Everyone naturally wanted to know, so they looked at those shadows one after another, and Lin Tian smiled at these people there, "The formation of ten thousand shadows."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard this, and felt like they had never heard of it before, and the person in the sedan chair snorted, "Boy, I don't care what kind of formation it is, I advise you to surrender quickly, or you will die when we break the formation." !"

"Break the formation? Just you? Don't be naive!" Lin Tian sneered, and the person in the sedan chair snorted, and immediately let Niu Long and Guan Shan break the formation.

Neither Niu Long nor Guan Shan could see what the formation was like, so after they looked at each other, Niu Long said awkwardly to the person in the sedan chair, "Master, we can't break this formation."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became anxious. After all, Niu Long and Guan Shan are well-known eight-star formation mages in the Tiangu Alliance. If they can't see through them, let alone the others.

As a result, the scene immediately panicked, and the people in the sedan chair reprimanded in various ways, "Trash, a bunch of trash!"

Yang Feiyan, who was in the dark at the moment, stared at the people in front with a surprised expression, "You guys are so amazing, you actually made such a formation."

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, while Yang Feiyan turned around, looked at Feng Aoxuan and Wanqian Emperor and asked, "Did you do it?"

The two shook their heads, then pointed to Lin Tian.

Yang Feiyan stared at Lin Tian in surprise, "You did it?"

"Is there a problem?"

Yang Feiyan didn't dare to believe it, "You are only at the Jindan stage, how can you be so capable?"

"Low cultivation does not necessarily mean incompetence, not to mention that my cultivation is really not low." Lin Tian said confidently with seven Nascent Souls.

But in Yang Feiyan's eyes, Lin Tian was in the Golden Core Realm, but how could a person in the Golden Core Realm have such great ability.

"You are so amazing." Yang Feiyan couldn't accept it for a while and sighed, but Lin Tian smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the trapped people shouted in various ways, especially some casual cultivators shouted there, "Boy, we will do it."

"Yes, let us go."

Hearing these people yelling, Lin Tian returned to his senses and smiled strangely, "I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it, and now you want it again? Is there such a good thing in the world?"

Everyone was anxious, and immediately began to regret, and some people even said, "Boy, we were blind just now."

"Yes, let us go, let's go right away."

At this moment, these people have completely lost the confidence they had just now, and some are just praying in various ways, hoping that Lin Tian can let them go.

Lin Tian said there, "One chance, isn't it enough?"

Everyone saw that Lin Tian refused to agree, so these people had to start rushing around, planning to rush out of the formation.

But this formation is like a labyrinth, they rushed in from one place, and then returned to the crowd, completely spinning in circles.

This frightened everyone, even the hundreds of masters of the Tiangu Alliance were shocked.

The person in the sedan chair shouted even more majesticly, "Boy, do you really want to fight against our Tiangu Alliance?"

"Right? No, I want to erase your Tiangu Alliance!" Lin Tian smiled in the dark.

Everyone gasped when they heard Lin Tian's breath, but the people in the sedan chair couldn't help laughing, "Erasure? Just you?"

"What? Don't you believe me?"

"Don't say that we are such a giant in the Tiangu Alliance, even if we are now, you can only trap us here at most. Could it be that you, a little golden core, can still kill us?" The person in the sedan chair snorted.

"Oh? Do you think this formation is really as simple as a sleepy formation?" Lin Tian laughed strangely.

Then everyone heard the sound of ferocious beasts, and they were puzzled until some poisonous snakes, tigers, and birds ran out of the forest, and they became frightened and alert.

The people in the sedan chair were still obsessed with it, "It's just a group of poisonous spirit beasts, what's the big deal."

The members of the Tiangu Alliance were also encouraged and shouted, "Kill!"

Those casual cultivators looked at each other until the person inside the sedan chair said to them, "If you want to survive, fight blood with us!"

Everyone thought it was reasonable, so they started fighting with those spirit beasts one after another.

After seeing so many spirit beasts beside Lin Tian, ​​Yang Feiyan was ready to move, "I really want to go out and fix those people together."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance later." Lin Tian reassured, while the thousands of emperors on one side came forward curiously, "Master, these people are not low in strength, and the number of those spirit beasts may not be enough."

"Isn't there still a formation?" Lin Tian took out a Lingshi and threw it somewhere.

At this time, another hidden formation appeared, and then countless boulders fell from the heads of everyone.

Some people with cultivation base were directly smashed to pieces, while some powerful people had to resist these inhuman spirit beasts and face the attacks of these formations, all of a sudden it was very difficult.

Especially some people were accidentally bitten by spirit beasts, poisoned to death, and even stoned to death.

The whole scene was in chaos, and Niu Long looked at the sedan chair tremblingly, "Master, this guy is simply not human."

Guan Shan also looked ugly, "Do you want to run away?"

I saw Guan Shan took out the Dundi flag again, and wanted to leave from here, but the people in the sedan chair said, "People from the Tiangu Alliance, how can there be any reason to escape?"

Niu Long didn't want to either, but he only had his soul left, if he continued to struggle here, the consequence would be nothing but ashes.

But at this moment, a Xiujuan flew out, and some people who didn't pay attention were sucked by the Xiujuan directly.

The scene screamed again and again, and Yang Feiyan was pleasantly surprised after seeing it, "It's amazing, it's abolishing their cultivation!"

Lin Tian was very calm, until Feng Xiujuan came back and said with a smile to the people in the formation, "If you loose cultivators want to survive, kill the people of the Tiangu Alliance, kill one, and I will let him out .”

"Really?" Those casual cultivators widened their eyes as if seeing hope.

The Tiangu Alliance was stunned, and the people in the sedan chair shouted, "Whoever you dare to do, I will kill him!"

But these casual cultivators, one by one, can't control so much for survival.

Afterwards, these people stepped forward one after another, besieging those members of the Tiangu Alliance.

With the addition of those spirit beasts, under Lin Tian's control, they only targeted those members of the Tiangu Alliance, causing the number of people in the Tiangu Alliance to drop sharply.

In the end, there were hundreds of people, but there were less than a hundred people, and they were still surrounded by sedan chairs, all of them looked ugly.

Niu Long asked anxiously, "Master, what should we do now?"

Guan Shan was holding the Dundi flag at this moment, thinking about leaving, but the people in the sedan chair said to the surroundings, "Boy, you have the guts to come out for me!"

"Don't worry, I'll come out later!" Lin Tian smiled there.

The people in the sedan chair were annoyed, and they shouted at the loose cultivators, "If any of you do it again, I will make his life worse than death!"

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