I saw this Luo Han, under the guidance of Lin Tian, ​​hit a place in the air with his palm, "Boom!"

The snow party that was originally hidden in the clouds was hit on the spot, and then fell seriously injured, and knelt there, as if it was very uncomfortable.

Luo Han then slapped him again, but that Xuefang immediately avoided it in fright, and then said anxiously, "Miss Luo, don't you need to be so ruthless?"

"He said, as long as you are seriously injured, you can listen to the song ten times."

"He must have confuse you!" This Xue Fang became anxious, and began to persuade this Luo Han.

But Luohan didn't take it seriously, and said to Xue Fang, "Just beat you!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Han chased and attacked Xuefang again, and Xuefang was so angry that he hid in a cloud again.

But on the cloud and mist, there is an ice palace.

Luo Han didn't catch up, but looked at Lin Tian, ​​"That's the palace of the Xuehuang clan."

"Are there any other masters inside?" Lin Tian asked, and that Luo Han shook his head.

Lin Tian was overjoyed when he heard that, "Let's go."

So the two went up together, but when they entered the ice palace, Lin Tian saw a lot of people, and each of them was stronger than Xue Fang.

"You, didn't you say there is no one?" Lin Tian frowned, and that Luo Han looked aggrieved, "You asked me if I have any masters, of course I said no."

"Hey, aren't these masters?" Lin Tian didn't know what to say about this "stupid woman", but Luo Han said, "Not masters."

Those members of the Xuehuang clan became gloomy and cold one by one, and some even said, "Too much deceit!"

"This Luoshen clan really doesn't take our clan seriously!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian muttered to himself, "This girl is from the Luoshen clan?"

However, Lin Tian didn't know what tribe the Luoshen Clan was, and it was only after he came to the Xuehuang Clan that he realized that there were orthodox and unorthodox Protoss.

For example, gods like Lin Tian are not real gods in front of these orthodox gods, and naturally they are not real gods.

At this moment, an old voice interrupted, "Miss Luo, why don't you take us seriously?"

The crowd dispersed, and the person who spoke was an old man with a cane, and the cane was in the shape of an ice dragon head, which looked very different.

Not only that, this old man has a snow-white eye, which looks very scary.

Luo Han said seriously, "Patriarch Xue, he said that as long as you defeat him, you can listen to the tune."

After finishing speaking, that Luo Han pointed to Xue Fang who was seriously injured not far away, while the patriarch stared at Lin Tian with the other eye, and his face became strange, "Qu Zi?"

This Xuefang immediately complained, "Patriarch, this kid, I don't know what tune he used to trick this Luo girl, so that Luo girl listened to him very much."

The Xue patriarch stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, tell me, what method did you use to confuse Miss Luo?"

After saying this, those people from the Snow Desolation Clan surrounded the surroundings, and let out their aura one by one, all of them were gods or above.

This made Lin Tian exclaim in his heart, "I didn't expect any tribe in the wasteland to be so terrifying."

Luo Han stood on the edge of Lin Tian, ​​protecting him and saying, "You are not allowed to hurt him!"

"Miss Luo, I think you should wake up." After the patriarch Xue finished speaking, he pointed the crutch in his hand at Luo Han.

The next moment, this Luo Han was instantly frozen in an ice wall, and no matter how hard this Luo Han struggled, he couldn't get out.

The Xue patriarch stared at Lin Tian and said coldly, "Tell me, what method did you use against Miss Luo?"

Lin Tian secretly sighed, "You have to get past it."

"What? Don't dare to speak anymore?" Patriarch Xue said coldly, and Lin Tian smiled back, "There is no way, but Miss Luo's father taught me some skills so that I can discipline her better."

"Patriarch Luo, are you kidding me?" The patriarch Xue frowned suddenly, while Lin Tian said with a smile, "Do I have to be joking?"

"How do you prove it?" The Xue patriarch said coldly, but Lin Tian hesitated, "Have you ever heard of the Sea God Temple?"

"I know, the Sea God Temple is something that the Luo Patriarch gave to Miss Luo." The Snow Patriarch said, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "And now, I am the owner of this Sea God Temple."

"Impossible!" Patriarch Xue shouted immediately, and the others expressed their disbelief, so these people discussed, "Is this kid crazy? He actually said that the Sea God Temple belongs to him?"

"No, I don't look in the mirror to see what I look like."

"On this level? It's not as good as the ordinary disciples of our Protoss!"

That Xue Fang was even more contemptuous, "Boy, it's impossible for you to fool around!"

Just when everyone thought it was impossible, Lin Tian had a thought, and a phantom hall appeared on the palm of his hand.

This hall is exactly what Sea God Hall looks like, and those people stared at Lin Tian with their eyes wide open.

Some became suspicious, "How is this possible?"

Some people frowned, "Could it be true?"

Xue Fang became anxious, "Patriarch, this, this is absolutely fake."

"It's true!" Patriarch Xue became gloomy, and everyone was startled after getting the patriarch's approval, apparently they did not expect such a result.

Lin Tian smiled and looked at everyone, "Now, do you understand?"

Patriarch Xue had no choice but to wave his hand, and untied Luo Han's ice wall, and at the same time said, "You are actually someone that Patriarch Luo favors, so why did you come to my place to make trouble?"

"I didn't make trouble, I just want to get my fiancée back." Lin Tian said, and the Xue patriarch was suspicious, "Fiancée?"

"Yes, it's the one in the ice coffin on your holy mountain." Lin Tian said one by one, and Patriarch Xue looked ugly, "This woman."

"Who put this girl here with you?" Lin Tian wanted to use his and Luo Han's identities to find out something.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Xue said, "I can't say this, so don't ask me."

Lin Tian was a little disappointed, but he pointed at Xuefang, "Then can he leave it to me?"

"Leave it to you, why?" The Xue patriarch was puzzled, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "He has a grudge against me, and I want to settle this grudge with him privately."

Patriarch Xue became suspicious, and Lin Tian smiled, "Didn't you say that I am an unorthodox protoss? What? Is it possible that you are afraid that I, an unorthodox protoss, will defeat your protoss?"

This provocative method really worked, and they shouted one by one, "How can we protoss be afraid of people like you?"

"That's right, our protoss, why are we afraid of you?"

But Xuefang panicked, because he was seriously injured, so he said anxiously, "Clan leader, I, I am injured now, so I cannot fight him one-on-one."

Patriarch Xue gave a blank look, "An unorthodox protoss, let alone a little injury, even if he has half his life left, he must be defeated!"

"This." Snow felt an inexplicable panic, while the Xue patriarch looked at Lin Tian, ​​"For the sake of Patriarch Luo, I promise you, let you compete, but if you lose, leave that woman behind , and leave here."

"But what if I win?" Lin Tian looked at the Xue patriarch with a smile, but the Xue patriarch believed in himself, "You, it is absolutely impossible to win!"

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