Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 478 Five Levels of Immortal Sealing Spells

Master Jin immediately stood in front of Lan Meiren and said solemnly, "Elder Lan, pay attention to your identity!"

"Elder Jin, you also saw it just now. This kid has committed crimes and disobeyed me. Do you think he should be dealt with?" Lan Meiren said aggressively, without showing any face to the elder.

Master Jin knew that the Lanmei people would definitely kill Lin Tian, ​​so he shook his head and said, "No, don't do it!"

Lin Tian ignored them, but looked at Nangongyan and the others, "Let's go."

Nangong Yan and others stepped out of the stairs, recovering their aura one by one, but Zi Yun in the guqin stared at the Lanmei in the guqin for a long time before following Lin Tian and the others to leave.

Lan Meiren was not reconciled, and wanted to chase her out, but Elder Jin kept blocking her, while Qingtian and Nanquan could only stare there, but did not dare to stop her.

In this way, Lin Tian and others walked in front, and Lan Meiren and Master Jin behind were faster than anyone else.

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but came outside the five cave entrances.

Nangong Yan asked curiously, "Big brother, what do these five holes represent?"

Before Lin Tian spoke, the Lanmei had already calmed down, because she knew that Elder Jin was there, so she would never want to hurt Lin Tian and others, so she stared, "The five holes represent five different qualities of the immortal spells. !"

"Sealing Immortal Spell?" That Nangong Yan didn't understand, and that Nan Quan explained, "The first one can be obtained at the low level, the second is at the middle level, the third is at the top level, and the fourth is at the top level."

After hearing this, Nangong Yan and others were curious about what the fifth one was, and that Nanquan continued to introduce, "The fifth one is a legend, but since ten thousand years ago, no one has ever obtained it."

"Ten thousand years ago? Why?" Nangong Yan was very curious, and Tianbing and Fen Qingqing also wanted to know.

That Nanquan was about to say something, but the Lanmei snorted, "Of course, there was a man named Lin Di ten thousand years ago. Only he can come out safely. Everyone else will die if they go in here!"

"Dead?" Nangong Yan and the three looked at each other, while Nan Quan said solemnly, "Each of these holes is more dangerous than the other, so it's not like going in, you can get the immortal spell, and you might even die inside!"

Nangongyan and the others finally understood, and the Lanmei woman taunted after a flash of inspiration, "You are so good that you can walk up the fairy ladder, so if you have the courage, go to the fifth hole."

As soon as these words came out, Zi Yun in the guqin couldn't help but said, "Senior sister, I know you hate me, but it has nothing to do with them! So if you want to deal with it, deal with me!"

"Senior sister?" Nangong Yan and the others, even that old master Jin and the others were stunned, but Lan Meiren sneered, "I have nothing to do with you, don't mistake me, I am the third elder of Fengxian Temple, not your senior sister !"

"Senior sister, I know you want that piano score, but you killed the master, and the master has an account, so I can't give it to you, so." Zi Yun told the helpless truth, and Kelan beauty shouted, "Don't be so hypocritical, I will give it to you." Do not care!"

Just now I said it’s okay, but now I’m saying this again, that Mr. Jin is not a fool, he even understood something and said, “She is your junior sister? The so-called Nine Star Musician!”

"It is none of my business!"

"Master of the Qinyin Sect, did you really kill it?" The master Jin asked again, and the beauty Lan said, "Elder Jin, do you like gossip so much?"

Master Jin had no choice but to look at Lin Tian and the others instead of asking, "You should do what you can, and don't choose the one that is too difficult, otherwise you will easily die in it if you go in."

But the Lanmei said coldly to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, aren't you crazy? Go to these five holes if you have the guts!"

Zi Yun naturally persuaded Lin Tian not to go, but Lin Tian ignored it, and instead looked at Nangong Yan and the others, "Are you mentally prepared?"

"Big brother, we'll go wherever you say!" Nangong Yan couldn't hold back any longer, and this Tianbing also said, "That's right, Patriarch, we'll listen to you!"

After Lin Tian nodded, he looked at Zi Yun and Lingmao, "You two, just wait here, I will take the three of them in!"

Zi Yun was shocked when she heard that Lin Tianzhen was about to go in, while the Lan beauty smiled strangely, "You really have the guts!"

Lin Tian ignored her, but led the three of them to the fifth cave.

Elder Jin wanted to stop him, but Lan Mei laughed and said, "Elder Jin, this is their voluntary action, why do you have to persuade them?"

Master Jin frowned, until the four of Lin Tian disappeared, he sighed helplessly.

The purple rhyme in the guqin transformed, staring at the Lan beauty and said, "Senior sister, why are you doing this?"

"I said, I'm not your senior sister! And if you want revenge, just come!" Lan Meiren didn't appreciate it at all.

That Zi Yun looked at Lan Meiren with a complicated mood, and Lan Meiren snorted. As for Elder Jin and the others, they didn't want to care about other people's affairs, so they had to silently look at the fifth hole, wanting to see those people. No hope of coming out.

In the cave, under the leadership of Lin Tian, ​​the three of Nangong Yan passed through a layer of mist, and finally floated in a dim void, and in this void, there were many circles of light everywhere.

There are fist-sized clouds in these circles of light, and Lin Tian looked at the three of them and said, "These are all immortal spells, and each person can only inherit at most one in a lifetime, so when you have made your choice, tell me , I will assist you to obtain it."

Nangong Yan took a deep breath and asked, "Big Brother, is this Immortal Sealing spell very powerful?"

"Well, the sealed fairy art can be cast through spiritual energy, but the power will be greatly reduced, but it is more powerful than ordinary holy-level spells, and no cultivation is required."

These words made all three of them stare, but Lin Tian continued to remind, "Because the spell of conferring immortality consumes a lot of power, it can be used at most once or twice a day."

The three understood.

"Let's choose!" Lin Tian said, and that Tianbing immediately looked at Nangong Yan and said with a smile, "You are the youngest, you choose first!"

That Nangong Yan En's voice immediately began to shuttle among these cloudy "cotton candy".

Lin Tian and the others followed behind, and Fen Qingqing couldn't help asking, "Old Ancestor, according to those people outside, this place is at the legendary level?"

"Yes, it is very powerful, but it is also very difficult to obtain." Lin Tian explained.

Tian Bing was puzzled, "But I don't think there is any difficulty!"

"You will know later." After Lin Tian said something, that Tian Bing and Fen Qingqing nodded, and then silently waited for Nangong Yan to choose one.

At this time, Nangong Yan stared at a group of "cotton candy" that exuded cold air after shuttling around.

I saw a small cloud inside, and when I glanced at it with my consciousness, I could see words flashing on it, "Nine Frost Fists!"

"Big brother, that's it!" Nangong Yan said excitedly when she saw this.

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