Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 448 The Mysterious Man, the Piano Player

Lin Tian didn't explain, but stared at the savage king and said with a smile, "You lost!"

"Losing? Why did I lose?" The savage king didn't feel that he had lost at all, and the casual cultivators around him also felt that Lin Tian was overconfident.

Some people laughed and said, "That's right, the winner or loser has not yet been decided, so why did he lose?"

"Boy, as long as he doesn't admit defeat, it's not considered a loss!"

"That's right, Savage King, how could he lose!"

Seeing that these people didn't believe it, Lin Tian knew that he should frighten these casual cultivators at this moment, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

So Lin Tian gathered earth walls around the savage king, and the savage king thought it was just an ordinary wall, so he drew his strength.

Then everyone saw a powerful white light flashing there, but they couldn't shatter the wall.

The casual cultivators present thought that the Savage King didn't have enough power, so someone shouted, "Savage King, use your strongest strength to shatter it."

"Yes, use your move, Light Fist!"

Light fist? Some people had never seen it before and didn't know what it was, but the Savage King immediately became wary and clenched his right hand into a fist.

For a moment, a huge ball of white light formed on the punch, and then the wild man gave a loud shout, followed by a "boom".

The wall was shattered, everyone was overjoyed, and the Savage King also showed a happy look, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "You broke it with such a great effort, but I can rebuild it at any time."

Sure enough, the next moment, there was another wall around the savage king, and everyone was stunned. As for the savage king who was going crazy, he punched him again.

But the power of the second punch was halved, and it couldn't be shattered at all, but Lin Tian smiled, "You used your peak strength for the first punch, but this kind of punch will become weaker and weaker, so you still give up Bar."

The Savage King didn't believe it, and continued to attack crazily, but in the end his hands were covered in blood, and the casual cultivators were startled one by one.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Do you want to continue?"

The Savage King knew that he had lost, and he had lost so thoroughly that he never even dreamed of losing to a person at the Golden Core level, so he stood there in a daze for a long time and said, "I lost!"

"What?" The casual cultivators present were stunned.

Lin Tian put away those walls, and the Savage King put away all the nets, then took out a box, and threw the box to Lin Tian.

It was a white box, and when Lin Tian opened it, he saw two balls of white light inside, which were the Light Soul Stone.

"Brother." Savage King finally looked at Lin Tian depressedly and called out.

Everyone didn't expect the Savage King to really bow his head and call him his brother, but Lin Tian took advantage of the situation and looked around, "Anyone who is still dissatisfied can come out now, I am willing to accept all challenges!"

The words were not big or small, but everyone nearby could hear them, but none of the people who shouted just now dared to go out.

Even one by one remained silent, obviously Lin Tian's ability had shocked them, making them afraid to go up and find fault.

But at this time, the sound of guqin waves echoed throughout the town.

"Is this, Mr. Gu?"

Some people were startled, and others were also surprised when they heard the voice, "That mysterious old gentleman?"

"Yes, that's Mr. Gu. Every time he appears, there is always a weird Guqin sound, but no one has ever seen his true face."

Lin Tian frowned, because he could hear the voice and couldn't determine the whereabouts of the other party.

Thousands of emperors shouted, "Who, come out!"

"Fengxian Mountain has never had a king, but today someone wants to be king, and I naturally disagree." At this time, a hoarse voice laughed in the dark.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, just come out." Lin Tian said to the surroundings, and the sound of the guqin continued to rippling, but that person did not appear.

The Savage King murmured, "This guy is always playing tricks."

"Do you know?" Lin Tian came back to his senses and asked, and the Savage King shook his head, "I don't know, but when this guy appeared, he had the sound of a guqin, and then disappeared without a trace."

Lin Tian didn't expect there to be such a person, but he didn't feel relieved, but said with a smile, "I advise you, come out by yourself."

"Don't you call yourself king? If you have the guts, come to me. If you don't have the ability, then pretend I didn't tell you!" After the other party finished speaking, the sound of the guqin gradually faded away.

Thousands of emperors scolded, "Who is it, making it so mysterious."

At this time, the proprietress ran out from the brothel and whispered to Lin Tian, ​​"My lord, this is the mysterious person I told you about."

"Oh? So, he has the map?"

"Yes, last time he appeared suddenly, took this picture, and then dropped some spirit stones and disappeared, and then I don't know where he went anymore."

"Have you seen him?" Lin Tian asked, and the proprietress said awkwardly, "No one has ever seen him."

Lin Tian had no choice but to smile, "It's interesting!"

Everyone didn't understand what Lin Tian was laughing at, but Lin Tian looked at Wanqian Emperor and the others, "You guys just stay in this brothel, I'll go out with this one."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he looked at the savage king, and the savage king wondered, "Where are you going?"

"Follow me first." Lin Tian didn't say much, but took the Savage King and left.

Those casual cultivators discussed who this Lin Tian was and why he was so terrifying. At the same time, some people wondered who was more powerful, this Lin Tian or that mysterious person.

All of a sudden, the whole town, even the whole Fengxian Mountain, Lin Tian and this mysterious person became people's hot topics.

But Lin Tian walked on a small path, and said to the wild man king, "Light Soul Stone, how did you get here?"

The Savage King immediately became embarrassed, and Lin Tian laughed and said, "These two light soul stones obviously seem to have been obtained from somewhere, and they were obtained only recently, right?"

"You can see this?" The wild man looked at Lin Tian in surprise, thinking that he was a monster.

Lin Tian held the Light Soul Stone in his hand, and the Light Soul Stone turned into waste in the next moment, and the Savage King on the side was completely dumbfounded, "This."

"Tell me, where did it come from?"

The Savage King became a younger brother, so naturally he could only say, "I found it somewhere in Fengxian Mountain, but that place is very dangerous, and."


"There is a big monster, and I don't even know what it looks like, I only know that it guards that place, and I ran away after getting two corners."

"Oh? Big monster? Very powerful?"

"It's very powerful, as if I can be blown away with one breath." The wild man king felt goosebumps all over his body when he thought about it.

Lin Tian wanted to take a look, so he said with a smile, "Let's go, go to the place you mentioned."

"Huh? Are you really going?"

"Don't worry, with me here, what are you afraid of?"

"But that big monster is really scary."

"Don't talk about big monsters, even if the fairy beasts come, they have to lie down obediently." Lin Tian said proudly, but the Savage King didn't believe it, and he whispered in his heart, "That's really loud!"

But Lin Tian asked him to lead the way, and he could only lead the way, but after a few steps, Lin Tian laughed and said, "How much do you know about this man who carries the guqin?"

"Ah? Which guqin?"

"Just that guy!"

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