Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3311 A Back View

That Su Luo laughed evilly, "Yes, it's right here!"

Dugu Huantian immediately walked to Luo Han's side and said anxiously, "We have her."

Su Luo smiled strangely, "She, of course someone will deal with it, there is no need for us."

"Who?" Dugu Huantian was puzzled, but at this moment Su Luo and Lan Yuqi glanced at each other, and the blood from the three of them gathered together.

The blood light then turned into a man in a blood-red robe, and this man was holding a weird black bracelet in his hand. When it shook, Luo Han fell into a daze.

"It turned out to be this voice." Lin Tian suddenly realized, and Dugu Huantian said in shock, "Who is this?"

The man in the blood-red robe looked at the three of Su Luo and said, "You guys did a good job."

The three were overjoyed, and that Su Luo also said, "It's all the wise guidance of the seniors."

"Tell me, you three, which one do you want me to deal with?" The man in the blood-red robe asked, and that Su Luo pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"He, hurt him, and leave it to us."

"A non-protoss?" The man in the blood-red robe laughed, and the three nodded.

Then the man in the blood-red robe stared at Lin Tian and smiled strangely, "Boy, tell me, if you want to be injured painfully, it's not painful."

"Whether you will be injured or not is up to you." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the man in the blood-red robe smiled, "Why? Are you still able to escape?"

"Escape? Who said I want to escape?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the man in the blood-red robe asked curiously, "Oh? Then what can you do, can't you avoid my attack?"

"I don't need me!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he smiled strangely, and then countless phantoms appeared everywhere.

I can only see these phantoms looming, and these people are all pavilion masters.

Seeing this scene, the man in the blood-red robe was startled, "This."

The three of them also stared wide-eyed, wondering what was going on, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I knew you were hiding inside the three of them, so I brought you here on purpose."

"What?" The three of them and the man in the blood-red robe turned pale in shock, while Mr. Hu stared at the man in the robe, "Xieaoshan, I thought it was someone, but I didn't expect it to be you."

The person named Xieaoshan snorted, "You think you can keep me in this way?"

"Here, we have already arranged it, so it is not very possible for you to escape." Teacher Hu laughed.

The other pavilion masters also stared at Xie Ao Shan one after another, but Xie Ao Shan became anxious, and finally stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you dare to bully me."

"I didn't want to be an enemy to anyone, but if anyone wants to provoke me, then I will not be polite." Lin Tian looked at Xieao Mountain with a smile.

When Xie Aoshan heard this, he became angry instantly, and still stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you wait for me, I will definitely not let you go."

After finishing speaking, Xieao Mountain's blood became stronger, and those pavilion masters and Mr. Hu immediately besieged it.

I saw that Xieao Mountain was very powerful, even if he was attacked by several people, he could still stand firm for a while, but he was one person after all, and these pavilion masters were all masters.

So after a while, the Xieao Mountain roared and turned into a beam of blood, and that Mr. Hu was shocked, "Blood God Escaping Soul Technique!"

At this time, the opponent's body turned into bloody light, and then burned up, while the soul disappeared in a leap.

Teacher Hu cursed secretly, "Damn it."

The other pavilion masters chased them out one after another, and only Pavilion Master Hei and Mr. Hu remained in the end.

I saw the Hei Pavilion Master staring at the three trembling Su Luo, "Three, should you explain?"

"Yes, someone tricked us." Su Luo hurriedly defended, and this Lan Yuqi also nodded madly, "Yes, that, that old man."

"Old man? What old man?" Hei Pavilion Master asked, and Lan Yuqi described them one by one.

Lin Tian, ​​who was on the side, also thought of the old man, and wondered in his heart, "Could it be that the old man has something to do with these people."

Pavilion Master Hei looked at Mr. Hu, "I will investigate this old man's matter, and you continue to take good care of them."


After the Hei Pavilion Master finished speaking, he stared at the three of them, "Go, let me accept the punishment!"

The three dared not refuse, so they had to leave obediently, but Mr. Hu looked at Lin Tian and said, "Fortunately, you were smart this time and forced him to show up."

"But he still escaped." Lin Tian said helplessly, and Mr. Hu said, "His physical body is ruined, and his soul probably won't cause too much trouble."

Lin Tian knew that the soul is sometimes more terrifying than the physical body, so he didn't carelessly said, "It's better to be careful."


"What's the matter with that bracelet?" Lin Tian pointed at Luo Han, but Mr. Hu said, "I will tell you when you become a protoss."

After finishing speaking, Teacher Hu told Lin Tian and the others to leave here, and after Dugu Huantian walked out of the cave, he asked curiously, "Master, you arranged this?"

"Arrange what?"

"The cave." Dugu Huantian said belatedly at this moment, and Lin Tian laughed, "It's sort of."

"Master, you are really amazing." Dugu Huantian worshiped, but Lin Tian couldn't be happy at all, and said, "But the other party is very powerful."


"Several masters besieged before they retreated. If it was one-on-one, no one could be his opponent." Lin Tian explained.

Dugu Huantian took a breath, "It's really scary."

"Be careful recently, don't leave my side, or if he appears again, it will be troublesome."


After Dugu Huantian's grace sounded, he began to follow Lin Tian silently, not daring to leave Lin Tian for half a step, but Lin Tian took Luo Han back to the practice square, and then quietly "waited" there.

In a hidden cave near Jushen Mountain, that Xieao Mountain reappeared, but he only had one soul left, and in front of him stood a figure from behind.

The figure flickered on the wall.

"My lord." Xie Aoshan said respectfully to this figure, while that figure said coldly, "You failed and exposed me."

"I didn't expect this to happen." Xie Ao Shan said nervously.

"Soon, they will investigate me, but I will find a way to sneak in, but you have to find a way to avoid their detection, and find a way to catch that kid for me."

"That kid? Isn't that from the Luoshen clan?"

"Didn't you realize that as long as that kid is around, you won't be able to catch that Luoshen clan?" The figure said coldly.

"That boy is really hateful." The Xie Aoshan was angry, and the figure continued to say, "Although he is a human being, his cultivation level is not high, but he is cunning and capable, so you must plan well before you do it, you know?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"In the past few days, stop for a while, just in case."


Then the figure disappeared, and this Xieaoshan was annoyed, "Damn boy, when I catch you, I will definitely kill you!"

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