Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3465 Secret

Huo Minghuang looked at everyone with a smile, "You guys, how can you look down on junior brother?"

"Junior brother?" These people looked at each other, and Huo Minghuang looked at everyone with a smile, "Let me introduce his identity to everyone."

Everyone was suspicious and didn't know what Huo Minghuang meant, but Huo Minghuang said, "He is the genius that has been passed down for thousands of years in our Wasteland God Academy, Emperor Lin."

"What? He is the Emperor Lin in that vision?"

"No way, he is one of the top ten talents?"

"How can it be?"

Everyone at the scene stared at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian was completely at a loss as to what kind of vision, what ten geniuses.

Huo Minghuang looked at everyone with a smile, "Okay, you all step back, let me have a good chat with him."

"Yes." These people looked at Lin Tianhou strangely, and then retreated one by one, while Huo Minghuang looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Did that guy Peng Fei lead you here?"

"You know him too?"

"Pengfei, me, that Xieluo, and the bloody emperor are all among the top ten geniuses, and so are you!"

Lin Tianbing said coldly, "Are you kidding me?"

Huo Minghuang looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "It seems that there are some things that I still have to explain to you."

"Don't try to confuse me." Lin Tian didn't quite believe what the person in front of him said, but Huo Minghuang said there, "There is a mirror in the Wasteland God Academy, called the Mirror of Heavenly Dao, which can see through the whole world. Nine geniuses have appeared since ancient times, and you are the tenth, but you are special."

"You think I'll believe what you say?"

"If you don't believe me, how did we find you? How did we attract you step by step?" Huo Minghuang stared at Lin Tian with a smile.

"What about Nangongxue?" What Lin Tian wanted to know most was her whereabouts, and that Huo Minghuang said with a smile, "You finally remembered her."


Huo Minghuang smiled, "Nangongxue is the saintess of Huangdi Temple, responsible for picking up geniuses, and you, who was originally the tenth, was going to pick you up, but there was an accident in the middle, so she came back early, and the task fell on us."

"Saint? Pick up?" Lin Tian frowned, and Huo Minghuang said with a smile, "I know, it's hard for you to accept it for a while, but don't worry, the saint's feelings for you are real, no more than the nine of us, and she directly arrested us nine, and you, she didn't know what to do, so she talked with you, and finally."

"What happened in the end?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, we are not qualified to discuss the matter of the saint, and what you have to do now is to adapt to this place as soon as possible, and then break through the barrier to obtain the status of the tenth genius. In this way, the curse of the wasteland can only be solved when ten people gather together."

Lin Tian wondered, "Ten people gathered together?"

"The Holy Maiden said that the curse of the wasteland can be broken only when ten of us gather together, and the God Realm and the wasteland will be completely merged. At that time, the wasteland will no longer be so scary, and we can also pursue higher realms." Huo Minghuang looked at Lin Tian with a smile.

"It's just your one-sided rhetoric, how could I believe you?" Lin Tian still didn't believe it, but Huo Minghuang smiled, "When you become stronger and become the tenth genius, you can have a good chat with the saint, but now you are not qualified to chat with the saint."

"Where is she?" Lin Tian still wanted to see Nangongxue with his own eyes, and asked what was going on, but Huo Minghuang looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "It's useless to be anxious, because you are not the real tenth place now, and the real assessment will only begin now!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Minghuang smiled slightly, and then disappeared.

Lin Tian was shocked, and then Mu Luo appeared, and he was Peng Fei. He looked at Lin Tian and sighed, "He has said everything that should be said. If you don't accept it, you have to accept it."

Lin Tian glanced at Mu Luo and said coldly, "Accept?"

"Why? Resentment? Let me tell you the truth. If the saintess hadn't asked to confess and couldn't kill you, do you think the Blood Desolation Emperor would easily let you go this way?"

"That's because he's incapable of killing me." Lin Tian said to himself, but Mu Luo laughed, "The Emperor Blood Desolation is a very cruel person. If you hadn't kept restraint, you probably would have been decapitated long ago, and your soul would have been shattered, instead of sticking to this."

"Really? Let him come out!" Lin Tian refused to accept, but Mu Luo smiled slightly, "Okay, let him come out and come out."

With a wave of Mu Luo, a blood-red light flashed, and then a blood shadow exuding blood-red light appeared.

The aura emanating from this blood-desolate emperor is more terrifying than Lin Tian has ever seen.

"Little guy, what's wrong? Don't you accept it?" The Emperor Blood Desolation snorted, and Lin Tian said coldly, "From the mortal world to the fairy world, the god world, you toss me all the way, do you think I will obey?"

"If I were willing, none of you would survive." The Blood Desolate Emperor said madly.

"Really?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, the Desolate Beast Sword appeared, and then swung the sword towards the blood-desolate emperor, but the attack hit the blood-desolate emperor, and the opponent was fine.

The Emperor Blood Desolation also said coldly, "As far as your attack is concerned, let me tell you, if you do it a hundred times, a thousand times, I won't pay attention to it!"

Lin Tian didn't believe it, so he continued to try, and the result was the same, but Lin Tian was secretly shocked, that Mu Luo smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"You also saw that although you are the tenth, you are still too weak, and I attracted you in advance, just to let you train quickly here, because we don't have much time."

The Emperor Blood Desolation said angrily, "Peng Fei, didn't you agree that I was responsible for attracting him?"

"Your means are too ruthless, I'm afraid you will kill him accidentally."

"If he died so easily, he wouldn't be the tenth person." The Blood Desolate Emperor scorned, but Mu Luo didn't want to argue, "Now that he's here, it's none of your business."

"This is just the beginning." After the Blood Desolation Emperor finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Tian and disappeared.

Lin Tian was a little unwilling, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Sooner or later, I will defeat you."

"That's right." Seeing Lin Tian's fighting spirit, Mu Luo laughed.

Lin Tian glanced around, "What is the assessment you are talking about?"

"First of all, you have to successfully join the Wasteland God Academy, so what you want to do now, first go to the Disciple Appraisal Hall, pass the assessment, and be assigned to different halls of the Wasteland God Academy, and then."

"It's a waste of time, isn't it?"

"No way, you have to join first, then become an elite disciple, and finally challenge the elders. Only by defeating all the elders can you become a member of our ten and meet the saint."

Lin Tian was suspicious, "Elite disciple?"

"Yes, you join now, at best, you are just an ordinary disciple, and there is still a long way to go to become an elite disciple, so come on!" After Mu Luo finished speaking, a flash disappeared.

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