Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3299 Extraordinary Mission

Not only that, some places are also very lively like the vegetable market, and Dugu Huantian came over curiously, and when he learned about it, he ran back and said with a smile, "Master, we are lucky today, and we encountered a special task."

"Special mission?"

"Yes, here, a special task will be released every day, and this special task is a pre-emptive system. For example, a task is released in a unified way. After everyone accepts it, they will complete it together. Whoever completes the top three first will make a difference. Rewards and merit points."

Lin Tianoh asked, "Then what's the task today?"

"Waiting for the announcement, it may take another quarter of an hour." Dugu Huantian said, and Lin Tian had to wait there with Luo Han.

This Lan Yuqi led the people to appear, while that Xuefang followed, until after a while, when he came to the crowd, the Lan Yuqi person shouted, "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Everyone saw that it belonged to the blue-collar protoss. In an instant, countless people dispersed and gave way, while Dugu Huantian on the side muttered, "What are you dragging?"

Lan Yuqi walked past Lin Tian and the others proudly, and squinted at Lin Tian and the others, and sneered, "I'm going to decide the reward for this mission."

Dugu Huan was not as good as the other party, so he said bluntly for a while, "Who will get this reward, it's not certain!"

"Oh? Are you going to fight me?" This Lan Yuqi deliberately provoked Dugu Huantian, wanting Lin Tian and others to accept this task, so that it would be easy to clean up.

Dugu Huantian was going to participate, so he said, "That's right!"

Everyone exclaimed, and some people were still muttering, "This non-protoss is a bit crazy, and he actually competed with Young Master Lan."

"When they get out of Jushen Mountain, they won't be protected by the rules of the academy, and then they will suffer."

"That's right, once outside, Young Master Lan will kill them, it couldn't be easier!"

In order to prevent Lin Tian and the others from retreating, Xuefang still stared at Dugu Huantian and said with a smile, "Then you better not be cowards!"

Dugu Huantian didn't want to lose, so he hummed, "I'm afraid it's you who will be the ones!"

"Okay!" Xuefang said with a heavy tone, and then smiled half-smile, while the scene became lively.

After a while, a disciple of Gongde Pavilion came out, took out a scroll and opened it, and everyone stared at him, wanting to see what the mission was.

"Today's task is the heart of the God Thunder Python King of the Wasteland."

"What?" Everyone at the scene stared wide-eyed, and some people said anxiously, "This brother, the King of the God Thunder Python, is the overlord of the God Thunder Swamp."

"That's right, the swamp not only has poisonous gas, but also all kinds of blindfolds. Once you fall into it, you will fall into the swamp of divine thunder. You don't know how you will die."

"It's more than that, the god thunder python there is very poisonous and very fast, and this python king is even more powerful!"

But the person in the Gongde Pavilion ignored it, and added a sentence after the reading, "The third place will be rewarded with 30,000 points, the second place will be rewarded with 50,000 points and a copy of the academy's God-Scaring Pill, and the first place will be rewarded with 100,000 points and a A magic weapon!"

As soon as these words came out, the people at the scene exclaimed one by one, and some even showed expressions of disbelief.

"God soldiers?"

"It's really a big deal this time."

"Let's go, hurry up to the Shenlei Swamp." Countless people left in groups, and the person from the Gongde Pavilion announced, "From now on, this task will be valid for one day."

After speaking, those who remained left one after another.

On the other hand, Xue took a glance at the indifferent Lin Tian and the other three with strange smiles, "Three, Shenlei Swamp, waiting for you."

That Lan Yuqi also stared at Lin Tian fiercely, "Don't be a grandson!"

Then a group of them left, but Dugu Huantian looked at Lin Tian embarrassedly and said, "Master, I was outspoken just now, so I competed with them."

"What? Regret it?"

"Swamp of God Thunder, it sounds scary, and you saw it just now, there are at least 5,000 people who go there, and they want to be in the top three, that's it."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "There is danger, there is opportunity, let's go."

"Master, are you really going?"

"Twenty days left, if you don't do anything, just be in a daze, that's pretty boring." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he wanted to go and have a look, and learn more about this wasteland by the way.

After Dugu Huan Tianen's voice, he immediately jumped up and down to keep up, and Luo Han didn't know where to go, but wherever Lin Tian went, she would go there.

At the moment, on the top of a mountain in a college, there is an attic, and there are several people sitting in the attic.

Everyone is flashing like a shadow, and Mr. Hu, that is, the one from Xinren Hall, looked through the window and saw the situation of Gongde Pavilion not far away, and then became serious, "Gongde Pavilion, why is there such a dangerous situation today?" Task?"

At this time, another shadow flickered and smiled, "My Gongde Pavilion will set out a difficult mission every year. The purpose is to select some special disciples from the mission."

"Oh? Special disciples? Is that day coming again?" Teacher Hu asked curiously, while the shadow Ensheng said, "Every year, it will be weaker there, and powerful geniuses need to go there."

Teacher Hu snorted, and the shadow was curious, "Mr. Hu, you didn't ask questions in the past. Why did you suddenly call everyone here today? You seem to be in a hurry."

"Master Dragon Pavilion, do you know that one of the newcomers today is a woman from the Luoshen clan." That teacher Hu asked.

"What?" The shadow was startled, and the other shadows were also surprised one by one.

Then there was a lot of chatter at the scene, until the Dragon Pavilion Master of Gongde Pavilion worried, "So, you are afraid that she will also participate in it, and then something will happen?"

"En." Elder Hu said kindly, while the Dragon Pavilion Master hesitated, "Then I'm afraid Teacher Hu should go and take a look secretly. If necessary, ensure her safety. After all, the Luoshen Clan is one of the four ancient gods. If she can win this time and enter that place, she will definitely make it stronger."

"You asked me to help you cheat?" Teacher Hu was stunned for a moment and then smiled wryly, while Pavilion Master Long said awkwardly, "With her ability, she should be able to be in the top three, but I'm afraid that something will happen to her."

Teacher Hu looked helpless, "To be honest, she is really good, talented, and blood of the Nine-Star God Clan, but she is not good at communication, and she only listens to a non-protoss human being."

"Oh? What's going on?" Dragon Pavilion Master was curious, and the others were also puzzled. As for Mr. Hu, after explaining one by one, he said, "At that time, I wanted to talk to her alone, but she behaved like this."

After hearing this, the Dragon Pavilion Master sighed, "Perhaps, people from the Luoshen Clan are quite special."

"No matter what, I'll take a look in the dark first, and I'll take action when necessary."

"Well, by the way, let's see if there are any good seedlings this time." The Dragon Pavilion Master reminded, and Mr. Hu got up with a kind voice, and then disappeared in a flash.

Everyone continued to discuss the appearance of this Luoshen woman.

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