Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3309 three people who were sold

After the man in the blood-red robe finished speaking, he flashed past, and Lin Tian's phantom appeared from a corner, and looked at the place where those people disappeared just now.

"Who are these people?" Lin Tianmoying became suspicious.

When Lin Tian was protecting Luo Han, he said to the teacher Hu who was leading the way, "They will sneak into Jushen Mountain."

Teacher Hu stopped suddenly, staring at Lin Tian, ​​"Sneak in?"

"Yes." Lin Tianben said kindly, and the teacher Hu said, "We are heavily guarded at Jushen Mountain, and those people cannot enter."

But Lin Tian described the scene just now one by one, and Mr. Hu stared wide-eyed, "How did you find out?"

"I followed them with a shadow and saw the scene just now." Lin Tian explained.

Teacher Hu became serious when he heard this, "It seems that I have to go back and discuss it with other pavilion masters."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Hu hurriedly took the three of them back, and after Mr. Hu told them not to wander around, he went to the highest peak and said anxiously, "It appeared."

"Appeared? What appeared?" The Dragon Pavilion Master Hu of the Gongde Pavilion asked, while the other pavilion masters also stared at Mr. Hu curiously.

Mr. Hu recounted what happened just now and what Lin Tian saw. When everyone finished listening, they all became startled.

"It's really lawless!" As the leader of the Law Enforcement Pavilion, Hei Pavilion immediately became angry, while the leader of the Dragon Pavilion was solemn, "The top priority now is to review everyone who enters."

"Starting tomorrow, I will check every newcomer," said Mr. Hu.

But Pavilion Master Wan suddenly said, "Then what if he sneaked into the body of a certain disciple and got in?"

Everyone was suddenly surprised, because in this case, they would have no way of knowing the whereabouts of those people.

"No matter what, I still protect that girl secretly, so that if something happens, I can take action in time." The Wan Pavilion Master said.

Everyone agreed, and Lin Tian was walking with Luo Han on the path of the college at the moment. As for Dugu Huantian, he was depressed, "Master, why did those people come after Miss Luo?"

"I don't know." Lin Tian was also confused at the moment, and Luo Han himself didn't understand, until the three of them walked out of the trail and came to a main road, where they saw Su Luo covered in scars.

Su Luo looked at Lin Tian angrily, "I want to fight you."

"About me?" Lin Tian didn't understand what the other party meant, but at this time Lan Yuqi and the others ran out, and one of them, Xue, teased, "I'm asking you out of the academy to fight."

"Not interested!" Lin Tian immediately refused, especially since Luo Han was in danger at the moment, it was even more impossible for him to be bored enough to compete with other people.

So after speaking, Lin Tian walked past these people, and these people abused Lin Tian in various ways, and said that Lin Tian was a coward.

Dugu Huan couldn't handle the weather, and said sullenly, "Master, I really want to go outside with them and have a fight."

"Then you go, but just don't lie down and come back." Lin Tian said casually, and Dugu Huantian immediately said awkwardly, "This, let's forget it."

Lin Tian smiled, but after those people scolded for a while, the shabby old man looked at everyone, "Do you really want to ask him out?"

"What? Do you have a solution?" Lan Yuqi looked at the ragtag old man, and the ragtag old man said with a smile, "I have a solution, but you have to follow me outside before I can tell you."

"Why?" Lan Yuqi was puzzled, but the ragged old man said with a smile, "I have many magic weapons, which are hidden outside."

Hearing this, everyone immediately became interested, and let the shabby old man lead the way one by one.

The shabby old man smiled slightly, and led them out, and finally came to a forest, and after digging in a place for a while, he took out a bunch of blood-red utensils.

"Here, one for each."

"What is this?" Lan Yuqi was curious, and Su Luo was also puzzled, and Xue Fang was even more puzzled.

"This thing, if you inject power, you will know it." The tattered old man said, and Lan Yuqi knew that the tattered old man had many strange magic weapons, so he hurriedly injected power.

But after injecting power, Lan Yuqi suddenly became sluggish, and Su Luo and Xue Fang also injected quickly when they saw this.

However, the shabby old man smiled half-smile, "Everyone, how are you?"

The three came back to their senses, and stared angrily at the tattered old man, and the tattered old man smiled and said, "I'm also in business, and now I've sold the three of you to that lord."

Lan Yuqi said, "Do you know who my father is?"

Su Luo exclaimed even more angrily, "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Xue Fang was even more anxious, and the old man said with a smile, "Now, your life is in the hands of the lord, so if you don't want to die, just listen to him obediently."

After finishing speaking, the shabby old man left with a smile, and the three gritted their teeth in anger.

At this moment, a blood-red phantom appeared, wearing a blood-red robe, and staring at the three of them.

The three of them were startled, because they saw this person when they injected power into those vessels just now, and this person directly locked their souls, as long as they had any thoughts of escaping, they would be killed by the other party.

"You, who are you?" Lan Yuqi couldn't help asking, but the other party knew with a hoarse voice, "Don't worry about who I am."

Su Luo was angry, "Do you know who we are?"

Unexpectedly, the man pointed at Su Luo, and Su Luo immediately knelt down, unable to use his strength, so frightened that he said in horror, "My lord, I was wrong."

"Just know." The man said coldly, but Su Luo panicked, "You, what do you want?"

"We have a common enemy, so you don't have to be nervous." The man laughed, and the three were suspicious, "A common enemy?"

At this time, the man continued, "That woman, I want to arrest her."

After finishing speaking, the man showed Luo Han's appearance, and said to the three of them, "I'm going to catch her, but what you're going to deal with is the man next to her, right?"

When the three of them heard this, they immediately nodded wildly, and the man smiled and said, "Very well, we can cooperate. When the time comes, I will catch this woman and help you deal with this human being by the way, how about it?"

When the three of them were overjoyed, Su Luo, who was still angry, said, "My lord, what do you want us to do?"

Lan Yuqi also became excited, and the man in the blood robe smiled, "It's very simple, I will divide into three forces and sneak into your body, so as to prevent the masters of your academy from finding out."

As soon as these words came out, the opponent divided into three forces and entered the bodies of the three, and then the three felt as if there was a voice in their ears.

"Now all you have to do is go back to the academy and do as I tell you."

The three said excitedly, "Yes."

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