Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and continued to let Cheng Gang lead the way.

Cheng Gang had no choice but to lead the way, while the onlookers followed at first, but gradually they dared not approach, and finally came to a mountain behind the college.

Looking at the mountain from here, there is a layer of mist, and it is impossible to see the situation inside, but that Cheng Gang tremblingly said, "Can I not go in?"

Lin Tian stared at him and asked, "What do you think?"

These words made Cheng Gang's life worse than death, but he said helplessly, "Okay then."

Cheng Gang gritted his teeth and disappeared there with Lin Tian and others.

The students and teachers of the college looked at each other in blank dismay, and they also believed that they were dead. The onlookers had no choice but to disperse one by one.

Instead, in a dark room, there were three people hiding there, and these three people were Gui Jianxie, who escaped just now, and Lin Yan.

But at this moment, Lin Yan and Lin Shan were already very weak, and Gui Jianxie stared at them and said, "Who the hell is this kid?"

Both Lin Yan and Lin Shan had seen what happened in the academy just now, so they were both scared and angry.

Especially this Lin Yan explained the matter angrily, and finally that Lin Yan said, "That's how we became the soul of the sword, but I didn't expect that this kid also appeared in the underworld."

Lin Shan was even more depressed, "I thought I could seek revenge from him, but who knew."

Gui Jianxie looked at the two of them, "Go to the ghost cave and wait for me first, and I'll go to the Holy Land to see what's going on."

"Ghost cave?" Lin Yan and Lin Shan looked at each other with surprised expressions, and Gui Jianxie said coldly, "Originally, I planned to wait for your cultivation to improve before letting you go, but now it seems that we have to let you go in advance." You go."

Lin Yan and Lin Shan were overjoyed, and quickly expressed their gratitude to that Gui Jianxie, but Gui Jianxie turned around and disappeared there.

Lin Yan said excitedly, "Once we go to the Ghost Mountain Cave, our strength will increase greatly."

Lin Shan became even more happy, "This time is an opportunity, no matter what, we must work hard."

"En, let's go." Lin Yan hurriedly left here with Lin Shan, but at the moment in the holy mountain, it was a different scene.

I saw that this Cheng Gang walked a certain distance and passed through the fog, but what was printed in front of him was a barren mountain.

"Why is it a barren mountain?" Cheng Gang was stunned, but Lin Tian asked, "It's not a barren mountain, it's a formation."

Lin Tian stared at the front with both eyes, and then stretched out his hand, the barren mountain in front of him disappeared instantly, and then a huge palace appeared.

There was a powerful ghostly aura in the palace.

"This is so scary." Standing there at the moment, Cheng Gang could feel the horror inside, while that Ouyang Ling'er gasped, "Mr. Lin, it seems that this Ghost Saint Pill is not easy to take."

"I'm going to make a decision on this pill." Lin Tian was not polite at all, and at this moment the ghostly voice came from the dark place, "Boy, do you really think this is a place you just came to?"

Lin Tian said after hearing Gui Jianxie's voice, "If you don't want to die, you'd better hide it and don't let me out, or I will beat you."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he held the whip in his hand, and the ghost in the dark cursed evilly, "Hmph, let me see how you died in this hall."

Lin Tian ignored it and let Cheng Gang lead the way, but Cheng Gang was afraid, so when he walked, he trembled and was very scared.

Lin Tian did not hesitate and continued to move forward, while Ouyang Linger and Lang Xiao followed behind.

When everyone entered the main hall, the door of the main hall closed automatically with a bang, and then everything was dark.

Not only that, there were black lights shining everywhere, and these lights made Cheng Gang, Ouyang Linger, and Lang Xiao scream uncomfortably, obviously having a strong soul-eating power.

Lin Tian immediately grabbed Ouyang Ling'er with one hand and Lang Xiao with the other, which stabilized the two of them and brought them back to calm.

But Cheng Gang didn't have such a good life, and turned into black smoke little by little on the spot, and shouted, "No, Dean, help!"

But Cheng Gang died, no one showed up, and Ouyang Linger gasped, "It's so scary."

Lang Xiao frowned even more, "Daxian, where is this place and why is it like this?"

Lin Tian looked into the dark, "Why don't you come out?"

An old voice said, "Young man, this is the temple of the Ghost Academy."

"Are you the dean?" Lin Tian asked back, and the old voice replied, "Yes, I am the current dean of the Ghost Cultivation Academy, Pu Tian."

"I don't care who you are, I just want ghost elixir, so give me all your elixir." Lin Tian said a word, which made the old voice laugh strangely, "Young man, I've been here for many years, don't say You, an old guy, dare not talk to me like that."

"They are them, and I am me." Lin Tian didn't take the other party seriously.

Hearing this, the old voice giggled immediately, and then a black shadow appeared in the dark.

It was an old man, with black shadows shining all over his body, he couldn't even see his face, and at the same time he was holding a sickle-like thing in his hand.

Ouyang Ling'er took a deep breath, "Why is it not the same as the soul-hunting ghost?"

Lang Xiao was also dumbfounded, "It's really similar."

Lin Tian knows that the ghost ghost is an "official" of Jiuyou Ghost City, and he is responsible for picking up and guiding the dead souls everywhere every day, and at the same time has absolute power.

For example, in front of ordinary living souls, they are "gods". If anyone is disobedient, these ghosts will use the killing sickle to directly take the life of that living soul and turn him into a dead soul.

Therefore, in the eyes of monks, ghost messengers who are seduced by souls are messengers who are seduced by souls.

But Lin Tian was not afraid at all, and said, "It seems that you have something to do with the ghost ghost."

"It's good that you understand." The old man said calmly.

However, Lin Tian said, "I don't care who you are, but I only want the ghost elixir."

"Ghost Saint Pill is the medicine that our Nine Nether Ghosts are all powerful. Do you think I will give it to you?" the old man mocked.

Seeing that the other party refused to give, Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "It turned out to be like this, then, I have no choice but to make a move."

"Shoot? It depends on whether you have a chance." After the old man finished speaking, the end of the sickle flashed, and then the sickle had already landed on Lin Tian's neck.

That Ouyang Ling'er turned pale with shock, "Mr. Lin, your neck."

Lang Xiao was also startled, staring at him and said, "Da Xian."

The old man said with a smile, "Young man, no matter how powerful your soul is, you are vulnerable in front of my eyes."

"You soul-hunters and ghosts are indeed better than ordinary living souls. To be precise, you can dominate the living souls, but do you think I am the same as ordinary people?" Lin Tian asked back.

The old man said to himself, "No matter how strong you are, I can restrain you."

"Oh? Really? Then try to restrain me!" Lin Tian said without fear.

The old man sneered, "You humans are really too arrogant."

After speaking, the old man's sickle was ready to harvest Lin Tian.

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