Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3479 No Illusion

"Can't see anything?" Lin Tian didn't think so, but the Sixth Elder continued there, "What I practice is the illusion of invisibility, and what you see is naturally all fake."

Lin Tian laughed immediately when he heard this, "Then you really underestimated me."

"Oh? Can you still break my magic?"

Lin Tian smiled slightly, "It's not very possible to break it, but it's possible to weaken it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's reincarnation domain opened, and anyone in this reincarnation domain was weakened.

Therefore, the power of this magical technique was greatly reduced, and the natural illusion became unstable, and Lin Tian soon saw people hiding in the dark through the "magic eye technique".

"Boy, what are you capable of? You can actually weaken my magic." The sixth elder stood there at the moment, wearing a cloak, staring at Lin Tian strangely.

Lin Tian looked at the sixth elder and said, "Because, you are too weak!"

The Sixth Elder was a little displeased when he heard this, but he laughed and said, "On the tenth day, you really have a big tone."

"It's okay." Lin Tian looked at the sixth elder with a smile, and the sixth elder looked at Lin Tian and said, "It's so, let's start."


"Yes, if you defeat me, you can gain my approval, and then you can leave here." The sixth elder said.

Lin Tian took out the Desolate Beast Sword at this time, and the Sixth Elder smiled after seeing the sword that Lin Tian took out, "This sword is not simple."

"It's okay." After finishing speaking, Lin Tian charged up his strength, and then wielded the Desolate Beast Sword, and Lin Tian, ​​who was in the five-star emperor's desolate realm, immediately burst out with great strength.

But the Sixth Elder was a fake, and disappeared immediately, and Lin Tian frowned, "It turned out to be a fake?"

"Like I said, I practice invisibility illusion, so in addition to illusion, I can also be invisible, and what you hit just now was just my shadow." The other party smiled.

Hearing this, Lin Tian began to disperse countless phantoms, and the sixth elder laughed, "You are a bit interesting."

"Now, do you know which one is my deity?"

"I don't need to know, anyway, I'm just guarding the gate, I don't need to defeat you." The Sixth Elder laughed there.

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled slightly, "It's really interesting."

"Interesting? You think it's interesting?" The Sixth Elder laughed, and Lin Tian smiled, "Wait, I'll get you out soon."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian closed his eyes, and then those phantoms also closed their eyes.

This made the sixth elder in the dark suspicious, and Lin Tian's space spying technique quickly found the sixth elder in the dark.

I saw Lin Tian's phantoms deliberately scattered, but when Lin Tian opened his eyes and swung his sword, those phantoms opened their fields one after another.

The area where the sixth elder was located was immediately restrained, and then the sixth elder struggled uncomfortably, but Lin Tian's sword had already passed.

The Sixth Elder had nowhere to hide, so he could only block the cloak in front of his eyes, resisting the power of the sword, but the whole person was also shaken back.

Lin Tian smiled, "Do you want to continue?"

The sixth elder stared at Lin Tian and laughed, "You really impress me."

"It's okay." Lin Tian looked at the sixth elder with a smile, but the sixth elder said, "This is just the beginning."

"Oh? What else can't be done?" Lin Tian asked back, and the sixth elder smiled evilly, "Of course."

After finishing speaking, the six elders also split into countless shadows, but those were all done with illusion, and it was an advanced illusion.

"Well, I have a shadow too." The sixth elder said with a smile, but Lin Tian smiled, "Do you think I can't see it?"

"Of course, my shadow is not worse than yours."

"It's far away." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he swung his sword again, and the target was the real deity of the opponent. The sixth elder was attacked suddenly, and then he flew out.

"This." The Sixth Elder was startled, unable to believe what happened before his eyes.

Lin Tian smiled at the Sixth Elder, "I can easily detect any power fluctuations in this space, so if you use invisibility to deal with me, then don't even think about it."

The Sixth Elder didn't expect Lin Tian to be so powerful and said, "It seems that I really underestimated you."

"Are you still here?" Lin Tian asked.

The Sixth Elder said, "There is an exit here, it's up to you!"

"Oh? The exit is hidden around?" Lin Tian asked back, the sixth elder nodded and said, "That's right, this exit is right there."

Lin Tian had no choice but to turn on the "God's Eye Technique" and Space Peeping Technique again, and then went to check the changes around.

The sixth elder looked at Lin Tian with a smile, and waited for Lin Tian to have a result. After a while, Lin Tian found a crack in a corner and said, "That crack."

"Oh? Found it?" The Sixth Elder was a little surprised, but Lin Tianen walked over, and the Sixth Elder smiled, "It's ok, you passed my assessment."

Lin Tian left, and the Sixth Elder muttered, "It's really not easy."

When Lin Tian appeared again, he didn't see the fifth elder, so he looked at the other stone gates. On those stone gates, the positions of the elders were written.

Lin Tian knew that five and six were resolved, so he went to four, so he pushed open the fourth stone gate.

When Lin Tian entered, there was a golden light shining inside the stone gate, almost blinding people's eyes.

But fortunately, Lin Tian quickly closed his eyes, and opened them only after he got used to it slowly, and found that there were golden lights floating everywhere, and it was dazzling from time to time.

Lin Tian had no choice but to rely on his spiritual sense to scan his surroundings, and there was a voice around those golden lights, "Boy, are you sure you want to break through my level now?"

Lin Tianen said, while the person in Jin Guangnei laughed, "Then I'm afraid you will have some difficulty."


"Do you see these golden lights? As for me, I am inside these golden lights, so let alone break through the level, it will be difficult to find me."

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled wryly, "You elders, do you all like to hide?"

The Fourth Elder smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

"That's okay, I'll give it a try." After Lin Tian pondered for a while, he began to continue the "magic eye" and peeping techniques, looking for which one is the other party's hiding place.

As a result, it was completely unusable this time, but the voice laughed and said, "How about it, can't you find it?"

Lin Tian murmured to himself, "Why can't I find it?"

This result surprised Lin Tian, ​​and the voice said with a smile, "Give up, your strength is not enough."

After Lin Tian heard the strength, he said with a smile, "So, as long as the cultivation base is up, you can find it?"

"As the cultivation base rises, the surrounding golden light will be extinguished, which will naturally allow me to show up." The fourth elder said.

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "Thank you for reminding me."

"What? Are you still planning to break this golden light?" The Fourth Elder was puzzled, but Lin Tianen said, "That's right."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian took out a sword, and then danced there, and then a series of powerful forces hit the golden light everywhere.

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