Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3482 Prehistoric Beast

"Not in the Wasteland Temple?"

"Yes! I won't tell you exactly where this space independent of the wasteland is!" the Fifth Elder proudly said in the dark.

Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Aren't you afraid of being held accountable by other elders?"

"Other elders? He doesn't know where you have gone!" The fifth elder vowed, but Lin Tian stared at him and smiled, "Come on, let me see, what kind of helper did you invite!"

At this time, a huge golden bird with golden armor landed in the sky, and it was emitting golden light all over its body, and at the same time, it could breathe fire from its eyes.

It looks like a chicken on the surface, but the tail is very long, the wings are huge, and the claws are even sharper. When it fell directly, two deep pits appeared in the surrounding ground.

The Fifth Elder laughed and said, "You've heard of Desolate Beasts, but you haven't heard of Prehistoric Beasts!"

"Prehistoric beast?"

"That's right, something that surpasses desolate beasts, even scarier than some ancient beasts." The fifth elder said proudly.

Lin Tian really didn't know what the Great Desolate Beast was, but Lin Tian had the Desolate Beast Sword, so he wanted to see what this Great Desolate Beast could do to him.

At this time, the fifth elder said to the bird, "Master Bird, I leave it to you."

"Don't worry, it's just a small human being, there's nothing to make a fuss about." The bird could still talk, and opened its mouth. The powerful flame radiated golden light and flew directly to the area where Lin Tian was.

If Lin Tian hadn't avoided it quickly, he would have been crushed by that force.

The Fifth Elder laughed loudly, "Boy, do you only know how to dodge?"

Lin Tian turned into a soul, and then flashed, came to the back of the bird, and looked down with a sword, but the sword couldn't cut it.

Not only that, the scales on the bird's body trembled, and countless golden lights passed directly through Lin Tian's soul.

Although Lin Tian was fine, Lin Tian felt very uncomfortable when he passed through.

"Haha!" The fifth elder was very proud, and even wanted to see how Lin Tian died, but the big bird found out that Lin Tian was not killed, and attacked again, and moved very fast.

If Lin Tian hadn't been in a state of mind and soul, he would have died long ago.

"This prehistoric beast is really different." Lin Tian muttered in his heart, and the fifth elder would only dodge when he saw Lin Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, let me tell you, you can't leave this world, so you can enjoy the destruction of prehistoric beasts here slowly."

Hearing this, Lin Tian said coldly, "When I find a way to get out, I will definitely deal with you!"

"I said, there is never any way!" After the fifth elder was proud, his voice disappeared, and the big bird continued to attack Lin Tian there.

Lin Tian is like a small bug, avoiding everywhere, not daring to confront the opponent head-on, because the opponent's attack is too weird.

Especially when encountering Shenhunsha, I always feel hit hard, as if I will die at any moment.

Therefore, Lin Tian can only hide there, or escape.

"You can't escape." The big bird said while chasing over there, and Lin Tian's countless ghosts scattered.

That big bird seems to have a pair of eyes that see through everything, because no matter where Lin Tian runs, it can catch up, which looks very strange.

"How to solve this thing?" Lin Tian couldn't break the opponent's defense at all.

So Lin Tian asked the Black Demon Dragon in the Desolate Beast Sword, and the Dark Demon Dragon was shocked when he heard that it was a wild beast, "I said boss, where did you meet the monster? It's invulnerable."

"There must be a way." Lin Tian didn't believe there was no way, and the black dragon said awkwardly, "You can only use your best formation, but here, you have to find a source of power."

Lin Tian knew that the Black Demon Dragon's proposal was good, but he was puzzled, "In the Desolate Beast Sword, the power of many desolate beasts can be quoted."

"If that's the case, I have a solution." Hei Molong suddenly thought, and Lin Tian was curious, "Oh? Say?"

"In my inherited memory, there is a trapped beast formation, which is suitable for using animal power as a source of power."

"Oh? You still have the inheritance memory?"

"Nonsense, the ancient gods and beasts all have their own inherited memories." The black dragon despised it, but Lin Tian smiled, "That's okay, hurry up, don't talk nonsense."

The Black Demon Dragon told Lin Tian about the Beast Formation, and after Lin Tian knew about it, he asked the phantom to complete it, while his own deity continued to attract the opponent's attention there.

The big bird obviously didn't take those phantoms seriously, so it chased Lin Tian, ​​wishing to catch Lin Tian and eat him.

But this big bird never expected that it was fooled by Lin Tian, ​​and even chased Lin Tian for several days and nights.

When Lin Tian reappeared, he had already arrived at the center of the formation, and then the wild beast sword was stuck on the ground. The big bird laughed when he saw that Lin Tian didn't run, "Little thing, don't you run away?"

"I want to deal with you, of course I won't run away." Lin Tian said with a smile, but the big bird laughed, "Just you? Still deal with me?"

"Try it, you'll know!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he released the power of the Desolate Beast Sword.

This sword has absorbed a lot of wild beast power.

Therefore, after this power cooperates with the surrounding trapped beast formation, countless beast shadows flicker in the entire formation immediately, and the big bird is a little irritable, and spit golden flames to attack the surroundings.

But when the big bird's attack touched the formation, it was as if it had been absorbed, and it didn't do any damage to the formation at all.

The big bird was puzzled, and asked Lin Tian, ​​"What the hell is this?"

"One, the formation you are afraid of." Lin Tian looked at the big bird with a smile, but the big bird was annoyed, "I'm not afraid!"

"Oh? Don't be afraid? Then you stay here, and I'll deal with you when you die." Lin Tian's words made the big bird very angry, and then continued to attack everywhere.

The Black Demon Dragon said with a smile in the sword, "Boss, did you see that this move is quite useful."

"That's really good, but how did you get your inheritance memory?"

"It's natural."

"I haven't heard you say it before." Lin Tian didn't understand, and the black dragon didn't understand either, "Maybe, if my cultivation has improved, I will have it."

Lin Tian felt puzzled, but the black dragon laughed and said, "Boss, inheriting the memory, in fact, many ancient beasts have it."

Hearing this, Lin Tian had no choice but to stare at the wild beast, "How did this wild beast come about?"

"In my memory, I only know that they are scary, but no one knows how they came here." The black dragon was also very helpless.

Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "Wait to take it down, and then ask it carefully."

The Black Demon Dragon nodded in agreement, while Lin Tian was thinking. After the big bird was attacked by the formation many times, it became anxious, "Boy, stop the formation."

"If you don't surrender, I won't stop." Lin Tian said, and the big bird was in a hurry, "I was entrusted by someone to deal with you, and it's none of my business."

"It's ridiculous, you chased me and killed me, and it's none of your business now? What kind of logic is this?" Lin Tian is not a fool.

Big Bird was very depressed, but Lin Tiancai didn't bother to care about it until Big Bird became anxious, "Then, I will fight with you!"

After finishing speaking, the big bird rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian moved around in this formation, making it impossible to touch it.

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