Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3347 This pit is a bit big

"Yes!" the dean said engraving, and Lin Tian asked curiously, "Tell me, let me see, what's the matter!"

After hesitating for a while, the dean said, "The four colleges will soon have a competition, and the college who wins the first place will become the master of the Sacred Valley for 10,000 years."

"Desolate Sacred Valley?" Lin Tian didn't know what this place was, but the dean introduced, "Desolate Sacred Valley is one of the most majestic and mysterious places in the Desolate Realm, but our four colleges have an agreement that whichever college is stronger, that place will be in charge of it, and other disciples have to pay expensive entry fees to enter, and there is a limit for each disciple every year, but if you become the occupant of that place, you don't need it."

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "Do you want me to help you get the first place? And then occupy this barren sacred valley?"


But Lin Tian said in embarrassment, "There are so many masters in Sushenyuan, and it's not my turn. Besides, there must be many masters in the other three colleges. Do you think I may be the first?"

"You don't know, the competition among the four colleges is not about who is the strongest, but who is the most talented." The dean explained.

"Most talented?"

"Yes, the rules of the competition are very simple, that is, whoever defeats the strongest with the weakest cultivation level can get the corresponding combat points, and the higher the total combat points, then which academy is the most powerful."

Lin Tian still doesn't understand very well, "Specific rules?"

"Each academy will send ten people, and as long as these ten people are defeated, they will fail and can no longer participate in the battle, and your cultivation base must be the weakest, so you can choose anyone to challenge, understand?"

"It means that those with weak cultivation can challenge those with strong cultivation to gain points, and they can't fail. If they fail, they will end?" Lin Tian seemed to understand some rules.

"Yes, it's that simple, and when the time comes, the college with the highest total score will be the strongest." The dean explained.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "If this is the case, then it will be easy."

"So, please."

"Then this magic weapon?"

"Give it to you, but you must help me." The dean said expectantly, and Lin Tianen said, "Don't worry, you gave it to me, and I will definitely help you."

"That's troublesome."

But Lin Tian thought of a question, "But people from the Evil God Clan, if you come again, and you don't have this magic weapon, how can you defeat them?"

"One of the ten blood gods of the evil god clan has been seriously injured. They should not come again unless it is absolutely necessary. If they do come, I can also activate the formation of the gods and summon those old deans."

"Old Dean?"

"Yes, they are all alive, and they are hiding deep in the courtyard. Therefore, the evil gods have not been able to destroy our four courtyards. It is because of our strong foundation." The dean said to himself.

Lin Tian understood and said, "Okay, when will this competition start?"

"Ten days later, but five days later, I will ask the three peak masters to take you there to ensure your safety," said the dean.

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "Understood."

"Go." After the dean finished speaking, he let Lin Tian go out, and when Lin Tian came outside, the three peak masters wanted to know why.

But Lin Tian didn't explain, but the dean said to the three people surrounding Lin Tian, ​​"From today onwards, he is the future dean."

"What?" The three of them were startled, but Lin Tian himself was dumbfounded, "Didn't you say yes, I'm just helping, don't you stay?"

"It's just the future dean, just a name, don't care about it." The other party laughed, and Lin Tian always felt that the other party was trying to trick him.

Fatty Fu said anxiously, "Dean, is this joke too big?"

"It's not opened, and five days later, you will escort him to the competition." The dean once again said a task that shocked all three of them.

Therefore, Fatty Fu was a little anxious, "Principal, he, he is the king of gods. Isn't it a waste of a place to compare like this?"

"Although he is a god-king, his cultivation base is weak. When the time comes, the weak can win the strong and earn more points. Isn't it good?" Jian Zhongtang agreed with the dean's words, "This is a good choice."

"So, next, you can choose a few more and go together when the time comes, you know?" the dean urged.

Everyone was kind, and Lin Tian planned to study the magic weapon, so he resigned first.

Jian Zhongtang also left, and Fatty Fu couldn't figure it out, but after thinking about it, the dean had arranged it like this, so he didn't have anything to worry about.

So Fatty Fu left, and when the old monster Huang was about to leave, the dean said to him, "Old Huang, although you are not human, you belong to the Beast God Clan, and you are also a member of our Sushen Academy, so please make sure this kid is safe."

Old Monster Huang sighed and said, "You saved me back then, no matter what, I will do what you told me to do."

"Go ahead, be careful of people from the evil god clan harming him, as well as people from the other three courtyards."

"En." Huang Laoguai said kindly, and left.

After Lin Tian walked out of the hall, he ran into Miss Lu who was waiting not far away, and Miss Lu eagerly stepped forward and asked, "How is it? Did you blame you?"

"Blame me? Why?" Lin Tian asked inexplicably.

Miss Lu explained, "Because of you, the evil gods launched an attack, so I think they will blame you."

Lin Tian laughed, but Miss Lu asked puzzledly, "What are you laughing at?"

At this moment, the Sword Hall appeared, but he was much more polite to Lin Tian, ​​"Dean Lin, I don't know, what do you have to explain."

"Lin, Dean Lin?" The woman Lu was stunned, but she hadn't reacted yet, while the Jian Zhongtang explained, "The dean has already selected him as the future dean."

"What?" Miss Lu was dumbfounded, and she looked at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian explained, "I don't want to be a dean, you guys should call me by my name."

"No, it will break the rules." Jian Zhongtang said very politely, but Lin Tian got dizzy, "I knew nothing good would happen."

Miss Lu didn't expect Lin Tian to be disgusted and asked, "You don't like it?"

"Your dean wants to restrain me and let me stay in Sushenyuan, but I refused, but I have to do one thing for him, and that is to win the competition of the four courtyards." Lin Tian said the agreement between himself and the dean.

But Miss Lu said in a daze, "You still despise him?"

Jian Zhongtang was also a little surprised, "I don't know how many people want to be the dean."

"It's not easy to be the dean, especially my cultivation base. I don't know how many people are dissatisfied, and it may even cause countless people to look down on me." Lin Tian got goosebumps when he thought of the future.

Jian Zhongtang said coldly, "Whoever dares to show you shame, I will definitely deal with him!"

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