Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3377 A seemingly simple favor

Under "climbing the peak", Lin Tian saw that the opponent was a bloodline that could release rattan indefinitely, and it was a bloodline of the seven-star wood system.

So Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and then suddenly disappeared from the spot, and before the Muluo could react, Lin Tian came behind him and activated the blood-severing magic.

The power of this Mu Luo's bloodline was immediately reduced by half, but Lin Tian used the opponent's bloodline, which was only eight stars, one level higher.

So this Muluo was immediately entangled by countless vines, and that Muluo was shocked, and when he wanted to break free, he found that he couldn't break free.

Everyone present was startled, and some stammered, "Isn't it, one move kills instantly?"

"This is too scary."

Not only these people, Ziqin murmured, "This guy, go to the evil gods, after absorbing so much power, his cultivation has improved a lot.

Lin Tian does already have the power of a thirty-fold half-step god at this moment, and the field of reincarnation can weaken nearly 40% of his power.

Therefore, this Mu Luo can only explode 10% of his power at most, and this 10% of his power is still suppressed by Lin Tiandengfeng.

This caused Mu Luo to have no chance to resist, and this Muzi Xie breathed a sigh of relief, and said to that Mu Luo, "Look, you know you are wrong, right?"

Mu Luo was dumbfounded, because he always thought that he was very powerful, and even thought it would be no problem to defeat Lin Tian, ​​but he was repaired in one move.

"Is it okay?" Lin Tian looked at him in a daze and asked, but Mu Luo said depressedly, "Me."

Seeing that he had completely lost the tone he had just now, Lin Tian put away the cane, then let it go, and said to Mu Zixie, "Lead the way."

Mu Zixie immediately said more respectfully, "Please."

After finishing speaking, Mu Zixie took Lin Tian and Zi Qin away, and Lin Tian's performance made countless people present unforgettable, as if he was a terrible person.

Mu Luo stood there stunned, "I lost so completely."

"Young master, are you alright?"

"Young master, don't worry, he is the dean after all."

"No, the dean of the four courtyards must have some strength."

Mu Luo stared at the disciples comforting her and said, "Usually, don't you all flatter me and say I'm great?"

"This." Everyone became embarrassed, and that Mu Luo snorted, "Forget that I misjudged you!"

After speaking, Mu Luo immediately turned and left, while Lin Tian and Zi Qin, led by Mu Zixie, came to a castle of the Muhuang God Clan.

The castle is made of dry stone and wood, so it looks like stone on the surface, but it is actually wood.

At this moment in the castle, after the patriarch heard that Lin Tian was coming, he felt a little uneasy, "Why did the dean of Sushenyuan come to see me?"

I saw the patriarch stroking his white beard with a solemn expression, until that Muzi came in, "Father."

The Mu patriarch came back to his senses, immediately changed his expression and said with a smile, "Dean Lin, right?"

Lin Tian didn't expect the other party to know that he was coming, so he was a little surprised, but soon calmly smiled, "Are you the patriarch of the Muhuang God Clan?"

"Yes, it's right here."

Lin Tian hesitated, "Actually, I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Oh? Then I don't know what's going on?" The Mu patriarch stared at Lin Tian, ​​but he felt uneasy, and Lin Tian saw that he was worried and said, "Actually, I want to borrow something from you."

"Something?" The Mu patriarch was curious, but Lin Tianen said, "Yes, this thing is related to whether or not the evil gods can be wiped out."

"Miexie God Clan?" The Mu patriarch was surprised, but Lin Tian nodded and said, "Yes."

"I don't know what it is?" Patriarch Mu was curious, but Lin Tian said, "It's your holy thing!"

"What?" Patriarch Mu was startled, and Mu Zixie was also startled, obviously he didn't expect Lin Tian to be for this thing.

Lin Tian promised, "I will definitely return it after I use it up!"

"Principal Lin, this." Patriarch Mu was a little embarrassed, after all, sacred objects are the foundation of their clan.

After Lin Tian saw that the other party was worried, he continued, "In this way, as long as you lend me, I can promise to help you accomplish something that I can accomplish."

Patriarch Mu was surprised, "One thing?"

"Yes, as long as you agree to lend me, I can help you." Lin Tian said, and the patriarch hesitated for a while and said, "If you really want to not help me, I may consider it."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Patriarch Mu explained, "There is a group of bandits around our Muhuang God Clan. They have been fighting with us for many years and always rob us. If you can take down these bandits, I will lend them to you."


"Yes, it's on a barren hill a hundred miles north of the city." The Mu patriarch said, and Lin Tian nodded, "That's fine, I'll go right away."

Patriarch Mu immediately asked Mu Zixie to lead Lin Tian the way, but Mu Zixie was dignified, "Father, are you really going to that place?"

"Even Dean Lin promised, you can just go." Patriarch Mu said, and Mu Zixie had no choice but to be kind, and took Lin Tian and Ziqin away.

But Ziqin always felt that these bandits were not simple, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"This Muhuang protoss is one of the top ten protoss, even they can't solve it, are you sure you can?"

"Evil God Clan, didn't anyone find it? But I did it!!" Lin Tian said, and Ziqin had no words to refute.

After Lin Tian and the others left, Mu Luo appeared and came to the head of the Mu clan and asked, "Father, do you want them to find those bandits?"

"If these bandits can really be dealt with, our clan will feel at ease." Patriarch Mu sighed.

Mu Luo was suspicious, "That guy, can he really handle it?"

"You have been solved with one trick, and you still question others."

"Father, me." Mu Luo became embarrassed, and the Mu patriarch reminded, "Don't be so impulsive in the future, otherwise if he really gets angry, I guess you are dead by now."

Mu Luo was unwilling, but helpless, "Father, tell me why he is so strong."

"have no idea."

"No, I must go and see him with my own eyes, what kind of abilities are there." Mu Luo thought for a while and left.

Patriarch Mu said helplessly, "What a naughty boy."

Mu Zixie, who was in the city at the moment, reminded Lin Tian, ​​"Dean Lin, I have something to say, I'm afraid I have to tell you in advance."

"Say it."

"These bandits have been fighting us for many years, and we have also sent people from the Golden Desolation Realm to go there, but they all failed."

"Oh? Are there any powerful people in them?"

"There are quite a few golden wastelands, and the most important thing is that the formations in that place are so powerful that no matter how many people we send there, we can't encircle them." Mu Zixie explained.

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "If it's a formation, then it's easy to handle."

"Easy? That's not an ordinary formation." Mu Zixie said strangely.

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