Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 533 Master and Apprentice Meet, Extremely Jealous

"Your savior?" The old man was puzzled, and Qingman explained everything one by one.

After knowing the whole thing, the old man put away his prejudice against Lin Tian, ​​but he asked curiously, "Little brother, why are you so interested in our master?"

"I said, I know him very well." Lin Tian didn't say it directly, the old man was suspicious, and Lin Tian suddenly appeared with mountains and mountains all over him.

This is the Qingshan Earth Soul Art, and the old man and Qingman were dumbfounded when they saw it.

This Ouyang Linger was startled, "How heavy is this?"

The old man stammered, "Even if I can only make Yaeyama, this, this is already."

The mountains of Lin Tian seemed to be endless, as if he couldn't see the edge, but he quickly put them away and said, "Now you know what relationship I have with your master?"

"You, you are senior brothers? That's not right, you are so young and only in the Nascent Soul Realm, even my master." The old man felt puzzled.

Lin Tian didn't explain much, but said, "As long as you know, I won't harm your master."

The old man had no choice but to step aside, and then sighed, "Little brother, no matter who you are, but my master is sleeping, and no one can see him."

Qing Man took out the Heavenly Ghost Fruit, looked at the old man, "Senior brother, this is mine."

"I said, it's useless." The old man said helplessly, but Lin Tian looked at the old man and asked, "What's your name?"

"Me? Yu Shan."

Lin Tian hummed, "You guys stay here, I'll go in and have a look."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Tian rushed into the sarcophagus and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yu Shan's eyes widened, "This, how is it possible."

Qing Man was even more curious, "Brother, didn't you say that we can't enter the sarcophagus?"

Yu Shan returned to his senses and said excitedly, "It's impossible, but if the soul power is strong enough, you can pass through the protection of the sarcophagus, enter inside, and meet the master."

"Master, is it really inside?" Qing Man asked curiously, while Yu Shan nodded, as for Ouyang Ling'er was puzzled, "You can't go in, so how did you communicate with your master?"

Yu Shan returned to his senses and explained, "Our master, every once in a while, a picture will appear. This picture is about the way of cultivation, but it is just an illusion, so we recognize him, but he may not recognize us."

Ouyang Linger suddenly realized, "So, those who enter this valley all rely on formations to select disciples?"

"Maybe, we don't understand this either, but we are here to learn spells from the master."

"Then how do you know that he is sleeping, not dead?" Ouyang Lingerhu questioned.

Yu Shan was stunned for a while and said, "Once, we heard the master talking to himself, as if he was asleep, or he remembered, and then he couldn't come out because of lack of strength."

"So, your master may be sealed in this sarcophagus? Or is it lying here for some reason?" Ouyang Linger asked curiously.

Yu Shanensheng, "Yes, before me, there were a few brothers who said that they had heard similar things before, so we people in Qingshan Valley will look for various methods in the underworld, but they are all useless."

Qing Man suddenly looked at the fruit in his hand with some disappointment, "If this fruit is useless, then what is it for?"

"Don't worry, just wait and see how Mr. Lin is doing inside." Ouyang Ling'er comforted him.

Qingman groaned, and then waited silently there. As for Lin Tian, ​​he had come to a dark space.

In this space, Lin Tian saw a mountain.

There is a flesh body wrapped in this mountain, and this flesh body and the mountain are integrated into one, and at the same time, there are many ghosts gathered around.

"Preserve the physical body in the underworld, thank you for thinking about it." Lin Tian sighed when he saw this.

The people in the mountain suddenly opened their eyes, stared at the person who appeared in their sarcophagus and asked, "How did you pass through this magic weapon and come here?"

Looking at the familiar tone and eyes, Lin Tian smiled slightly, "For ten thousand years, it is not easy for you to keep your body from being corroded by ghost energy in the underworld."

"Who are you?" The other party was puzzled, and Lin Tian continued, "It's just that your soul seems to have been severely injured, making your soul very weak. Even with a strong physical body, you can't control it, so you are here Here, I can’t leave even if I want to, I can only cultivate my soul slowly.”

"What do you know?" The other party was shocked.

Lin Tian sighed, "Although this magic weapon can preserve your body and keep you alive for thousands of years, it can also slowly restore your soul, but the process is too long, and a weak soul will fall into a deep sleep if you are not careful. , and even hallucinations."

"You." The other party was more and more surprised, and Lin Tian seemed to see through everything, and said with a smile, "so every once in a while, when you are sleeping, you will talk to yourself, and you don't want to sleep forever. , so when you talk to yourself, this magic weapon will stimulate you and make you sober."

"Who the hell are you!" This person started to get a little anxious, and even a little scared in his heart, as if being seen through everything.

Lin Tian looked at him for a while and then smiled and said, "There are always places where you and I can meet in the mountains and rivers."

"Green mountains and rivers!" The man stared wide-eyed.

Seeing his surprised expression, Lin Tian said excitedly, "You have suffered."

The person in front of him was Qingshan, and he knew that the only ones in the whole world who understood the meaning of this sentence were himself and his master.

Especially the moment he heard this sentence, Qingshan didn't care how Lin Tian in front of him behaved like this, and didn't care whether the other party was someone else's fake or not, he just cried bitterly regardless of his own image, "Master!"

This sentence, master, was very heartbreaking to Lin Tian, ​​just like his own child, which made him very uncomfortable, "It's been more than 10,000 years, and I thought that after you really entered the ghost realm, you would be reincarnated."

Qingshan has long been crying like a child, "I rushed into the ghost path through Tiangui Mountain, then ran out of the ghost path, and came to Tianshuimen, but in order to meet you again, I."

"You built the Green Valley and made some formations, hoping that someone can pass on your spells, but you, because your soul was seriously injured, and your physical body is not suitable for this survival, so you, hide in this undead sarcophagus!"

Qing Shan couldn't control his tears anymore and started to cry, just like a wronged child.

If anyone is here at this moment, they must be shocked why an old monster, a person from ten thousand years ago, would cry so sadly.

"Don't cry, being a teacher will completely restore your soul." Lin Tian tried to comfort his red eyes.

Qingshan naturally believed in Lin Tian's ability, but he sobbed and asked, "Master, how did you find this? Also, how did you become like this?"

Lin Tian chatted with Qingshan one by one, and Qingshan said excitedly after listening to the whole process, "So Tianshuimen has begun to rise?"

"Now it's a big sect. When I turn back and train those three girls, I will lead them to attack the super sect, and finally surrender the thirty-six state capitals, and then unify the mainland and destroy the Tiangu Alliance!"

Lin Tian expressed his thoughts, and Qingshan knew that this process must be difficult, so he blamed himself, ‘Master, it’s useless to blame the disciples, otherwise I can help you. "

"Now take care of your wounds and your soul! Sooner or later, you will come out to help."

Qing Shan said excitedly, "Yes, master!"

"Then you, take a good rest, I'm going out." Lin Tian was a little bit reluctant, but he knew it was time to leave now, because he still had a lot to do.

Qing Shan also understood, so he stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, you, be careful!"

Lin Tian looked at him and smiled, then looked around as if thinking of something, "Let me transform your magic weapon first, so that you will never fall asleep again, and you can also communicate with the outside world at any time."

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