Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3384 The Patriarch's Secret

Jin An glanced at Jin Bai, then nodded silently, but Jin Bai still became serious, "Father said, we must deal with the intruder."

Jin An knew the rules here, so he could only say, "Let's leave it to these guards."

But Jin Bai wanted to try it himself first, so he opened his hand, and countless golden spider threads suddenly went out, forming a web and trapping Lin Tian.

Mu Luo was startled, "Brother Jin, did you succeed in your Golden Silk Art?"

Jin Bai said proudly, "Of course."

Ziqin was curious, "This, could it be that it is the eighth on the list of the rumored golden-type magical arts, the Golden Silk God Art?"

"Yes! Once you are entangled, you can entangle someone who is many times stronger than myself, and he is only a half-step god, and you can't break free at all."

This golden white self-confidence made Lin Tian couldn't help laughing, "It's still too weak for this ability."

"Weak?" Jin Bai became serious, feeling that Lin Tian was insulting himself, but Lin Tian didn't mean to insult him, but instead said, "It wasn't like that."

Jin Bai gasped, "Then show me if you have the ability to break free!"

Seeing that Jin Bai wanted to see it so much, Lin Tian stared at him, "Then you have a good look."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he started to fight, and disappeared from the spot at once, and then floated behind Jin Bai.

The guards stared at Lin Tian in amazement, some of them opened their mouths wide, but Mu Luo said in a daze, "Really, nothing can trap him anymore?"

Jin An was also a little confused, but Jin Bai's expression changed, he turned around quickly, pointed his hands at the area where Lin Tian was, and released the golden wire again.

Lin Tian disappeared all of a sudden, while that Jin Bai was shocked and attacked everywhere.

Lin Tian swam around and said, "I told you, you are too weak."

These words made Jin Bai a little annoyed, but this Lin Tian laughed there, "It's time to end."


Lin Tian's blood-severing magic, the domain of reincarnation, directly weakened the opponent's power to the minimum.

Jin Bai was shocked, "What's going on here?"

Jin An was helpless, "I lost."

As soon as Jin Bai came back to his senses, Lin Tian was shuttling around him with swords of fire and fire, but he didn't seriously hurt him, but said, "How about it, admit defeat?"

Jin Bai looked at those sword shadows, and his face became serious, "If you have the guts, kill me, when the time comes, we Jinhuang God Clan will not let you go!"

After Lin Tian smiled wryly, he looked at Mu Luo, "Brother, you have more backbone than you."

Seeing Lin Tian making fun of herself, Mu Luo said depressedly, "Let him go."

"Let him go? Why?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, while Mu Luo asked anxiously, "Then what do you want?"

But Jin Bai said angrily, "Stop being hypocritical, I won't appreciate it."

Mu Luo was so depressed that she didn't know what to say, but Lin Tian smiled at Jin An, "Go and call your patriarch, or he will die at my hands."

Jin An and the guards hurriedly left in fright, while the people of the Jinhuang God Clan who were watching around were all surprised.

"This kid, who is he, why is he so overbearing."

"I don't think it's an ordinary person."

"Isn't that nonsense?"

Jin Bai snorted, "My father is here, it's the same."

"I think your father won't just let you die like this?" Lin Tian said with a smile, but that Jin Bai stared at the sword shadow and said, "It's not certain whether you will die or not!"

Lin Tian didn't expect the other party to be so stubborn, so he continued to tease, "Do you want to die that much?"

"I don't want to die, but I won't surrender." Jin Bai was still so stubborn, while Mu Luo looked helpless, "It's really hard."

At this time, a voice came from a distance, "Are you courting death?"

The next moment, a middle-aged man with golden light appeared, and his hair was still loose, like a flying whisk.

This person is the patriarch of the Golden Desolation God Clan.

Patriarch Jin looked at Lin Tian with cold eyes, then snorted, pushed with one hand, and a golden light broke Lin Tian's domain directly.

That Jin Bai was overjoyed, and hurried back to the patriarch and said, "Father."

"With me here, no one can hurt you." The Jin patriarch comforted, and after Jin Bai nodded, the Lin Tian laughed and said, "You are the patriarch?"

"Still in the mood to laugh?"

"I'm here to borrow the sacred object." Lin Tian looked at the patriarch with a smile, and the patriarch Jin was even more angry when he heard the sacred object, "Borrow? You are really brave!"

Lin Tian said after seeing him like this, "Holy things, the ability is left to those who are destined, isn't it?"

"But you are?" Patriarch Jin didn't take Lin Tian seriously at all, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "If you don't let me see it, how do you know it's not?"

Patriarch Jin still didn't take Lin Tian seriously, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You're a bit crazy!"

"Well, as long as you lend me the holy object, I can help you accomplish something that I can do." Lin Tian eased the other party's anger a little.

But the Jin patriarch sneered, "I can do it myself, but I still need you?"

"You may not be able to do it." One sentence from Lin Tian made the Jin patriarch hum, "Arrogant and conceited, see how I can fix you!"

After finishing speaking, countless golden lights flickered on Patriarch Jin's body, and Lin Tian found that these golden lights would hurt people when they touched people. If Lin Tian started to flicker and jump there.

Seeing the jumping Lin Tian, ​​Patriarch Jin said coldly, "I'll see how long you can last."

Lin Tian didn't stop, but continued until after a while, the patriarch Jin began to say impatiently, "Boy, do you just dodge?"

"I'm looking for your flaw."

"Ridiculous, what flaws can I have?"

"Yes, your flaw is the magic weapon in your body, which gives you the power to release these golden lights infinitely." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile.

Patriarch Jin was shocked in his heart, but he still refused to admit it, "It's ridiculous, I'm in the Golden Desolation Realm, do you think I can't do anything to you without my magic weapon?"

"Without the magic weapon, your golden light will become weaker if it is weak." Lin Tian said with a smile to the Jin patriarch.

Patriarch Jin saw that Lin Tian would only talk there and slander himself, and then he hummed, "When I kill you, you will know whether I am weak or strong."

But at this moment, with a thought in Lin Tian's mind, two wrist guards flew out from the sleeves of the opponent's hands, and when the wrist guards flew into Lin Tian's hands, the expression of the patriarch Jin changed drastically.

"This thing is a good thing." Lin Tian looked at the two guards, and the golden light of Patriarch Jin disappeared, and everyone was startled, wondering what happened.

Jin Bai was even more curious, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Patriarch Jin's face was ugly, "That's my divine weapon, and it was half refined by me, and now he has taken it away, weakening my strength."

Jin Bai was startled, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Now that I have no magic weapon, I don't know how you can deal with me."

"I'll deal with you right here!" After finishing speaking, the Jin patriarch became angry and started to attack Lin Tian frantically.

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