Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 560 Sleeping mother-in-law!

Ouyang Linger's words irritated everyone even more, especially some people felt that Ouyang Linger was scaring them.

So someone came over and put that black scroll on the table forcefully, and then pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, no matter what the reason is, you appear on the Yin Killing Order, then I will punish you!"

Lin Tian looked at this man, he was a reckless man, he looked about forty or fifty, and his eyes were as big as snails, he looked fierce.

"What are you looking at? Don't you think I don't have this ability?" The man immediately released his breath, looking very powerful, and he looked like he was about to lose weight.

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and with a wave of his hand, the Yin killing order fell into his hands, and then Lin Tian opened it.

I saw that I was wanted on the murder order, and there was a portrait of myself, and there was even a description of the reward.

"Boy, will you come with me by yourself, or should I pack you up and hand you over to Yin Sha Palace?" the reckless man stared.

The Yin killing order left by Lin Tian said, "If you want to live longer, don't cause trouble."

"Causing trouble? Haha! Kid, is dealing with you considered causing trouble?" The reckless man didn't take it seriously, and stepped forward, even taking out a soul-locking chain, intending to trap Lin Tian.

Others were unhappy, and some said, "I saw it first, it's mine."

"And mine!"

In an instant, these people started to make trouble, so a group of people quarreled in the teahouse, and some people even ran outside to fight.

After seeing this, Ouyang Linger looked at Lin Tian with a puzzled expression, "This."

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, but Lang Xiao said with a smile, "We'll wait until they compete for the victory."

At this moment, those people were having a great time playing, and Lin Tian silently stared at the people outside as if watching a play.

This continued until half a day later, a black light flickered in the distance, and then a tower appeared, and then countless ghost aura gathered around it.

Countless people looked over and shouted, "The Shadow Tower has appeared."

Some people thought that the Shadow Tower was more interesting, so regardless of Lin Tian, ​​he made a leap and rushed to the Shadow Tower.

But there are also some people who are still fighting there, the purpose is to win Lin Tian, ​​so that they can go to Yin Sha Palace to earn some benefits later.

Lin Tian got up, looked at Ouyang Linger and Lang Xiao, "Go, go and see."

Seeing that Lin Tian was also going out, those fighting people stopped immediately, but they kept surrounding Lin Tian, ​​and some of them were still staring at Lin Tian, ​​looking for a chance to strike.

Lin Tian ignored them until countless people stayed in mid-air near the Shadow Tower, because the powerful airflow emitted by the Shadow Tower made it impossible for those present to approach.

"It's really the same as the rumors, it's hard to step in." Someone complained, and someone said depressed, "It's for nothing."

"It won't be in vain, isn't there another guy who needs to be dealt with by Yin Sha Palace?"

Those people who couldn't get in looked at Lin Tian again, and each of them smiled strangely, wishing to carve up Lin Tian.

Lin Tian ignored them, but took Ouyang Linger and Lang Xiao, and walked directly to the ghost tower, and the powerful forces around them had no effect on them at all.

The people present were stunned, and they all became curious, "He, why are they all right?"

"Baby, they must have magic weapons."


At this moment, these people feel that Lin Tian and others have a magic weapon, so they can go in.

So someone shouted there, "Boy, it's so scary inside, if you don't want to die, take me with you, and I can keep you safe."

Seeing this, the others also shouted, "Boy, take us with you."

But Lin Tian turned his head, looked at them with disdain, and then continued on his way.

This aroused the anger of everyone, and some people were still shouting, "What are you talking about?"

"You boy, don't come out when you go in."

"He will definitely not come out."

Everyone knows that the Shadow Tower is not easy, so they don't think Lin Tian can come out.

Lin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to these people, but took the two of them and leaped into a door in the tower, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

The people present were puzzled, and they were still thinking about how to get in, and some people were even more depressed, "It seems that the task of this Yin Killing Order can't be completed."

This said to everyone's heart, and everyone regretted not solving Lin Tian earlier.

At this moment, in the Shadow Tower, there was darkness everywhere, and Ouyang Linger felt as if someone was staring at them, trembling all over, "It's so scary."

Lang smiled but was a little confused, "I, I'm a little sleepy."

When Ouyang Linger heard this, she gradually felt that something was wrong, and Lin Tian looked at the two of them, "Everyone who comes in will be unconscious, and you are no exception."

"Ah?" Ouyang Linger and the two were stunned for a moment, but before they could react, they fell into a coma.

Seeing this, Lin Tian was not surprised, because the memory stone recorded that a group of people came here and all fell into a coma, and then some people were outside when they woke up, while some people were dead when they woke up.

When Lin Tian looked at the two people, a strange force spread to Lin Tian in the dark, trying to make Lin Tian fall asleep.

Lin Tian smiled, "Is it fun?"

Lin Tian turned around, looked into the dark place, stared at the dark place, and a voice came from the dark place, "It's been a long time, I haven't seen someone like you."

"Sleeping mother-in-law!" Lin Tian's eyes flickered strangely, and the old woman in the dark was a little shocked, "Who are you, how do you know it's me?"

"When I saw a group of people coming here to fall asleep on the memory stone, I knew that in the Nine Nether Ghost City, there is only one person who can make the soul fall asleep, and that is the Sleeping Granny wandering around the ghost realm!"

Sleeping Granny, ten thousand years ago, before Lin Tian became a fairy, she met Sleeping Granny, and the Sleeping Granny was very powerful at that time, and Lin Tian was just a little guy.

But now goodbye, Lin Tian was a little touched, and the people in the dark were shocked, "The people who come here are either sleeping or being sent away. No one has ever seen me, and they don't know my identity. How do you know?"

At this moment, the other party has been wondering how Lin Tian knew her, and Lin Tian smiled, "We met, but it was many years ago, maybe you forgot."

The other party was even weirder, "Have we met? Impossible! You are living souls, no one has ever seen me!"

"Oh? Do you still remember that there was a man named Lin Di 10,000 years ago?" Lin Tian smiled.

The people in the dark were shocked, "Are you that amazing kid?"

"What do you think?" Lin Tian still looked at the dark place with a smile.

The man was startled, "The same smile, the same self-confidence, and the same not afraid of my lullaby."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "As before, your lullabies are very powerful, but they really don't have much effect on me."

At this time, a black shadow appeared, but it didn't condense the real face, but stared at Lin Tian weirdly, "It's been more than ten thousand years, why, your cultivation has regressed instead?"

"fall back?"

"Yes, when you came here, you were almost immortal, but now you are just a Nascent Soul." The other party stared at Lin Tian strangely.

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