Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 504 The Provocation of the Eighteen Thieves

Song Jin agreed with Master Tian very much, and said to Patriarch Zhuo, "Patriarch Zhuo, Yunzhou Prefecture will send a competition envoy in two days, and I will trouble you then."

"What does Elder Song mean?" Patriarch Zhuo was puzzled, and Song Jin said, "The game needs to choose a mode, and then you can ask that messenger to save face, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Master Zhuo thought for a while and said, "This should be no problem, after all, according to my sister, she is also from Yunzhou Prefecture."

"Okay, then I will trouble you when the time comes, and let the envoy do what we ask."

"I don't know what Elder Song means?"

"When the time comes, I will tell you." Song Jin said coldly, but the Patriarch of the table said solemnly, "Can't you take action in advance and deal with those people?"

"Solve it in advance? Wouldn't that make everyone laugh at us for being afraid of their challenge?" Song Jin immediately objected.

But Patriarch Zhuo hesitated, "But."

"Don't worry, as soon as the game starts, we will kill them immediately!" Song Jin promised.

"Okay! Let's look at the Soul Chaser."

Song Jin was very satisfied, and then sent someone to send away Patriarch Zhuo, but Master Tian looked at Song Jin with some dissatisfaction, "Master, are you sure you don't need to strike first?"

"We have to kill them in the competition to show how powerful our Soul Chasing Sect is. Otherwise, if we do it in private, who knows how good our Soul Chasing Sect is?" Song Jinbai reprimanded with a glance.

"Yes, Master." Master Tian thought it made sense, and at this moment Wang Chongtian came from outside.

Master Tian was a little unhappy when he saw Wang Chongtian, "Junior Brother, what have you been doing these days?"

"Me." Wang Chongtian didn't know what to say, but Song Jin stared at Wang Chongtian, "Your brother told you to test the ability of Tianshuimen, I wonder if you have gone?"

"I went, but." Wang Chongtian didn't know how to lie, but Master Tian glared, "Junior brother, tell me, don't talk to mother-in-law."

Song Jin also stared at Wang Chongtian, and Wang Chongtian explained, "I can't even hurt Tianshuimen alone."

"Why?" Master Tian knew Wang Chongtian's ability, especially that Song Jin said, "You can transform into small animals at will, so you should be able to get close to them easily. Why do you say you can't hurt them?"

Wang Chongtian said with an ugly expression, "The ancestor of Tianshuimen is very powerful. I trapped him and he escaped."

"Escape? It's just a little guy, so powerful?" Song Jin didn't believe it, but Wang Chongtian shook his head and said, "Master, that person is not simple."

"It's just a Nascent Soul Realm, what's not simple?" Song Jin reprimanded immediately.

Master Tian also glared, "That's right, Junior Brother, you usually boast that you are very powerful, but why are you admitting cowardice now?"

Wang Chongtian didn't know how to explain it, but Song Jin sighed, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, after a few days of competition, we can deal with them!"

Wang Chongtian asked tentatively, "Master, what mode are you going to choose?"

"Model? One-to-one, of course, kill their mode!" Song Jin said confidently.

"Three against three?" Wang Chongtian tried to ask, Song Jinen said, "That's right, three against three is enough to kill the three of them."

Master Tian said excitedly, "Master, it's time to get someone to detain that kid's soul."

"Don't worry, the most powerful thing in our Soul Chasing Sect is the Soul Containment Technique." After that Song Jin finished speaking, he got up and asked the elders present to dismiss him, and then left by himself.

Master Tian also happily disappeared, and Wang Chongtian hurriedly told Lin Tian about Song Jin's plan.

After Lin Tian received the news, he didn't take it seriously, but returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

Nangong Yan and the others immediately took out an envelope when they saw Lin Tian came back.

"Brother, look, here is a letter from you." That Nangongyan gave the letter to Lin Tian, ​​and Tianbing and others were curious about the content of the letter.

Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "How did you get here?"

"We were shopping today, and a person came to us, but that person disappeared very quickly, we didn't see it clearly, but I had this letter in my hand." Nangong Yan pointed to the letter.

Lin Tian was suspicious, and opened the letter, and then smiled strangely when he saw the contents of the letter, "It's interesting."

"Old Ancestor, what's the matter?" Tian Bing was curious, but Lin Tian got up and said with a smile, "The Eighteen Thieves sent me a letter of challenge and asked me to go out of the city to find them."

"What?" Everyone was startled, but the white-browed eagle elder worried, "Don't go, the other eighteen thieves are much more terrifying than Yue Tianqun."

But Lin Tian never admits cowardice, let alone hides just like that. Moreover, Lin Tian also wants to see what is special about the other eighteen thieves.

So Lin Tian calmed down and looked at everyone, "You are here, don't go anywhere."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian left the City Lord's Mansion at once.

Nangong Yan looked at Baimei Yinglao and asked, "Is that other big thief really scary?"

"If it's not scary, the Yunzhou Mansion has already been taken down, and they won't be helpless against them!" The old white-browed eagle sighed.

Nangong Yan immediately looked at Tian Bing worriedly, "Sister Tian, ​​what should I do now?"

Tianbing had no choice but to look at Fen Qingqing, and Fen Qingqing said, "The ancestor is so confident, which means he must have his own way."

Nangongyan and Tianbing felt that Fen Qingqing was right, so they waited there quietly.

Lin Tian came to a forest in the north of the city, and said with a smile, "Come out, don't hide."

At this time, six people appeared around, and these six people were male and female, and each of them had various magic weapons.

At the same time, there is a flag of escape, and these flags of escape are special, as long as the mind moves, you can leave from the original place.

"Boy, you are quite courageous, dare to come alone." A middle-aged man among the six said coldly.

Lin Tian took a look at him, he was wearing a pair of golden gloves, and two beast souls could be seen on the gloves.

This beast soul looks like a golden tiger, as if it is about to rush out and bite someone at any time.

"Are you the eighteenth thieves?" Lin Tian asked with a smile after seeing it, and the leader glared, "Yes, I am the tiger gold of the eighteenth thieves!"

Others also reported their names one after another, but Lin Tian didn't care what their names were at all, but said, "You invited me here in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

Hu Jin's aura was released at once, and in the middle of the fusion, it looked really powerful, and the beast souls in both hands became even bigger, and then stood on both sides of this Hu Jin.

Lin Tian laughed nonchalantly and said, "This posture is very powerful, but it's useless just to look good!"

Hu Jin didn't expect that Lin Tian, ​​who was in the Nascent Soul Realm, dared to talk to him like this and then glared, "Boy, tell me, who caught our little brother."

"Yue Tianqun?" Lin Tianxiao asked.

"Yes, who is it! Let him out! I'm going to kill him with my own hands!" said the tiger fiercely.

"It's me!" Lin Tian pointed to himself and said with a smile, but these people immediately didn't believe it, and they all despised each other, "Boy, as long as you are in the Nascent Soul Realm, our little brother can't lose to you."

"That's right, our little brother is in the Fusion Realm, and there are countless Dundi flags, how can you take care of them?"

"Boy, don't you know that lying will kill you faster?"

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