Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 558 All Surrender

San Jianying was very fast, piercing through the opponent's golden light defense, and hitting the bald head of the right guard.

On the spot, the protector on the right screamed, and then began to feel pain while holding his head.

Tianbing didn't stop, and once again condensed the three swords, and every time the three swords flashed, the right guardian was beaten into an idiot, and even twitched on the ground.

"It's done!" Tianbing habitually put his hands on his hips and laughed, very proud, but Nangongyan stared at the remaining three elders and said with a smile, "It's your turn."

"I, we surrender!" One of the three elders immediately surrendered, while the other two quickly surrendered upon seeing this.

Shanbao was stunned, he never expected such a result, but Nangongyan suddenly said bored, "There's no more fun."

Tianbing was also a little disappointed, "We defeated so quickly?"

Not only Nangongyan and Tianbing did not expect this result, even Yuan Cheng, Ouyang Linger and others did not expect it.

"There is one more." Lin Tian stared at the mountain leopard who was not subdued, and the mountain leopard was frightened, and hurriedly said nervously, "You, don't hurt me, I just surrender!"

"It's boring." Nangong Yan was depressed, while Tianbing looked at Lin Tian and complained, "Old Ancestor, this is not a challenge."

Nangong Yan also said, "Senior Sister Fen, you haven't made a move yet!"

Everyone was speechless when they heard what these two people said, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Don't worry, there will be fun in the future!"

Fen Qingqing asked curiously, "Old Ancestor, what should these people do?"

"Of course ghost slaves!" Lin Tian smiled strangely, made everyone present ghost slaves, and announced the dissolution of Tiangu Ghost Palace.

Not only that, Lin Tian also ordered these people to continue guarding in the Tiangu Ghost Palace, waiting for the people from the Tiangu Alliance to come here again.

Just like that, a huge Tiangu Ghost Palace was abandoned, and Lin Tian brought Nangong Yan and others to the Three Star Ghost Dao.

This three-star ghost way is stronger than the two-star ghost way, but the binding power is naturally more difficult, and Nangong Yan and the three immediately rushed into it to train as if they had found something new.

Ouyang Ling'er looked at the Tiangu Ghost Palace not far away and asked curiously, "Mr. Lin, are you sure those people won't betray you?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "They are already my ghost slaves, if they betray me, they will be waiting for death."

Ouyang Linger snorted, but Ji Bei couldn't help but said, "My lord, the Tiangu Alliance probably won't just give up the Tiangu Ghost Palace in the Yin Realm."

"If they come one, my ghost slaves will clean up one, and see if they dare to come!" Lin Tian said with a deep smile.

Ji Bei suddenly had nothing to say.

Just when Lin Tian was going to sit down and take a good rest, some figures suddenly appeared nearby.

These figures flashed white light one by one, and Ji Bei immediately warned, "Why are there so many dark souls here this time?"

When Ouyang Linger heard the dark soul, she immediately stepped back and said, "A guy who can read people's memories?"

"Yes!" Ji Bei nodded.

Lin Tian stared at these people, muttering in his heart, "There are so many dark souls, it's a bit abnormal."

Dark souls are a very rare type of ghost cultivator. Hundreds of dark souls can appear at one time. Even Lin Tian in the past rarely saw them.

At this time, that Xiao Tianming appeared, more powerful than before, with white wings flashing behind him.

When those dark souls saw him, they all respectfully said, "Messenger Xiao!"

Xiao Tianming floated there, looked at Lin Tian with a sneer smile, "Boy, I didn't expect to find you this time."

Lin Tian stared at Xiao Tianming for a while and then laughed, "So you have multiple souls."

"Multiple souls?" Ouyang Linger was startled, and Ji Bei hesitated, "It seems that one of the three ladies was killed last time."

Extinct, can there be again? This made Ouyang Linger and Lang Xiao feel unbelievable, but Lin Tian knew that a person with multiple souls did lose one soul, and there would be other souls.

At this moment Xiao Tianming is another soul, more powerful than the one Lin Tian saw for the first time.

"Boy, are you scared?" Xiao Tianming stared at Lin Tian and laughed, but Lin Tian said worriedly, "Do you think that if you bring a group of people, I will be afraid of you?"

Xiao Tianming smiled and said, "One, maybe you are not afraid, but one wave, plus if I lead, you will definitely die."

"I'd like to see what you said about the inevitable death." Lin Tian smiled confidently.

With a wave of Xiao Tianming's hand, a white magic staff appeared with white light shining, and then he held the magic weapon and shouted to everyone, "Read all the power to me!"

Those people immediately hit Xiao Tianming with countless white lights, and Xiao Tianming's white lights became even stronger.

Then the white light from the white staff was immediately magnified countless times, making it impossible for people to open their eyes when it fell around Lin Tian.

Even Lin Tian, ​​he was also Yuanying with his eyes closed, and that Xiao Tianming laughed out loud.

Ouyang Linger became anxious, "My lord, are you alright?"

Lin Tian didn't speak, and that wolf smiled anxiously, as for Ji Bei, he found that Lin Tian's aura remained unchanged, so he wasn't too worried.

But that Xiao Tianming said, "Boy, if I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place?"

Nangongyan and the others were shocked and wanted to rush out, but Sanxing Guidao, they couldn't rush out at once, they could only "walk" there slowly.

Xiao Tianming was very satisfied with this result, and proudly said, "This is what happens when you fight against me!"

Lin Tian closed his eyes and said with a smile, "I'm still here, why do you think I can't do it?"

"Boy, don't try to be brave. My move, not to mention you, even the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal, can't resist it."

"Nine Tribulations Sanxian? Have you ever seen it? Dare to make such a conclusion?" Lin Tian sneered, but that Xiao Tianming didn't care, and said, "Anyway, your memory today is mine, and I can not only read Memories can also destroy your soul."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then what did you read?"

Xiao Tianming smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll take a look later."

Lin Tian just smiled there without saying a word, and then the baby eyes of Samsara opened, and the strong attraction attracted Xiao Tianming little by little.

Xiao Tianming was stunned for a moment, "Here, what's going on?"

Seeing that Lin Tian was still moving, Ouyang Linger and the others breathed a sigh of relief, while Xiao Tianming was struggling there, and even said to the dark souls, "Let's attack him together."

At this time, everyone turned their power on Lin Tian again, and no matter how powerful those people were, they couldn't help Lin Tian.

Not only that, Lin Tian also drew that Xiao Tianming to him, and said with a smile, "I don't care who you are, as long as you mess with me, you will die!"

Xiao Tianming said angrily, "Boy, you'd better let me go, or I won't be able to spare you!"

"At this time, you still threaten me? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"I, I still have many souls, and each one is stronger than the other." Xiao Tianming threatened.

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