Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3431 something happened

"Well, the map of the wasteland is the first map of the wasteland. It is said that there are two parts, and these two parts contain everything in the wasteland. It is rumored that whoever gets these two parts can walk out of the wasteland!" The iron monster explained. .

Hearing this explanation, Lin Tian fell into deep thought, while the iron boss was curious, "How did you get it?"

"I'm in the Temple of Desolation."

"Desolate Temple? You actually went to this place." Iron Monster was a little surprised, but Lin Tian was curious, "Why? You know him too?"

"The Temple of the Desolate God is the largest temple, and it attracts all kinds of geniuses, but no one knows how their past palace masters came here."

"How did they come here? Don't even know?" Lin Tian was puzzled, and Old Tie said kindly, "There are rumors that they are probably not from the wasteland."

"It's not a wasteland, could it be, or the God Realm?"

"Well, I don't know." The iron monster shook his head, and Lin Tian thought of the Heavenly Soul Realm, where there are nine layers of worlds.

When I went to the first floor by myself, I met a lot of scary people, and the rumors became more terrifying as they went to the back.

"Could it be that they are from the Heavenly Soul Realm?"

This is the only thing Lin Tian can explain, but this is just his own guess.

After seeing Lin Tian in a daze, the Iron Boss reminded, "You must be careful."

"What's wrong?"

"This thing is extraordinary. If other people know about it, or the person who owns the other half senses it, they will definitely trouble you." The iron monster explained.

Lin Tianoh said after a while, "Is this Tianhuang Shentu so magical?"

"Of course, this day's Desolate God Map not only allows people to leave, but also allows people to see all kinds of good things on it."

"Can you see good things too?"

"Yes." Tie Laoguai said kindly, and Lin Tian planned to try to see if he could subdue it.

But when Lin Tian reached out with one hand, the thing was about to suck Lin Tian's soul again, and the old iron monster was terrified when he saw it, "It's scary."

"It's just a magic weapon, there is nothing I can't conquer." Lin Tian frowned, and began to "fight" with this magic weapon.

This fight, more than half a month has passed, and this picture finally compromised, no longer struggling, and let Lin Tian check.

After Lin Tian checked one by one, he found this magic weapon. As long as his consciousness penetrates into it, he can see the situation in some places in the wasteland.

"Is this looking down from the air?" Lin Tian was surprised.

Iron Boss watched curiously, and finally asked, "Are you okay?"

Lin Tian came back to his senses and said, "It's okay."

"I thought your soul was swallowed by a magic weapon." The old iron monster smiled with relief, and Lin Tian smiled.

Then Lin Tian left the Sea God Temple and returned to the secret realm.

When Lin Tian returned to the Desolate Temple, Kong Mo suddenly appeared, "Brother Lin, you are finally back."

"What's wrong?"

"That senior sister, she's bewitched." Kong Mo said anxiously, but Lin Tian was suspicious, "Bewitched?"

"Yes, since she came back from that place, she has been studying a magic weapon she got. As a result, a few days ago, she was suddenly possessed by an evil spirit and killed many people. Now she is still imprisoned by the elders."

Lin Tian didn't expect such an incident and asked afterwards, "What about the magic weapon?"

"I don't know where I went." This Kong Mo was depressed, but Lin Tian was suspicious, "What about the Palace Master? Did you come out to explain?"

"After the Palace Master presided over the competition, he retreated, as if he disappeared." Kong Mo was even more helpless.

Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "Go, go and have a look."

Kong Mo was worried, "That place is being watched by a group of elders, we have no right to go there."

"My nine-star disciple, can't I?" Lin Tian asked.

Kong Mo hesitated, "This, maybe you can try."

"Let's go."

The sound of Kong Moen brought Lin Tian to the edge of a cliff, where there was a suspension bridge, and on the opposite side was a lone peak.

This lonely peak is floating in the clouds.

"That, it's called Desolate Prison, it's the prison of our Desolate God Realm, once it's locked in, no one can get out." Kong Mo said worriedly about Li Xiang.

Just as Lin Tian was about to pass, a disciple appeared at the door and immediately stopped him by the bridge, "You are not allowed to enter here."

"Nine star disciples can't do it?"

"Are you a nine-star disciple?" The man said contemptuously, and Lin Tian took out the nine-star token, and the disciple showed a strange look.

"I don't know, are you qualified?" Lin Tian asked, but the disciple hesitated, "It has to be approved by the elders."

Lin Tian looked at Kong Mo, and Kong Mo knew what Lin Tian meant, so he called Lan Xiu.

After a while, when Lan Xiu appeared, he said pleasantly, "You're finally here."

Lin Tian was curious, "What's going on with the Palace Master Li?"

"I don't know about this, and all the elders are very puzzled." Lan Xiu looked helpless.

"Take me to see." Lin Tian looked at Lan Xiu, and Lan Xiu said kindly, and led Lin Tian to the suspension bridge and reached the opposite mountain peak.

This mountain peak is really isolated, and there are formations around it.

If someone who doesn't know trespasses here, it will be difficult to get out, but for a weird guy like Lin Tian, ​​he doesn't care.

However, when they came to the entrance of a cave, several elders appeared there, and Old Demon Mu was there.

Seeing Lin Tian, ​​Old Demon Mu said coldly, "Elder Lan, what do you mean?"

"I'll take him to take a look." Lan Xiu said unambiguously, but Mu Laomo was not happy, "Take him to take a look? Does he have the qualifications?"

"Why is he not qualified as a nine-star disciple?" Lan Xiu asked, and Mu Laomo said with a smile, "There are many nine-star disciples, but none of them dare to come here."

Lan Xiu stared at him, "Then you don't want to know what happened to Li Xiang?"

"She just went crazy and went crazy, how can I explain it?" the old Mu Mo said disapprovingly.

Lan Xiu had no choice but to look at the other elders, "Everyone, what do you think?"

These elders pondered one by one, and Lan Xiu explained, "If this problem is not resolved, there may be more people like this in the future. Don't you want to see the Temple of Desolation, full of crazy disciples?"

Everyone was moved, but the old Mu explained, "Could it be that he can find out the reason when he goes in?"

"May be."

"I don't want maybe, I want to be sure." Old Mo Mu said madly, while Lan Xiu stared, "What do you want?"

"It's very simple. If he promises to go in and find out the reason for her madness, I will let him in. If not, he will have to bear the consequences."

"Consequences? What consequences?" Lan Xiu became serious, while Mu Laomo laughed strangely, "It's very simple, that is to abolish self-cultivation!"

As soon as these words came out, Lan Xiu said angrily, "Ridiculous!"

The other elders also felt that this Mu Laomo was a bit too much, but Lin Tian said, "Give me a few days, and I will definitely figure it out."

"Oh? Then don't you understand?"

"Just do as you said." Lin Tian stared at the Mu Laomo, and Mu Laomo was overjoyed, "Okay!"

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