Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3294 Unable to send news

Hearing this, Lin Tianhu questioned, "How can you have the blood of the Protoss?"

"In the wasteland, there is a place called Jushen Mountain, and there is a place called Jushenyuan. Only by passing the assessment of Jushenyuan and entering the divine blood pool can you open your own bloodline of the gods."

Lin Tian didn't expect this place to exist in the wasteland and asked, "Where is that place?"

This Xue Shi told Lin Tianhou one by one, "I've told you what I should say, can you let me go?"

"Let you go?"

"Our patriarch asked me to monitor you. If I die at this time, or rebel and follow you, then he will definitely send someone again, and you, why not let me go and let me pretend to continue spying on you, and He reports!"

Lin Tian felt that this method was good, so Lin Tian's soul left the opponent's body, then recovered his physical body and stared at Xueshi and said, "Okay, you can go."

Xueshi turned around and disappeared, but Dugu Huantian was puzzled, "Master, why did you let him go?"

"Anyway, it's useless to keep it." Lin Tian said casually, and after Dugu Huantian said "oh", the fisherman said, "Although this Snow God Clan is said to be a member of the God Clan, you should be careful. The Snow God Clan is backed by the Snow God Territory."

"Snow God Realm?" Lin Tian was curious about what this place was, and the fisherman obviously couldn't reveal more, so he laughed, "Besides, I'm going to die."

"That's fine, I'll take my leave." Lin Tian knew he had to go somewhere, so after being polite, he turned and left.

Dugu Huantian hurriedly followed, and Luo Han immediately said to the fisherman, "Brother Fisherman, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Luo Han quickly caught up with Lin Tian and left here, while Dugu Huantian was curious, "Master, where are we going?"

Luo Han also wanted to know about this question, so she looked at Lin Tian stupidly, and Lin Tian said, "Ju Shen Shan."

"Ju Shen Mountain? What the hell place?" Dugu Huantian was puzzled, while Lin Tian said as he walked, "There is a college on Ju Shen Mountain called Ju Shen Yuan, and after entering this college, you can pass the assessment, go to the Shenxue Pool, and then open the God Clan Bloodline, in this way, you can become a true Protoss, and when the time comes, the people of the Natural Protoss can also tell you something, without being affected by the so-called curse of this wasteland."

"What? There's this matter?" Dugu Huantian exclaimed, and Lin Tian didn't understand it very well, so he could only go and talk about it first.

But Dugu Huantian said expectantly while walking, "Master, can I join too?"

"Of course, I don't limit your freedom." Lin Tian smiled at Dugu Huantian, and Dugu Huantian immediately wanted to run away in excitement.

Luo Han didn't understand very well, so she still followed foolishly, and asked, "Can I hear you playing in that place?"

Lin Tian knew that this Luo Han had a special status, so he couldn't just leave it behind and said with a smile, "Just follow along, I will still play for you every day."

"En." Luo Han nodded heavily, like a little girl who got candy.

In this way, the three of them followed the route given by Xue Shi together.

As for that Xue Fang, he went around to inquire about Lin Tian's whereabouts, until he heard that Lin Tian was going to Jushen Mountain, that Xue Fang immediately found the patriarch Xue, "Patriarch, I heard that kid is going to Jushen Mountain?"

"Well, he has almost reached the foot of the mountain, and depending on the situation, it should be to attack the blood of the gods."

"If he is allowed to have the blood of the God Race, it will be a big trouble." Xuefang immediately became serious, and the Xue patriarch naturally knew, so he said coldly, "No matter what, don't let him have the chance to gather the blood of the God Race."

"Yes!" Xue Fang left afterward, and the Xue patriarch became cold, "How did he know about Jushen Mountain?"

This made Patriarch Xue look ugly, and Lin Tian and the others had already arrived at the foot of Jushen Mountain, and there was a small town here.

In this small town, there are many people doing business and passing by, and some of these people are from the wasteland, and some are from outsiders.

However, it is difficult to tell the difference from the outside, unless the other party reveals his strength, he will know whether the other party is a protoss or a non-protoss.

"Master, why can everyone get along together here, but not fight?" Dugu Huantian felt puzzled when he saw this scene.

Lin Tian pointed to a notice in the small town, "Look, there is an announcement there."

Dugu Huantian looked over, and saw that the notice in the town read like this, "All living beings are equal..."

Not only that, but there is also a signature below, belonging to Jushenyuan, and it is also left by a man named Jiang Shen.

"Master, who is this God Jiang? He can say this, and let everyone abide by it."

"Should be, he is a remarkable person." Lin Tian said, while Dugu Huantian said with a smile, "But no matter who he is, at least we are here, so we don't want to be looked down upon by some Protoss people."

"I will definitely roll my eyes. After all, there are ranks and ranks in any place. Even in one place, those people still think that they are superior. For example, you see, those people in the same teahouse, the Protoss, will sit down. together, and very protoss, not."

"Really." This Dugu Huantian was surprised, and Lin Tian looked at another place, where there was a sign hanging outside the shop, "Those who enter Jushenyuan, please enter this shop."

"Go, go and have a look." Seeing that, Lin Tian took the two of them there, and the people who entered the store were naturally non-protoss, so everyone was relatively polite, as if they had come to a strange place. warming each other up.

But Dugu Huantian was puzzled, "Master, I think most of the people who come here are from the God Realm, right?"


"But it turned out to be so, so why didn't this kind of thing spread to the God Realm?" Dugu Huantian was puzzled, and this question also attracted Lin Tian's attention, "The Jushenyuan, according to reason, is a good place for those who have not yet become gods." Where to go, after all, after becoming a god in the God Realm, you have to leave, but here, you can have the blood of the gods and become a member of the gods, so you don't need to leave."

Dugu Huantian also had the same principle, so he wondered, "Why is that?"

"Maybe, there is some reason." Lin Tian said, and Dugu Huantian knew that the sound transmission talisman here was useless, so he planned to use something to record it.

Unexpectedly, any recorded things are invalid here, and this scene shocked Dugu Huantian, "Master, it can't be recorded."

"It seems that here, the general magic weapon and the means of recording are useless, and the location of the wasteland will change at any time, which leads to the gathering of the gods. Only the people of the gods know it, and it is difficult for the people of the gods to keep track of it. Get the news out."

"Then there will always be fish that slip through the net, right?" Dugu Huantian didn't think that this kid could be so closed that he couldn't spread it out, but Lin Tian smiled, "Maybe, we will know when we leave later."

Dugu Huantian nodded, "That's true."

At this time, it was the turn of Lin Tian and the three, and the shopkeeper was a white beard. He looked at Lin Tian and the three and said, "The protoss fill in this white form, not the protoss, fill in this black form."

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