there, and the Hai Palace Master gave a blank look, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing, your strength is really not enough for me."

Palace Master Hai snorted, "How dare you laugh at me?"

Lin Tian said there, "Don't think that you have the holy spirit."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian also let go of his aura, and the Palace Master Hai asked suspiciously, "You actually have one too?"

But the leader of the Qin League said, "Don't worry, he is just an ordinary holy aura, but what you produced in the holy cave is a more advanced holy aura."

Palace Master Hai immediately regained his energy, and planned to have a discussion with Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian passed by, and when the domain was opened, countless phantoms were opened, and they were crushed directly.

The Palace Master Hai didn't even have a chance to take a phone call, his whole body was shattered, and his spirit was directly put away by Lin Tian.

Dugu Huantian was dumbfounded, "It has become so scary."

Leader Qin's face was ugly, and he stared, "You are really difficult to deal with."

"If you know who I am, then you should understand that I am not something you can fight against." Lin Tian said coldly, while the leader of the Qin alliance snorted, "This is just the beginning. Looking back, there are several more."

After the leader of the Qin alliance finished speaking, he quickly slipped away, not daring to stay, but Dugu Huantian ran to Lin Tian's side and said excitedly, "My lord, you are really scary."

"Let's go." Lin Tian said with a smile, taking the initiative to walk ahead, while Dugu Huantian was curious, "My lord, where are you going?"

"That Holy Dao Cave." Lin Tian said, and Dugu Huantian was startled, "What? Are you really going?"

"if not?"

Dugu Huantian was worried, "But in that place, I can't live for more than three days."

"I don't believe in this kind of thing." Lin Tian said with a smile, but Dugu Huantian was still very scared, until Lin Tian had already walked out by himself, he had no choice but to follow up quickly, until after a while, Lin Tian came to the entrance of the cave.

Outside the entrance of the cave, there was a shadow of Dugu Huantian, so he said there, "Many people went there before, but in the end, they all died within three days, and they died very badly."

Lin Tian oh said, "Then you wait here, I will go in."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian ignored Dugu Huantian and went in directly, but Dugu Huantian was dumbfounded, "No way, did you really go in?"

At this time, Qin League Leader suddenly appeared, and then laughed, "He is just ignorant."

Seeing Leader Qin, Dugu Huantian immediately put on guard, "You, what do you want to do?"

"I think you're talented, and he thinks highly of you, so I want you to do something." The leader of the Qin alliance smiled strangely.

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