Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3314 Poison gas barrier

Lin Tian knew that the blood-severing magic was still too weak. If he could reach the fifth level and weaken the opponent's strength by half, it would be much easier to deal with.

But at this moment, he could only look for an opportunity, so he ignored the phantom and dispersed, and opened the field.

Shenhuo kills the domain, and at this moment Lin Tian, ​​the one-star god king, can spread the domain to twenty steps away, and the range has become larger.

Not only that, but the number of phantoms that can be overlapped has increased, making a hundred-fold domain into a two-hundred-fold domain.

The power of these two hundred domains is naturally explosive, but it still pales in front of the protoss geniuses.

Therefore, Feng Yu was attacked by these divine fire sword shadows at will, and he didn't care, because his wind shattered these sword shadows casually.

Lin Tian looked at his domain of reincarnation, and the domain of reincarnation had been able to weaken one-tenth of the strength, even with the blood-severing magic, it seemed that it was still a bit insufficient.

So Lin Tian had no choice but to say to Shenlei Python King, "It's up to you, please help me."

"My lord, this guy is not easy, but I can use poisonous gas to put the opponent into a defensive state." Shen Lei Python King said immediately after knowing that Feng Yu was not easy.


I saw that the God Thunder Python King suddenly spewed out a black air current with lightning, trapping the wind feather in an area on the spot.

Although Feng Yu was not poisoned, he condensed a windshield to protect himself, and then wondered, "Boy, you actually put poison?"

"It's this time, do you still care about whether I release the poison?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, and Feng Yu snorted, "Scumbag!"

"It's ridiculous, I'm just a god king of the human race, but you, a god race, can you compare?"

Feng Yu was so angry that he wanted to attack, but the poisonous gas was always lingering there, looking for an opportunity to invade Feng Yu's body at any time, Feng Yu could only protect himself all the time, and then shouted to that Lei Tianming, "Brother Lei, hurry up, come and deal with him."

Lei Tianming hurried over, intending to sneak attack Lin Tian, ​​but the God Thunder Python King released poisonous gas again, trapping Lei Tianming there too.

Lin Tian shouted to Luo Han, "Go to the exit first, I'll come right away."

"Are you really coming?" Luo Han was worried, and after Lin Tian nodded, Luo Han walked over.

Lin Tian looked at the two with a smile, "You two, I won't play with you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian jumped in a space, also arrived at the teleportation array, and left here.

Feng Yu and the others were so angry that they shattered the poisonous gas, and walked out of the poisonous gas barrier, while Lei Tianming said angrily, "I didn't expect that members of our majestic top ten gods would be played by a kid?"

Feng Yu said coldly, "He must die!"

"Go!" Lei Tianming also walked out depressed.

Feng Yu was very unwilling, but still had no choice but to walk out of the teleportation array silently.

At this moment, when Lin Tian and Luo Han came outside, the Dragon Pavilion Master and Teacher Hu hurriedly looked at them, and after seeing that they were all right, they breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Lin Tian returned to his physical body, and also got this Dugu Huantian out.

When Dugu Huantian saw that it was all right, he asked with a sigh of relief, "Master, where are those two guys?"

"Back." Lin Tian pointed to the back, and then the two came out angrily.

Pavilion Master Long and Teacher Hu were curious about what happened to the two, and Dugu Huantian immediately complained.

When Pavilion Master Long heard this, he frowned, "Lei Tianming, Feng Yu, you two, did you really do this?"

Unexpectedly, Lei Tianming said with a smile, "We saw that he is quite capable, so we played with him and didn't mean to hurt him."

Feng Yu also said with a cheeky smile, "That's not it."

Dugu Huantian said, "You are just jealous of my master's ability."

"Jealous?" Lei Tianming asked back, and that Feng Yu also sneered, "Our mighty young master of the top ten gods will be jealous of a human race?"

"My master, one person can use three talismans to seal the abyss, so you are jealous." Dugu Huantian said.

Hearing this, the Dragon Pavilion Master was surprised, "What? He uses three talismans by himself?"

Teacher Hu was also puzzled, "What's going on?"

Dugu Huantian explained the matter aside and said, "It's because of this that they are jealous and then murderous."

The Dragon Pavilion Master was extremely excited, and stared at Lin Tian and asked, "Are you sure?"

"That abyss is nothing more than the soul attacking people. As long as the soul is strong enough and has more defenses, it will naturally survive."

This is an understatement, but in the eyes of the Dragon Pavilion Master and Mr. Hu, it is a big deal, but that Lei Tianming said disdainfully, "Don't be complacent."

"That's right, there are a lot of powerful souls in our Protoss." This Feng Yu also said with contempt.

Seeing these two people, Dugu Huantian, who refused to admit it, naturally did not give up, and said to the two Dragon Pavilion masters, "Both of you, you must make decisions for us, otherwise we will almost die."

Pavilion Master Long looked at Lei Tianming and Feng Yu and said coldly, "Both of your rewards will be cancelled, and you have to go to the Law Enforcement Pavilion to find Pavilion Master Hei, and ask him how to punish you."

Lei Tianming and Feng Yu felt unwilling, but they had no choice but to say in unison, "Yes."

Then the two left angrily, and the Dragon Pavilion Master looked at Lin Tian and the others and said, "This time, it's really troublesome."

"Then what about the points and generous rewards?" Dugu Huantian looked forward to it.

"Two hundred thousand points, we will record each of you later, and the generous reward is this, one for each." After speaking, the Dragon Pavilion Master took out three small boxes, each of which contained a silver elixir.

Dugu Huantian was puzzled, "What is this?"

"Sacred Blood Pill, although there is no Divine Blood Pond, which can allow people to generate or change the blood of the God Race, but it can allow people to have the blood of the God Race for a short period of time, and it lasts for an hour. When necessary, it can save your life."

Dugu Huantian was overjoyed, but Lin Tian was curious, "With this elixir, I have the blood of the gods?"

"Fake blood of the God Race." The Dragon Pavilion Master said, and Lin Tian was curious, "Then, can I know something about the God Race?"

Teacher Hu immediately interrupted, "Some things about the Protoss are still not possible, you have to go through the Divine Blood Pool."

Lin Tian had no choice but to put away the box, and said, "It's nothing, then let's go."

After finishing speaking, the three of them left, and the Dragon Pavilion Master said happily, "This kid, it's really not easy, he can use three talismans by himself."

"What's great about him is not this, but his ability to escape from Lei Tianming and Feng Yu." Teacher Hu became serious.

These words immediately startled Pavilion Master Long, "That's right, if you don't tell me, I'll forget about it, and there's this matter."

"A human race, who is only a god king, can escape from the two geniuses." Teacher Hu was puzzled.

Pavilion Master Long took a deep breath, "Go, go and have a good talk with other guys first."

"You go, I will continue to protect them secretly, save the evil gods, and keep an eye on them again." After Teacher Hu finished speaking, he immediately followed Lin Tian and others secretly.

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