Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3329 Reveal Your Identity

For this question, Lin Tian didn't answer right away, but said, "It's nothing."

"Nothing?" Bai Mu didn't quite believe it, but at this moment, a woman stood in the distance, staring at Lin Tian and Bai Mu who were sitting there.

I saw a lot of butterflies tattooed on the woman's face, and there were all kinds of strange butterflies.

On a tree beside her, there was a red light, "Did you see it, it's him."

"You asked me to kill him?"

"In Sushenyuan, it is naturally difficult for you to kill him, but you have to find a way to get him out of Sushenyuan before attacking him."

The woman said coldly and arrogantly, "Does a god king need me to spend so much trouble?"

"You think he's very simple?" asked the bloody light, and the woman said confidently, "Let him challenge me, it's fine."

"Do you think people are fools? If they challenge you, they must challenge you?"

The woman hesitated and said, "You are not a beast. Is he looking for our evil gods? I will make a bet with him. If he wins me, I will tell him, and he will naturally compete with me."

"Maybe not so gullible."

"Go and have a look first." After the woman finished speaking, she flashed past, while the bloody light muttered, "I hope it will succeed."

At this moment, Lin Tian was asking Baimu about Sushenyuan, and at this moment, the woman with butterfly tattoos came, "Are you the new god king?"

Bai Mu heard this voice, then turned around, and was startled, "Wind, windy butterfly."

Lin Tian knew that this was the second woman on Su Tianfeng's ranking list, but her sudden appearance here made Lin Tian a little confused, so he activated the "God's Eye Technique", and it turned out that the other party was related to the evil gods.

At this time, Feng Caidie said, "I want to talk to him."

Bai Mu was suspicious, "He?"

"It is said that he is very powerful and defeated the top ten people. I want to compete with him." Said Feng Caidie, and Bai Mu was startled, "Just kidding, you are the second."

"Isn't he very powerful?" Feng Caidie stared at Lin Tian, ​​her eyes remained motionless, but she sent a voice transmission to Lin Tian in private, "Boy, if you want to know where the evil gods are, you can duel with me. If I lose, I will tell you, but if you lose, then give me your life and the life of that girl."

Who knew that Lin Tian laughed, "You people from the Evil God Clan, don't you all like to treat others as fools?"

When Bai Mu heard this, his eyes were puzzled, "The evil gods?"

"Yes, she is also from the Evil God Clan." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Bai Mu was taken aback, but Feng Caidie pretended to be stupid and said, "I am whoever you say I am."

"Oh? Don't admit it?"

"So what if you admit it, so what if you don't admit it? Can you prove it?" Fengcai Die smiled half-smile, while Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then you don't want to compete with me. Anyway, if you lose, some of you will kill you secretly. Therefore, it is impossible for me to know about the Evil God Clan from you."

Feng Caidie smiled after hearing this, "So, you don't want to compete anymore?"

"I just don't want to waste time." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he ignored her, but he knew in his heart that the opponent was an eight-star land, and coupled with the fact that the opponent was on guard, it was very difficult to win.

What's more, even if the other party loses, some people will deal with it secretly, so Lin Tian directly refused and let the other party stimulate.

Seeing that Lin Tian was not fooled, Feng Caidie frowned, "Are you sure you don't want to compare?"

"No matter whether you win or lose, there is no result. Why do you want to compare?" Lin Tian asked back, but Feng Caidie had no choice but to snort, turn around and leave. As for Bai Mu, he was in a hurry, "Should we inform the peak master that she belongs to the evil god clan."

"Is there any evidence?" Lin Tian knew that he could see it, but as long as others didn't expose the situation, they couldn't see through it at all.

But Bai Mu said depressedly, "Then how did you find out?"

"I have my way, but it's only for myself."

Bai Mu sighed, "I didn't expect people from the Evil God Clan to be by our side."

"Wait, they will really be exposed sooner or later." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he closed his eyes and laughed, because he knew that the other party couldn't wait any longer, otherwise he wouldn't be exposed in advance.

As for Feng Caidie, when she returned to the woods just now, she was angry when she saw the blood on the side of the tree, "He is not fooled."

"That Qianzhong's death made him know that even if he wins, there is nothing he can do, so he doesn't want to compete." The bloody light said, and the Fengcai butterfly said, "Damn it."

"So, forcing him out of Sushenyuan is the key."

"He's been there all the time, how do you force him?" Feng Caidie asked impatiently, and the bloody light said, "It's easy, you give him an address, just say that there are many of our Evil God Clan there."

"Will he believe it?"

"Naturally, send him a real address, let him see the real picture, and he will believe it." The blood light said with a smile, but Feng Caidie was curious, "Then what if he tells Sushenyuan?"

"Don't worry, he won't." This bloody light said confidently, and Feng Caidie said after thinking about it, "How to do it?"

At this moment, a piece of wooden slip flew in front of the Windy Butterfly, "Give this to him, and just say you'll wait for him there."

Feng Caidie took a look, and it was indeed where they usually gather and hesitated, "What if he really told others?"

"No, let's go!"

Feng Caidie had no choice but to find Lin Tian again, and when Bai Mu saw her coming again, he immediately became alert, "You, come again?"

"I want to give him something." Feng Caidie stared at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I've said it all, I won't compare with you."

But Feng Caidie threw a wooden slip, "We will wait for you there."

After finishing speaking, Feng Caidie left, and Lin Tian looked at the contents of the wooden slip and smiled, "These guys really spent a lot of money to trap me."

"What's inside?"

"Where they usually move." Lin Tian said with a smile, while Bai Mu was puzzled, "Where did they move?"

"Yes, they are a group of evil gods."

Bai Mu was pleasantly surprised, "Go, tell the peak master."

"It's useless. Their purpose is to lead me there. If you tell the peak owner and them, then it's meaningless for them to escape temporarily." Lin Tian explained, but Bai Mu wondered, "You don't plan to go alone, do you?"


Bai Mu immediately said, "How can that be done? This is too dangerous."

Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "I have my own plan, just wait here."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian turned around and left, while Bai Mu was in a hurry and planned to find the peak master. As for Feng Caidie in the woods, after seeing Lin Tianzhen leave, he said with a smile, "It seems that he really went."

"Go, go to the stronghold to meet him well." The bloody light laughed, and Feng Caidie said with a deep smile, "Yes."

Then Feng Caidie turned around and disappeared into the woods.

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