Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3325 Beast God Clan

"Rules are dead, people are alive!"

Bai Mu became serious, "Brother, if you do this, you will be held accountable by the Sushenyuan, and even you will not be able to enter."

But Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "What if I hide her in one of my spaces? Don't you all know?"

But Bai Mu smiled, "Before entering our Sushenyuan, all space magic weapons will be invalid, that is to say, it is useless for you to hide anyone."

Lin Tian knew that the Sea God Temple was extraordinary, so he wanted to try it, so he said, "Well, I will put her in my magic weapon. If I am found in the Temple of God, I will be considered unlucky, how about it?"

"Are you sure you want to try?" The Bai Mu looked suspicious when he heard Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian nodded.

Bai Mu could only sigh, "Don't blame me for being ruthless, if something happens then, I won't care about you!"

"Please!" Lin Tian took the initiative to smile, but Bai Mu had no choice but to lead the way, but murmured in his heart, "This guy, is he so confident?"

Lin Tian had already asked Luo Han to hide in the Sea God Temple, and pretended that nothing happened, followed him to Sushen Temple.

However, the teleportation array of Sushenyuan is in a teleportation array in the small courtyard, so Bai Mu took Lin Tian to the teleportation array first.

When Lin Tian and Bai Mu appeared again, they had already arrived at the foot of a mountain.

I saw that the mountain was surrounded by a burst of magic, and at the entrance, there was a large hall.

That Baimu frightened Lin Tian, ​​"When passing through this hall, all magic weapons of space will be invalid, when the time comes."

"I will take responsibility myself!" Lin Tian said to Bai Mu, and Bai Mu had no choice but to take a deep breath and said, "It turned out to be like this, then I will take you there."

I saw Bai Mu leading Lin Tian into the hall, but all the magic weapons on Lin Tian's body had been thrown into the Sea God Hall, so the power in the hall had no effect on him.

So Lin Tian swaggered through, and Bai Mu on the other side thought that Lin Tian would be discovered, but Lin Tian was fine.

This made Bai Mu look at Lin Tian strangely, "Boy, how did you do it?"

"My magic weapon of space is quite special." Lin Tian's words made Bai Mu realize that Lin Tian must have some important magic weapon space, so he asked with a smile, "Brother, what is the origin of your magic weapon space?"

"Secret." Lin Tian smiled, but Bai Mu came to pester Lin Tian with interest, "Brother, as long as you tell me, I will cover you in Sushenyuan in the future!"

Just as Lin Tian was about to say something, a man with big nostrils and two horns appeared in front of him, "I can't even protect myself, and still want to cover others? I said Bai Mu, are you too crazy?"

When Bai Mu saw this peer in front of him, he cursed inwardly, but he said with a smile on his face, "Niu Lu, what do you mean?"

Niu Lu belongs to the Beast God Clan. Although they are also God Clan, they are beasts. In this world, the Beast God Clan is a rare race.

As for the Beast God Clan, Lin Tian only knew about it after he knew about the God Clan, and it was rumored that the Beast God Clan was domineering in strength and explosive in temper.

So this Niu Lu glanced at Lin Tian and laughed, "I mean, you are so weak and want to protect others, how naive!"

"I'm weak? That's when you didn't see that I was strong." This Bai Mu had to save some face, otherwise he felt too ashamed.

"Oh? Is that so? If there is an opportunity, come to discuss and learn from each other?" This Niu Lu teased, and this Bai Mu said with a smile, "Today I want to bring in a new disciple, so I don't have time!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Mu took Lin Tian with him and left, but Niu Lu had a strong air current blocking Lin Tian and them.

Bai Mu asked anxiously, "What do you mean?"

Niu Lu smiled, "According to the rules of the academy, new disciples have to choose a mountain from the four major peaks of Sushenyuan, and I, of course, represent my Beast God Peak to invite him to go."

"He's a human being, why go to your Beast God Peak?" Bai Mu asked angrily, while Niu Lu said with a smile, "Our Beast God Peak accepts everyone, is there a problem?"

"If you need a disciple, go outside and do the assessment task by yourself, don't stop him halfway." Bai Mu said with contempt.

But Niu Lu shook his head and smiled, "No, I just like waiting for ready-made ones here."


"Why? Dissatisfied?" Niu Lu had a half-smile, but Bai Mu said, "What? Want to fight?"

But Niu Lu pretended to be civilized, "The college has rules, you can't fight casually."

"Then what do you mean now?" Bai Muqi said, while Niu Lu said with a smile, "The academy said that new disciples can voluntarily choose one of the four peaks."

Bai Mu snorted, "Now, he wants to go with me to our mountain, Su Tianfeng!"

"Really? Why don't I know?" Niu Lu looked at Lin Tian, ​​and then said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, if you don't want to die, go to our Beast God Peak, otherwise."

But Lin Tian didn't like to be frightened, so he would rather leave with Bai Mu, so he said in front of Niu Lu and Bai Mu, "I think it's better to follow Brother Bai to this Sutian Peak."

When Bai Mu heard it, he was overjoyed, "How is it, did you hear that?"

Niu Lu originally thought that he could easily make Lin Tian submit, after all, he was just a god king, but when he heard this, Niu Lu was annoyed, "Boy, are you not giving me face?"

"I'm a human being, not a beast. Please let me go." Lin Tian euphemistically said, but Niu Lu suddenly turned into a huge shadow of a cow, lying there, and then said, "I'm sleepy."

Bai Mu didn't expect that Niu Lu would act shamelessly and said, "What are you fooling around?"

"I'm sleeping, what are you playing?" Niu Lu pretended to be stupid, and Bai Mu was so angry that he wanted to do it, but he knew he couldn't do it, otherwise he would be punished if he did it himself.

But at this moment, Lin Tian looked at Bai Mu, "Can you jump over?"

"Difficult, his body blocked all the way."

"It's fine if the space is not blocked." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he flickered and disappeared, reappeared, and had reached the other side.

Niu Lu was startled, and hurried back to his adult form, looking at Lin Tian in front of him, he asked, "Boy, how did you get there?"

Not only Niu Lu, but also this Bai Mu was startled, and ran over happily, "Brother, you are really amazing."

But Niu Lu still questioned, "Boy, I'm asking you something!"

"Do I need to answer you?" Lin Tian looked at Bai Mu after finishing speaking, "Let's go."

Bai Muensheng immediately looked at Niu Lu with high spirits, and then said with a smile, "Goodbye!"

Niu Lu didn't expect that after being humiliated by a god king guy, he was upset on the spot, then snorted and disappeared.

After seeing Niu Lu disappear, Bai Mu gradually put away his smile and said, "This Niu Lu is very vengeful."

"I didn't mess with him, so why does he hold me against me?" Lin Tian looked helpless.

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