Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3331 various tricks

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I think it's better to forget it."

"Forget it? What do you mean?"

This Feng Caidie didn't know what Lin Tian wanted to say, but Lin Tian looked at her with a smile, "There are too many of you, I won't play with you anymore!"

"One on one, come or not!"

"One-to-one? Who will believe it!"

Seeing that Lin Tian was not fooled by Feng Caidie, he was angry and stared at Lin Tiandao, "Then you still dare to come?"

"I came here just to let you know that I can go wherever I want, you evil gods, you can't do anything to me at all!"

These words were too irritating, and they made all these evil gods furious. Er Niu Lu stood aside, trembling all over, afraid that these masters would attack him if they didn't have a good eye.

"Boy! Do you think you can come whenever you want? Leave whenever you want?"


"Looking for death!" The colorful butterfly immediately released countless butterflies, and these colorful butterflies are poisonous and magical species that can produce illusions.

But Lin Tian saw it through at a glance, then looked at Niu Lu who was in a daze, "What are you looking at, let's go!"

Niu Lu was so frightened that he quickly backed away, but those people refused to let him, and Lin Tian scattered countless ghosts, and grabbed Niu Lu, avoiding here at a fast speed.

Those people chased after them, and that Niu Lumeng said, "What kind of cultivation level are you? Why are you so fast!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Just follow along!"

"But they're chasing them!" Niu Lu was terrified when he saw the crowd approaching step by step, but Lin Tian threw him into the Sea God Temple, and disappeared from the spot with a swoosh.

When Lin Tian reappeared, he had already arrived in a forest, and that Fengcai butterfly thought he was very smart, so he caught up with Lin Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, do you think you can escape?"

"How do you know I'm here?" Lin Tian pretended to be stupid, and the Fengcai butterfly said triumphantly, "Can the butterfly I released be monitored in the air, that is to say, it can tell me exactly where you are!"

Lin Tian snorted, and Feng Caidie teased, "Boy, if you don't want to die, then you should surrender quickly, and then hand over the woman of the Luoshen clan to us, and we will let you go, otherwise."

"Otherwise what?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and the Fengcai Die smiled strangely, "Otherwise, I don't even think about surviving!"

Lin Tian smiled, and got Niu Lu out, but Niu Lu was startled when he saw the Fengcai butterfly, and quickly said to Lin Tian, ​​"My lord, let me go back to your magic weapon!"

"She's alone, what are you afraid of?" Lin Tian scorned, and Niu Lu was anxious, "One? But, why do I feel that there will be more coming later!"

Lin Tian explained, "There are formations everywhere, she can't escape! And outsiders can't know what's going on here."

"What?" Niu Lu was shocked, but Feng Caidie laughed, "Boy, stop scaring people, it's useless!"

"Did you scare you?" Lin Tian said with a smile.

Feng Caidie took out the sound transmission talisman and planned to call someone, but the talisman was useless, so she used her magic weapon again, but in the end, it still didn't work.

This surprised Feng Caidie, so she flew up, only to find that there was a formation around her, and this formation prevented her from getting out.

"Here, how could there be a formation?" Feng Caidie never dreamed that a formation suddenly appeared here.

"It is specially prepared for you, and it is also to prevent others from killing you." Lin Tian smiled and stared at Feng Caidie.

Feng Caidie said coldly, "Even if there is no one else, I can defeat you."

"That's hard to say!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he smiled strangely, then opened Dengfeng, and then Lin Tian saw the blood of the other party, which was a unique blood of the summoning system.

For example, those butterflies were summoned by her, and they are of the blood of the seven-star summoning system.

Lin Tian smiled strangely, and directly used her blood, and it was eight-star, and the butterfly he summoned was bigger than the other party.

"This, how is it possible?" Seeing this, Feng Caidie's eyes widened, feeling too unbelievable, but Lin Tian looked at her with a smile, "It's time to end!"

Feng Caidie snorted, "Dream!"

At this time, countless butterflies rushed to this Fengcai butterfly one by one, and this Fengcai butterfly condensed a cover to protect itself, and at the same time launched countless attacks to deal with those butterflies.

These butterflies were quickly crushed, but Lin Tian released another bunch, and said with a smile, "You should know how extraordinary this bloodline is."

"But I have a high level of cultivation and can create a strong defense, unlike you, who will only be attacked by me and wait to die." After the Feng Caidie finished speaking, he began to plan to fight back against Lin Tian.

Lin Tian didn't take the other party seriously, and was still moving around at a very fast speed, making it impossible for the Feng Caidie to do anything to Lin Tian.

This time, Feng Caidie was furious, and was very unwilling, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I will definitely let you know how terrible I am!"

"I see, let's take a look at mine!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to borrow Niu Lu's blood, and then Lin Tian took out some pills.

At the same time, the Divine Art of Cutting Blood and the Realm of Reincarnation were opened, and Feng Caidie suddenly felt something was wrong, and her eyes widened, "What, what's going on?"

Lin Tian smiled, and then used Niu Lu's blood to cast the Six Pill Strategies, and then threw out countless thunder-type pills.


A series of huge thunderbolts hit that Fengcaidie, and Fengcaidie had a protective shield, which resisted part of the force, but part of it hit her, making her take a few steps back, and then glared, "Boy, you are amazing!"

"You are also very powerful, so you just suffered a little skin trauma?" Lin Tian felt a little surprised.

Feng Caidie stared at Lin Tian and hummed, "You think I'm Qianzhong, so easy to deal with?"

Lin Tian smiled, "You are indeed better than that guy, but there are always more solutions than difficulties!"

"Blow, just keep blowing!" The Feng Caidie said contemptuously, and Niu Lu became anxious after seeing that Lin Tiannai couldn't help him, "What should we do now?"

"Don't worry, I haven't exploded yet!"

"You, still have means?" Niu Lu was curious, but Feng Caidie laughed, "Dream!"

At this time, the power of the spiritual bones in Lin Tian's body exploded one by one, which made Lin Tian's power bless, and then on this basis, Lin Tian repeated the moves just now.

At the same time, Lin Tian also let the phantom perform domain superposition, so that Feng Caidie not only had to fight against Lin Tian's divine fire killing domain, but also against those pills.

No matter how powerful this Feng Caidie is, at this moment, it seems powerless, and finally the defense is broken, and the body is hit.

This Feng Caidie stared wide-eyed, "You are a monster!"

"I'm not a monster, I just use more methods." Lin Tian said with a smile, but sighed in his heart, "If it is stronger, it will be difficult to deal with."

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