Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 571 One of the Four Ghost Generals

Hearing this, Lin Tian looked at the mountain in front of him, and saw that the mountain was like a reflection in the water, flashing and flashing, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

This made Lin Tian curiously ask, "Could it be that no one of you has ever entered?"

"Really not!" Zhang Quan explained, but Lin Tian didn't believe it. As for the people in the other ghost caves explaining one by one, Lin Tiancai knew that there was a barrier in this mountain.

Nangong Yan found it amusing, and stretched out her hand, only to see a powerful lightning flash across the barrier.

Seeing that Zhongnangongyan was about to be hit, Lin Tian immediately grabbed Nangongyan and retreated, and then directly caught the thunder and lightning with one hand.

These lightnings naturally had no effect on Lin Tian, ​​but the people present were taken aback, especially this Nangong Yan stammered, "Big brother, what is this, so terrifying."

"Ghost mines are designed to restrain the soul body, so don't touch this kind of thing randomly, otherwise it will easily wipe you out."

Nangong Yan took a deep breath, "So scary?"

Lin Tianen looked at everyone, "You stay here, I'll go in and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian ignored the barrier and walked over with his whole body, and those so-called ghost thunders hit Lin Tian one by one, but Lin Tian was intact and gradually disappeared from everyone.

Zhang Quan and others have been convinced by Lin Tian's ability.

After Lin Tian entered the mountain, he saw a fog behind and a path up the mountain in front.

But the mountains are full of purple lightning that flickers from time to time, and these are ghost thunders.

"Why are ghost thunders entrenched on this mountain?" Lin Tian felt curious, so he planned to go up the mountain to find out.

It wasn't until Lin Tian walked up the mountain for a while that he saw a "dojo" on the top of the mountain.

The dojo is similar to a square, but the difference is that a formation is placed in this square, so that the relative concentration of ghost energy there is higher.

At this moment in this dojo, there is a stone statue sitting cross-legged there, and inside the stone statue is none other than the so-called Cave Master.

The cave master didn't expect Lin Tian to come up, so he said inside the stone statue, "Boy, you are so brave that you dare to come here."

Lin Tian looked around and said, "You are not bad, you can find such a good place to practice."

"Boy, this mountain is a blessed place, and as you have seen, there are ghost mines here. As long as I am willing, I can let these ghost mines do whatever I want."

Hearing this, Lin Tian laughed and said, "How dare I come up, am I still afraid of these ghost thunders?"

The other party mocked, "Boy, those ghost thunders in the mountains are indeed not that powerful, but if I control them, these ghost thunders gather together, and they will kill you."

"Then try it!" Lin Tian stared at the cave master and said, and the cave master snorted, "Boy, don't force me."

"I didn't force you, I just wanted to see it." Lin Tian stared at the cave master, who was annoyed, "Boy, do you really want to die?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay, I'll help you!" The other party became annoyed, the sky was dark at this time, and thunder and lightning began to billow, and then those thunder and lightning hit Lin Tian like "long dragons".

Ghost thunder, to Hun, is a deadly attack. In the eyes of this cave master, Lin Tian will definitely die if he continues to fight like this.

But what the cave master didn't expect was that Lin Tian was fine, and he still stared at the cave master and said, "What? Is this enough?"

The cave master was completely frightened, and after realizing that Lin Tian was scary, he said, "Boy, can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Look, you are only doing it for that Lin Yan, and he has been sealed by you, so we don't have any enmity, right?" The cave master directly showed weakness.

Lin Tian laughed strangely, "If I hadn't been stronger today, I'm afraid I would have fallen down."

Upon hearing this, the Cave Master became serious, "Young man, speak up if you have something to say."

"Tell me, who are you, why are you here, and what's going on with this mountain?"

Lin Tian seemed to be asking the prisoner, but the cave master didn't answer, but said, "Young man, I can be here, naturally my identity is not simple, so don't ask me."

"Oh? Don't you say so?"

"What? Do you think I'm really afraid of you?" The other party started to get angry, but Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and threw out a whip, entangled the stone statue.

The cave master snorted, "Boy, let me tell you, if I want to leave, I can disappear at any time, you can't stop me at all!"

"Even if you want to leave, I will let you leave with serious injuries." At this moment, Lin Tian immediately inhaled the strong ghost aura of the dojo into the ring, and then quickly launched a powerful soul flash kill.

With the support of powerful ghost energy, Lin Tian's soul flash kill was very powerful, and he hit the stone statue directly.

The stone statue immediately shattered on the spot, and a black shadow floated out of it. The black shadow was a little hunched, and immediately turned into a sphere, and then soared into the sky, surrounded by those thunder and lightning.

"Boy, you forced me to do this!" The cave master was annoyed, and then a huge lightning ball appeared in the air.

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously and said, "What? You want to kill me just by relying on these lightnings? You really underestimate me."

"Go to hell!" The other party ignored it, and directly controlled the thunder and lightning, with a "boom".

The cave master thought he could shoot Lin Tian to death, but Lin Tian was fine, still standing there staring at the sky, "Are there any more?"

The cave master gritted his teeth angrily, but Lin Tian smiled coldly, and then countless souls flashed and killed the black light balls, all hitting the cave master.

The cave master immediately screamed and cursed, "Sooner or later, I will kill you with my own hands!"

In the next moment, the cave master appeared like a shadow and disappeared in the same place, while Lin Tian calmed down and stared at the mountain, "People are gone, but the mountain will never go away."

After thinking about it, Lin Tian began to study the mountain, until after a while, he saw a hole in one place.

When Lin Tian entered through this cave, he could see thunder and lightning everywhere, but Lin Tian was not stopped, allowing those thunder and lightning to attack.

Finally, in this mountain, I saw a book.

This book is like a stone book, and it floats there, surrounded by thunder and lightning. As for Lin Tian staring at it for a long time, he said with a smile, "This should be the soul-sealing scroll."

The soul-sealing scroll is very powerful, but it also has a time limit, so Lin Tian stepped forward, grasped the book, and was about to take it down, when a voice rang out from around.

"Young man, this book is not yours!"

Listening to the voice, Lin Tian laughed and said, "As far as I know, this book is one of the three major ghost books in Jiuyou Ghost City, but why is it here? And how did these ghost thunders come from? It must have something to do with you Right! Reggae?"

After the voice in the dark heard someone recognize him, the voice glared, "Boy, who are you? Why do you know me?"

Lin Tian laughed, "Jiuyou Ghost City is in charge of a small plane, and the small plane also has its own rules, its own world, in which different people control different climates, and ghost thunder is controlled by Reggae. , Rain Ghost, Snow Ghost, known as the Four Great Ghost Generals."

Reggae was startled, "Boy, who are you? Why do you know that Jiuyougui has so much trouble!"

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