Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 550: All Disabled

Not only Yuan Cheng, but also the mountain leopard were shocked, and they attacked Lin Tian frantically, but Lin Tian didn't tell them what the baby eye of reincarnation was, but said there, "If you don't want to die, just tell me obediently, where is the ghost tomb?" !"

Those people were in a hurry, but they knew that there were very few people in the ghost tomb, and the mountain leopard threatened everyone, "Who dares to say, I will kill him."

Everyone immediately became quiet again, and Lin Tian looked at the mountain leopard, "It seems that you want to die first."

"Boy, wait, I won't let you go." The mountain leopard turned into a phantom at this moment, and then burned its soul.

A brown light flashed, and the mountain leopard fled from here, but he burned his soul and consumed himself, and the others followed suit one by one.

Yuan Cheng was no exception, he fled from this reincarnated baby in no time, but the primordial spirits of these people were naturally scrapped a lot.

Lin Tian had no choice but to put away the Samsara Baby Eyes, while Ouyang Linger said depressedly, "They escaped."

"Run away, they will come sooner or later." Lin Tian knew that he couldn't rush in this situation, so he closed his eyes again.

Ouyang Linger and Lang Xiao had no choice but to ignore them.

As for Shan Bao and others, they had fled to a forest far away, and those people were relieved to see that Lin Tian hadn't chased them.

But all the primordial spirits have already consumed most of their strength, and now they are not even as good as a person in the body-fitting state, especially that Yuan Cheng, who was trembling at the moment, said, "Elder Shan, what should we do now?"

Mountain Leopard was in a panic at the moment, especially when his Yuanshen was seriously injured, which meant that he would have to recover for a long time, otherwise his cultivation would be restricted when he returned to the Yang Realm.

"Damn it, what's the origin of this kid?" The mountain leopard questioned Yuan Cheng, and Yuan Cheng told what happened in Guixiu City.

The mountain leopard glared after hearing this, "So, he cleaned up all the people in the Ghost Academy?"

"Yes, and he went to the Holy Land and returned safely."

Shanbao said solemnly, "It is rumored that this holy place is the place where the dean is. If the kid goes in, he can come out safely, which shows that he is not as simple as imagined."

"Elder Shan, what do you mean, he hides his strength?"

"Yes, it's definitely not in the Nascent Soul Realm." Shan Bao felt that Lin Tian had cheated everyone, so he was very angry and said very annoyed.

"Then what should we do now? We can't just be tricked by him like this, right?" Yuan Cheng was very unwilling.

Not only Yuan Cheng, but everyone present was full of resentment, and Shan Bao said coldly, "The palace master is near the ghost tomb now, and he can't leave for a while, and there is no one in Tiangu Ghost Palace who can restrain him."

"Why don't you tell him the location of the ghost tomb? Then lead him to the hall master? Let the hall master take care of him?" Yuan Cheng said after thinking about it.

When Shanbao heard this, he immediately became energetic and said, "Your suggestion is good."

"Thank you Elder Shan." Yuan Cheng was confident, but Shan Bao stared at him, "You are responsible for leading him to the ghost tomb, and I will go to the ghost tomb to meet the hall master first."

"Ah? Me? Elder Shan, you, are you kidding me?" Yuan Cheng's eyes widened at the moment, his face was pale, and he felt that Shan Bao was cheating himself.

Shan Bao glared, "Will you go?"

Facing Shan Bao's words, Yuan Cheng had no choice but to agree, "Yes, Elder Shan, I'll go right away."

"Go, I'll wait for you at the ghost tomb." After Shan Bao finished speaking, he led the others to leave.

Yuan Cheng was extremely depressed, "Aren't you going to force me to go back again?"

Thinking of how terrifying Lin Tian was, Yuan Cheng felt uncomfortable all over, but he didn't dare to betray Tiangu Ghost Palace, otherwise the consequences would be even more serious.

Therefore, Yuan Cheng packed up his mood and came to Lin Tian's area with the possibility of life-threatening.

Ouyang Ling'er saw this Yuan Cheng appeared again and said with a smile, "I said, you guy, you dare to come?"

Lang Xiao also looked at Yuan Cheng with a smile, "Your current strength is not as good as mine!"

Yuan Cheng was seriously injured at the moment, and he was indeed not as good as them, but he said, "I am here to tell you the location of the ghost tomb."

Ouyang Ling'er and Lang Xiao looked at each other, while Lin Tian opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Cheng, "Tell me, what tricks are you up to?"

Seeing that he was seen through, Yuan Cheng said awkwardly, "No, there is no trick."

"Oh? No tricks, you will come here to die for no reason?" Lin Tian didn't believe it, and sneered.

That Yuan Cheng said with a trembling mouth, "The ghost tomb is in Ghost Bone Mountain. Anyway, I told you, whether you go or not is up to you!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Cheng ran away, fearing that Lin Tian would chase him out, and Ouyang Linger frowned when he heard Guigu Mountain, "This Guigu Mountain is not simple."

Lang laughed but said, "I think these guys just want to lure Daxian to die."

"Where is Ghost Bone Mountain? Is it scary?" Lin Tian asked, and Ouyang Linger introduced, "Ghost Bone Mountain, there are bones everywhere, and there are all kinds of bones."

"Bones? This is the underworld, how could there be bones?" Lin Tian is not a fool, all the people who can be here are souls.

Ouyang Ling'er explained, "There are always some people whose physical body breaks into the underworld, and then the physical body is slowly affected by the underworld, and finally the physical body dies, but the bones are still there, so it is rumored that there are people from Jiuyou Ghost City who specially take these bones Gather it there."

Lang Xiao also said at the same time, "Yes, it is said that these people are called bone hunters, and they belong to the ghost messengers of Jiuyou Ghost City."

Lin Tian didn't expect that the Nine Nether Ghosts also had bone seekers and said, "So that's what happened."

Then Lin Tian got up and looked at Ouyang Linger, "Do you know this place?"

Ouyang Linger and Lang Xiao shook their heads, but Lin Tian could only look at Yuan Cheng who was hiding in the distance, "Go, let him lead the way."

"Are you really going?" Ouyang Ling'er was shocked, she couldn't even believe the wolf smile, "Da Xian, that place is so dangerous, do you really want to go?"

Lin Tianen said, Ouyang Linger and Ouyang Linger didn't know what to do. As for Lin Tian, ​​he took Ouyang Linger with him after explaining to Ji Bei, Nangongyan and others.

After that Yuan Cheng saw Lin Tian walk out of that area, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally I was fooled."

But at this moment, Lin Tian suddenly appeared behind Yuan Cheng, "I think it's better for you to be my ghost slave."

Yuan Cheng was shocked when he heard this, and then wanted to run away, but Lin Tian had already used the Ghost-Repelling Ghost Technique, and Yuan Chenglai was seriously injured, so he was locked up soon and couldn't escape.

This made Yuan Cheng turn pale with shock, "Soul-controlling ghost art!"

After seeing Yuan Cheng recognize this ability, Lin Tian smiled and said, "You should know what this is?"

Yuan Cheng was scared, and said nervously, "My lord, I have the soul shackles of the Tiangu Alliance. You, you can't give it to me anymore, or I will be wiped out."

"It's not just the soul shackles." After Lin Tian finished speaking, Soul Flash Kill directly smashed the other party's soul shackles.

That Yuan Cheng looked surprised after seeing that the shackles around his soul were no longer there, "You."

"Be my ghost slave obediently." Lin Tian smiled, and then the ghost disappeared.

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