Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3398 Strange consciousness space

Under Lin Tian's soul piercing technique, the barrier of spirit and soul could not be resisted at all, so Lin Tian passed through it in an instant.

In the space of consciousness, after seeing Lin Tian's soul coming in, that Tu'oli soul was a little surprised, and stared at Lin Tiandao, "How did you come in?"

"What do you think?" Lin Tian looked at Tuoli with a smile, and Tuoli became angry, "When I kill you, you will know how powerful I am!"

Lin Tian laughed, and Tu Aoli asked puzzledly, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing, you're ignorant!"

Tu'oli was out of breath, "I'm ignorant? I'm afraid you don't know how powerful I am!"

After finishing speaking, this Tu'oli immediately began to use his own soul to cast the soul method, and Lin Tian's Shenyou Armor opened.

The opponent's soul method can't do anything to Lin Tian at all, and Lin Tian also used the virtual soul technique, and the opponent's soul power was immediately weakened.

Now Tuoli was a little anxious, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Believe it or not, I'll kill you?"

"Kill me, do you think you have the ability?" Lin Tian stared at Tuoli, and Tuoli warned, "Boy, let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Oh? Are you not afraid of me? Then come on, let me see how capable you are!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian began to prepare to make a move, and Xu Mie's crazy attack made the opponent unable to hold on.

"Enough!" Tuoli went crazy, and immediately yelled, but Lin Tian stopped attacking and looked at him with a smile, "Is it enough?"

"Yes, that's enough!" This Tuoli was extremely depressed, but Lin Tian nodded and said, "Then just be obedient and don't resist."

"What do you want to do?" Tuoli stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Just to make sure, you won't lie to me."

Before Tu Aoli could react, Lin Tian had already made a move, and the target was this Tu Aoli.

Tuoli wanted to struggle, but there was nowhere to escape, and Lin Tian's extinction made him fearful.

Therefore, this Tuaoli was bound by Lin Tian at once, and Lin Tian entered the soul seal one by one.

"You!" This Tuoli became depressed and anxious, but Lin Tian calmed down and smiled, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian left the other party's consciousness space, but Lin Tian found some interesting things in his memory.

For example, how to get to the Temple of the Rage God, but what happened in the Temple of the Rage God is blank, as if it was erased or sealed by something.

Lin Tian showed a suspicious look, "The way to block the memory is somewhat similar to the owner of that voice."

At this moment, Lin Tian really wanted to understand, so after he left the body of Tu Aoli, he asked via voice transmission, "Why is the memory of the Desolate Temple blank?"

"Everyone who leaves the Rage God Temple will not remember where the Rage God Temple is, let alone what happened there."

Lin Tian was suspicious, "Why?"

"Who knows, I just don't know anyway." Tuoli didn't understand either, but after Lin Tianoh made a sound, he fell into deep thought.

Ziqin became curious when she saw that Tu Aoli had recovered and hadn't confronted Lin Tian, ​​"What? It's done?"

Lin Tianen said, but Mu Luo was curious, "How did you do it?"

Lin Tian didn't explain, but looked at Tu Aoli, "Take me to meet your patriarch."

If it was before, Tuolli must have resisted in various ways, but now that the soul is in Lin Tian's hands, he had to say, "I'll just lead the way."

Then Tuoli punched down a wall, and then a passage appeared, and Mu Luo murmured, "The methods of your Tuhuang God Clan are really violent enough."

Ziqin looked at the dark passage and wondered, "Why does this earth-desolate protoss look so dark?"

"This is just a passage, just go there." After Tuoli finished speaking, he took the three of them there.

After a while, the three of them appeared in a pile of stones.

On the top of these stones are palaces.

At this moment, the people of the Tuhuang God Clan, seeing Tu Aoli and bringing outsiders, questioned them one by one, but Tu Aoli seems to have a certain status here.

No matter what these people asked, Tuoli just ignored them and led Lin Tian and the others to a palace.

The guards of the palace immediately surrounded Lin Tian and others, and Tuoli shouted, "Get out of the way!"

Everyone looked at each other, but Tuoli stared, "Will you let me go?"

"Holy Son, the patriarch has a rule that outsiders are not allowed to enter. It is difficult for us to explain that you are leading people like this."

"I'm no match for them, do you think you can do it?" Tuoli contemptuously said, and those people suddenly didn't know what to do.

Ziqin and Muluo were curious about what the Son of God was, and Tuoli looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Let's go, ignore them."

Then Tuoli opened the way, and everyone entered the hall at once, and in this hall, there was a huge rock.

This huge rock was transformed by the patriarch, and Ziqin couldn't help teasing, "Do you people from the Desolate God Clan like to be turned into stone?"

"It's more than a stone, it's a very hard stone." The Mu Luo muttered.

At this time, an angry voice came from the huge stone, "Tuooli, as the Son of God, how did you bring outsiders here?"

"Patriarch, he, he has something to look for you." Tuoli pointed helplessly at Lin Tian, ​​and the patriarch snorted, "I don't care who he is, I advise you to take him away immediately, otherwise I won't read your identity later."

Tuoli looked helpless, and could only look at Lin Tian, ​​"I can't help you with this."

Lin Tian could only stare at the patriarch, "I want to borrow something from you."

"I don't care who you are, no matter what you borrow, now, immediately, immediately, get out!" The patriarch was furious.

Lin Tian had no choice but to smile strangely, "It seems that I can't talk properly!"

"You still want me to talk to you? Are you tired of working?" The patriarch snorted, but Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "Then, I will have a good discussion with you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's soul rushed towards the other party, and the patriarch snorted, and countless brown lights trapped Lin Tian in an area.

But Lin Tian smiled strangely, broke through that area at once, and got into the opponent's consciousness space after touching the stone.

Ziqin was curious, "He disappeared again?"

Mu Luo was curious, "Where did he go?"

Tuoli explained, "He went to the patriarch's consciousness space and fought with the patriarch's soul."

Ziqin and Muluo looked at each other in dismay, feeling incredible, but in the patriarch's consciousness space, Lin Tian encountered trouble.

Because here, the patriarch's consciousness space is a huge space, and he doesn't even know where his soul is.

"Where are people?" Lin Tian looked around, and the voice of the patriarch said coldly, "Do you think my consciousness will let you see it casually?"

Lin Tian had to laugh and said, "It seems that you, the patriarch, are indeed very capable!"

"Of course, I'm in the Nine Star Gold Desolation Realm, one step away from the Emperor Desolation Realm, how can I be easily discovered by a child?" the patriarch said arrogantly.

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