Baimei Yinglao is not Nangongyan and the others, especially since he knows that becoming a super sect is a terrifying existence, so he hesitated and said, "My lord, let's not talk about super sects, this big sect is very difficult to rush up to. "

"What's the problem?" Lin Tian still wanted to hear from the old white-browed eagle and see what he wanted to say. After all, although Lin Tian now has his own ideas, he still has to consider the strength of Nangong Yan and the others. Have this ability.

Baimei Yinglao explained, "Yunzhou government stipulates that the big sect can sign up through the second-class city, but there are several conditions that must be met in order to become a big sect."


"First, the person in charge of the sect can initiate a challenge if he can defeat the leader of the second-tier city. Second, the second-tier city has quotas for controlling the number of sects. If you want to become a big sect, you have to challenge one of the big sects." sect, and after launching the challenge, a duel will be held in the second-class city within the specified time, as for the duel, it seems to depend on the agreement of the two sects, and the city lord will be the referee."

Lin Tian felt that he could easily do the first one. As for the second one, he looked at Nangong Yan and the others.

The three of Nangong Yan were immediately in high spirits.

"Old Ancestor, we can try." Tianbing said first, and that Nangong Yanen said, "Yes!"

Lin Tian nodded and said with satisfaction, "Okay, then let's go to Fengdu City to see the situation first!"

"Yes!" Nangong Yan and the others said happily, but the boss of Baimeiying felt unreliable. After all, these three women, one transformed into a god, and two were distracted, compared with some geniuses from big sects, there was still a gap.

But Lin Tian ignored the concerns of the old white-browed eagle, but the little black horse asked anxiously, "My lord, you haven't told me why you only brought me and not the old cat."

"it works."

"Useful? What is it for?" The little black horse was very curious, but Lin Tian didn't explain, which made the little black horse jump and follow.

Five days later, everyone came to Fengdu City, the so-called sky city, and it was still a magnificent two-story.

The three daughters of Nangong Yan who came for the first time were all surprised.

After Lin Tian gave them a brief introduction, he entered Fengdu City.

However, to enter the second floor, special certification must be passed, and Lin Tian took them to the Fengdu embassy for certification.

However, the news quickly spread to the An family, and the owner of the An family almost forgot the existence of Lin Tian. When the spies came to the news, the owner of the An family said in a daze, "What? He is here?"

"Yes, right in the city!"

Patriarch An solemnly said, "We have to inform Master Tian immediately, lest he make trouble!"

Then Patriarch An turned around and left, and after Lin Tian and others got the second-floor pass, Lin Tian went to Zhang's house.

"Old Ancestor, what is the origin of this family? Why did you come here?" Tianbing couldn't help asking curiously.

Lin Tian briefly explained what happened at the beginning.

The three of Nangong Yan suddenly realized.

However, when everyone came to Zhang's house, they found that there were no guards outside Zhang's house.

"Old Ancestor, isn't that right? There's no one there?" Tianbing was puzzled, but Fen Qingqing didn't understand, "The three major families in Fengdu, aren't they so deserted?"

The old white-browed eagle also felt that there was something wrong, and Lin Tian naturally found out, but the Zhang family's formation was still functioning, so Lin Tian stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After a while, a lazy voice came from behind the door, "Who is it!"

Then the door opened, and the servant looked curiously at the few people outside, "Who are you?"

"Where is your Patriarch?" Lin Tian asked, and the servant frowned, "Patriarch? Then you are late, he was arrested long ago!"

"Arrested?" Lin Tian was suspicious, and the others were also puzzled. The servant sighed, "Go and find out yourself, I have to pack up and leave quickly."

After finishing speaking, the servant closed the door, and Lin Tian felt as if something had happened, so he asked the old white-browed eagle to inquire.

After a quarter of an hour, the old white-browed eagle rushed to say, "Sure enough, something happened to the Zhang family."


"Ten days ago, the son of the city lord was seriously ill. Many people could not be cured, and even the city lord was helpless. However, the four guardians, Master Tian, ​​said that the Zhang family knew a genius doctor, so he asked the Zhang family to find him, but the Zhang family If they didn't find it, Master Tian ordered all members of the Zhang family to go to the City Lord's Mansion, threatening that if the miracle doctor didn't come, then the master would not let the Zhang family go!"

"Who is the guardian? Who is that miracle doctor?" Nangong Yan asked stupidly, but Tianbing gave him a blank look, "Silly girl, didn't the ancestor say that just now? The four guardians here are the second only The guard commander of the city lord exists, and the genius doctor, isn't he the ancestor?"

Nangong Yan was stunned for a moment and said in embarrassment, "I forgot what big brother said just now!"

"Go, go to the City Lord's Mansion." Lin Tian said to everyone.

Everyone immediately followed.

At this moment, Zhang Lingling, Zhang Haomiao, Master Zhang, and even Zhang Yan were all "trapped" in a courtyard in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Father, it's been ten days. How long is this Master Tian going to keep me trapped in this yard?" Zhang Lingling said very depressed.

Zhang Haomiao said helplessly, "Master Tian and Patriarch An have always wanted to punish us, but they didn't find an opportunity. But now that the city lord's son has an accident, he is using the name of the city lord to deal with us. How could he let us go at will?"

Master Zhang also sighed, "That's right, Master Tian is just a villain!"

Zhang Yan didn't dare to say anything, and could only stay there silently. At this time, Master Tian came, and as usual, he looked at everyone with a smile, "Everyone, do you think of how to contact that kid?"

"We don't know." Zhang Lingling immediately refused, because she knew that Master Tian wanted to attack Lin Tianxia, ​​so she would rather die than say anything.

Master Tian clicked his tongue, "I said Miss Zhang, do you really want to die that much?"

"I believe the city owner won't be so stupid as to kill us." That Zhang Lingling snorted, but Master Tian smiled evilly, "The city owner is not, but I will tell him by his side, if you still don't find that kid after three days Come on, I'll pretend to kill you, and I'll make another mistake, I don't think the city lord will blame me!"

"You, you!" That Zhang Lingling was annoyed, and at this moment Patriarch An appeared, and Master Tian said with a smile, "Patriarch An, you are here!"

Patriarch An sent a voice transmission to Master Tian, ​​and Master Tian was still smiling at first, but then gradually became gloomy, "Well, I know!"

Everyone wondered what happened to Master Tian and why he suddenly became gloomy, until Master Tian calmed down and glanced at Zhang Lingling and the others with a strange smile, "That kid actually came to the door by himself."

"What?" Zhang Lingling and the others looked at each other, and Master Tian smiled strangely, "Go, I'll take you to meet me!"

After finishing speaking, Master Tian asked these people to be guarded to follow, but Patriarch An sent a voice transmission there, "Master Tian, ​​are you sure there is a way to make him die?"

"Don't worry, when we get here, I'll do what I say!" Master Tian said confidently.

Patriarch An nodded, and then the two left the place triumphantly, while Zhang Lingling and others followed anxiously behind.

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