Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3281 Lei Hai Xufeng

Qin League leader looked helpless, and he was even more afraid in his heart, especially thinking of what he had done to Lin Tian before, he always felt that Lin Tian would be in a bad mood, so he killed himself.

For the time being, Lin Tian only wanted to use the leader of the Qin alliance to find out the whereabouts of Lin Wangyou and confirm whether the Sea God tribe was real or not.

Therefore, leader Qin can only live with ease at this moment, and lead the way in fear.

About an hour later, the three of them came to a passage in the nearby sea area, and this passage was blocked by some stones. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't know that there was a passage behind these stones.

In addition, there is a hidden formation there, if it is not close, it is impossible to know where the passage is.

So when the three of them arrived at the entrance of the passage, Dugu Huantian sighed, "It's really a magical place."

"Be careful, there are many people from the Sea God Tribe inside. They will be invisible and emit electric current. If you feel a strong electric current, you must leave quickly, otherwise, you don't know how to die." The leader of the Qin alliance reminded everyone.

But Lin Tian didn't take it seriously at all, and said to them, "You guys follow behind."

The two had no choice but to follow behind, while Lin Tian walked forward. At the same time, Lin Tian activated the "God's Eye Technique", the purpose of which was to see where the people from the Sea God Tribe would appear.

Sure enough, the next moment, some people appeared nearby, hiding in the dark.

The Lord Qin and Dugu Huantian haven't sensed it yet, so they just looked around there, but Lin Tian suddenly said, "Be careful, they have appeared."

Leader Qin asked in surprise, "You, you know?"

"What do you think?" Lin Tian asked, and the leader of the Qin League smiled awkwardly, feeling depressed in his heart, "I have to find a way to get rid of him, otherwise the feeling of dying at any time is really pitiful."

Lin Tian was very calm, and stared at the dark place and said, "Come out."

But these people didn't come out, and they condensed an electric current field, rushed over, that Lin Tian disappeared, and the Qin League leader and Dugu Huantian were tragic, after being electrocuted on the spot, they quickly retreated.

Leader Qin looked at Dugu Huantian, "Do you think he will die?"

Dugu Huantian frowned, "I won't die, my master is so powerful, how could he die?"

Leader Qin became embarrassed and didn't know what to say. At this time, Lin Tian appeared and attacked some places one by one, and in those places, some blue-skinned people appeared one by one.

These blue-skinned people stared at Lin Tian weirdly, because they didn't expect Lin Tian to find them.

"Who are you?" Someone asked suspiciously, and Lin Tian looked at them with a smile, "I want to go to your tribe to play, can I?"

"No!" The man immediately refused, and the others also expressed that Lin Tian and the others were not welcome, but Lin Tian looked at them with a smile, "What if I have to go in?"

"If you dare to go in, our patriarch will definitely not spare you." One person threatened, and the others also expressed that their patriarch was a very powerful person.

But Lin Tian stared at them and said, "I think we can talk about it."

These people didn't want to talk about it, and formed an enchantment, and sent Lin Tian and the three of them flying away.

The leader of Qin League breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, there is no danger."

This Dugu Huantian was depressed, "Master, these people seem to have a hard time communicating."

Lin Tian smiled, "Then don't communicate with them, just go ahead."

"Go straight forward?" The two were puzzled, but Lin Tian had already moved forward, and put one hand on the enchantment, smashing the enchantment directly, and the people of those tribes were frightened, and quickly retreated.

Lin Tian led the two of them to continue walking until they entered a space, and when they came out of the water, they actually stood on the shore.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a space here." Lin Tian laughed, and the leader of Qin League came here for the first time, and he was surprised, "It turns out that this is a paradise."

Dugu Huantian pointed to the front, "Look, many people are coming."

All of a sudden, there were people everywhere, and these people surrounded Lin Tian. The leader of them was a man with pointed ears, blue hair, and a pair of water blue eyes.

"Who are you, and why did you trespass on our Sea God Tribe?" The man questioned, but Lin Tian didn't talk too much nonsense, and said directly, "We're here to find the Sea God Temple."

"Being overestimated." The man said, and Lin Tian laughed after seeing his tone, as if there really was a Sea God Temple here, "So, there really is a Sea God Temple here?"

The man snorted, "I am Lei Haixufeng from the Sea God Tribe, if you don't want to die, you should leave immediately."

Lin Tian was not interested in the other party's name, so he smiled, "I really don't care what your name is, so let's take us to find it quickly."

"I'm really looking for death." A trident appeared in this Lei Haixufeng's hand immediately, and there were lightning flashes on it.

Seeing this, Leader Qin was taken aback, "This thunder and lightning seems to be very difficult."

But Dugu Huantian said to himself, "Don't worry, my master is here, no problem."

"Your master, what's the matter, he's just a god, but these people, look at how terrifying they are." The leader of the Qin alliance said a little depressed.

Dugu Huantian said with contempt, "If you don't believe me, my master is the strongest anyway."

But Alliance Leader Qin said, "In this world, there are still many people who are better than your master."


"I've seen them before in the wasteland, but those people are rather strange, maybe they are not from our God Realm." The leader of the Qin alliance said, while Dugu Huantian was dubious, "Really?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask your master, he must know something." The leader of the Qin alliance said, and that Dugu Huantian looked over, just in time to see that Lei Haixufeng was about to attack Lin Tianxia.

But Lin Tian grabbed it with one hand, and the trident fell into Lin Tian's hands, and Lin Tian also said, "There is no need to show off such a small skill."

The people of the Sea God tribe were shocked, because they never thought that Lin Tian could take away this magic weapon of Lei Haixufeng so easily.

For Lei Haixufeng, he is a master of this tribe, but his magic weapon was taken away, because he felt it was a shame, so he stared at Lin Tiandao, "You are courting death."

After finishing speaking, Lei Haixufeng suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, Leader Qin began to worry, "Tell me, your master, can you do it?"

"When did you meet my master?" Dugu Huantian despised, and the leader of the Qin alliance didn't know what to say, but he had experienced the stealth ability of these guys.

However, Lin Tian seems to know where the other party is, because every time the other party appears, Lin Tian can disappear quickly, making it impossible for the other party to touch him.

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