Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 454 Wild Pony

The Savage King was annoyed, and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Brother, look, how arrogant this guy is!"

Lin Tian ignored it, but looked at the Savage King, "How about the matter I asked you to inquire about?"

"I was about to go! I ran into this bastard, so when I got angry, just." The Savage King became embarrassed.

Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, and looked at the savage king, "Let's go, go find out."

"Then him." Savage King pointed to Yunling, but Lin Tian said, "Don't worry about boring people."

Although the Savage King was a little upset, he still obeyed Lin Tian's arrangement and took Lin Tian with him to leave here.

But the onlookers booed, "Look, this Immortal King has escaped."

"I guess I'm cowardly."

That Yunling started to play around, and with a wave of his hand, a stone flew up from the ground, flying directly towards the back of Lin Tian's head.

Everyone thought that Lin Tian would be hit, but the Savage King turned around in shock, trying to stop it, but it was too late.

I saw that the stone flew out suddenly when it was about to touch Lin Tian, ​​and directly hit Yun Ling's eyes heavily.

Instantly Yunling screamed, and the people around were dumbfounded.

The Savage King laughed loudly, "Haha!"

Yun Ling squinted the smashed black eye, then stared at the Savage King with the other, "You are the one who caused the trouble?"

"Me? Do you think I'm so powerful? Can you throw back the stone you control in an instant?" The Savage King smiled.

When Yunling heard this, he looked at Lin Tian, ​​but he didn't believe it, "Impossible, this kid doesn't have such great control."

Everyone felt that Yunling was right, so they all started to guess, and they all thought that Lin Tian didn't have this ability.

But Lin Tian was very calm, and looked at the Savage King, "Let's go."

"Yes, big brother." Savage Wang laughed, and then led Lin Tian forward, as if all the discomfort had disappeared.

But Yunling was not reconciled, this time with one thought, countless stones flew up around him, and under his control, all these stones fell towards Lin Tian.

Everyone thought that Lin Tian would definitely be hit this time, but the Savage King didn't expect this guy to come again.

But the result was the same, before the stones touched Lin Tian, ​​they flew out one by one, and then fell on Yun Ling.

Yunling was directly sent flying by these small stones on the spot, "boom", and fell to the ground.

The people present were dumbfounded, especially someone who couldn't believe it and said, "Such a small stone can knock people into the air?"

"What a lot of control that is."

"No, this control is too scary."

At this moment, everyone gradually realized that Lin Tian's control was abnormal, and they began to discuss, while that Yun Ling struggled to get up, and then angrily said, "Boy, have the courage to fight outside the valley!"

"Waste of time." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he ignored him, and Yun Ling, who was at a disadvantage, didn't dare to use stones anymore, so he could only curse secretly, "Damn it, let's see how I kill you."

The Savage King led the way, and said as he walked, "Brother, you are really amazing!"

Lin Tian didn't speak, but Fei Yunma said to the Savage King, "You are so weak!"

"You are amazing, go on, you little dark horse!"

Then one person and one beast competed again, until the wild man king brought Lin Tian to a teahouse, and this teahouse looked like an ordinary teahouse, but there were some plaques hanging around here, and the plaques wrote the auction time of each shop, and The main auction stuff.

The Savage King pointed to those and said, "Brother, if you want to know where the auction will start, just look at this notice."

Lin Tian glanced at it and found that it is indeed complete, but it is just what is auctioned in each place, and not all are listed.

"Is that all?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking, the savage Wang Ensheng said, "Yes, that's all."

Lin Tian took a preliminary look, and there were as many as five hundred auction houses here.

"It's really an auction concentration camp." Lin Tian sat down after sighing, and the Savage King asked Xiao Er to bring some refreshments.

Then the Savage King stared at the Xiao Er and asked, "Xiao Er, how can there be any Thunder Soul Stone being auctioned recently?"

"Thunder Soul Stone? Yes." The little boy nodded, and the Savage King immediately became excited, "Oh? Where? When will it be available?"

"Recently, there have indeed been quite a few, but you know that there are few people who practice lightning. This kind of stone is not very effective, but the price is very high, so it has been unable to be auctioned."

"Where is it?" The Savage King felt hopeful when he heard this.

"Well, No. 9 Auction Shop, you go and have a look there." The second said, the wild man Wang Ensheng, and then gave some spirit stones.

The little boy immediately left with a smile, and the Savage Wang looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Brother, look, let me say, yes!"

"Let's go!" Lin Tian didn't want this thing to be caught first, so he asked the Savage King to take him to the so-called No. 9 auction place.

The savage king also hurriedly took it with him, but after walking a certain distance, the savage king wondered, "This guy actually arrived first."

Lin Tian looked not far away, that Yunling was standing at the door of a shop, and one eye was bandaged, but he smiled at the Savage King who was coming and sneered, "You two, here we come."

The Savage King looked at the entrance of the auction shop behind him, it was marked at 9 o'clock and glared, "Do you still want to be blind in the other eye?"

"No, I won't compete with you guys for control right now!" That Yunling smiled strangely, while the Savage King glared, "What do you mean?"

"Don't you guys want the Thunder Soul Stone? I know this one has it, and the filming will start tonight!" That Yunling smiled.

The Savage King had an ominous premonition, "What do you mean?"

"The rules of the auction house, if you want to win a certain item, you have to compete for more money!" This Yun Lingxie laughed.

"You want to raise the price?" The savage king's eyes widened, and Yunling said, "If you don't want to be raised by me, just obediently kowtow and admit your mistake, or I will let you get nothing tonight."

The Savage King was annoyed and planned to make another move, but Lin Tian stared at the notice at the door of the shop, saying that the auction would start after nightfall.

Only then did Lin Tian look at Savage King, "Let's go, let's go shopping first."

The Savage King had no choice but to keep up with Lin Tian depressedly, and that Yunling decided that Lin Tian and the two said the same way, "Let me tell you, the whole valley, where there is the Thunder Soul Stone, is Shop No. 9, so if you want it, just You have to wait obediently, and then I can raise the price."

Savage Wang said angrily, "You son of a bitch, wait, I will definitely kill you."

"Come on, let's compete outside the valley to see who is better." This Yun Ling said with a smile without any fear.


The Savage King gritted his teeth angrily, and that Fei Yunma looked at the Savage King and teased, "You useless big man, look at me!"

At this time, Fei Yunma suddenly accelerated his steps, and then rushed over at a fast speed, directly knocking Yun Ling into the air.

"Boom!" That Yunling slammed heavily against a solid wall, and there was a hole left in the wall, attracting the attention of countless people.

At this time, several captains in black thug uniforms walked out of Shop No. 9, with a black spot on the right side of their face.

Yunling climbed out from the broken stone, looked at the captain and said excitedly, "Captain Xue, look, these guys smashed your shop!"

The Savage King was shocked, then looked at Feiyun and said urgently, "You have caused trouble!"

"What's the matter?" Fei Yunma didn't realize the problem, and the wild man Wang said anxiously, "In this valley, you can fight, but you are not allowed to smash public buildings, otherwise you will be punished!"

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