Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 588 Transformation into God Realm, Different Mortals

At this time, a powerful aura came from Lin Tian, ​​and everyone looked at him immediately, but he didn't open his eyes.

Because Lin Tian is merging with the physical body, and because the soul was strong in the past, when entering and exiting the Yin and Yang realms, the power needs to be specially suppressed.

So Lin Tian gathered his soul power little by little, and when the Nascent Soul of the 100-layer Nascent Soul Cover appeared smoothly on his own Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul suddenly changed drastically.

I saw that the nine Nascent Souls in Lin Tian's body had merged, and then the "buds" withered one by one, and finally a huge "bud" was condensed, shining white light at the same time.

The huge "bud" spread out, and the white light disappeared, and a flower "grows" at the same time, and this flower has nine petals, and each petal has a color, representing nine attributes.

At the same time, in this "flower core", there is a small figure, and this small figure is the miniature version of Lin Tian.

This is Yuanshen, which is different from Yuanying in that it is like a shadow, and because of the nine attributes of Lin Tian, ​​nine kinds of light flow on this shadow.

Not only that, but on the forehead of this shadow, there is a white swirl.

The reincarnation primary eye evolved from the reincarnation baby eye, and like the reincarnation baby eye, reverses the vortex to absorb power, and follows the vortex to release mixed aura.

I saw that after Lin Tiannei looked at this primordial spirit, he found that the "Shenhua Chapter" of the Reincarnation Killing Heaven Jue had appeared.

The Huashen article is very simple, as long as the "flower" sheds a petal, it means that the cultivation base has improved.

"Falling? Self-defeating cultivation? Impossible!" Lin Tian didn't understand it at first, so after reading it carefully, he realized that the chapter of transforming gods depends on perception, and this kind of perception is intangible and incomprehensible.

This gave Lin Tian a headache, "It's the most troublesome thing to understand this kind of thing!"

Lin Tianbi knows that perception is a very ethereal thing. For example, if someone paints a picture, they will have some perception. Drinking wine can comprehend life.

However, Lin Tian knew that the realm of transforming gods was actually the realm of transforming mortals, it was like living a life like a "mortal" and comprehending a life like a "mortal" to achieve great enlightenment.

"Big brother, why are you in a daze." Nangong Yan said a word, bringing Lin Tian who was in a daze back to reality.

After returning to his senses, Lin Tian smiled wryly, "It's the early stage of becoming a god, and I'm thinking about how to realize it!"

As for the state of transforming gods, everyone knows that it is the most important hurdle in cultivation, because if you can't understand why, you will be trapped in this state forever.

"Master Lin, can you wait for this insight?" Mr. Xie knew that this insight would not happen for a while, so he hurriedly said anxiously.

Lin Tian didn't intend to sit down and comprehend right away. After all, this kind of comprehension of life is not a simple matter, so he looked at Mr. Xie curiously, "What's wrong?"

Mr. Xie said anxiously, "Half a year ago, after you left, my father went to Yunzhou City, and was detained by Yunzhou City not long after."

"Detention? What's the situation?" Lin Tian asked suspiciously, Mr. Xie said anxiously, "The Lord of Yunzhou City is sick and needs to be seen by my father. When we arrived at Yunzhou Mansion, Yunzhou Mansion asked my father to continue to treat my father there, and only for half a year!"

"Half a year?"

"Yes, there are only ten days left." Mr. Xie became anxious, and Lin Tian said in a low voice, "Let's go then, go to Yunzhou City to have a look."

Mr. Xie was overjoyed, and hurriedly took everyone there, but when he walked out of Fengdu City, the Zhuo Patriarch stood at the gate of the city, smiling at Lin Tian and others, "It's been half a year, I thought you were hiding!"

Mr. Xie became angry when he saw Patriarch Zhuo, "It must be you and Mr. Mu who framed my father!"

"Framed? I said Mr. Xie. It was obviously your father who was not good at medicine and almost killed the owner of Yunzhou City. Can you blame me?" the Zhuo family leader laughed.

Mr. Xie was furious, but Patriarch Zhuo was very proud, and looked at Lin Tian with a strange smile, "Boy, you are amazing, I can't do anything to you, but Fengdu City Xie City Lord, I can play slowly."

Lin Tian didn't speak, Nangong Yan was so angry that she wanted to do something, but Tianbing stopped her, "Girl, don't be impulsive!"

The Zhuo Patriarch laughed loudly, and still showed off in the city, "Come on, if you have the ability, you can do it in Fengdu City. If you break the rules in the city, you will be punished!"

Seeing Patriarch Zhuo showing off like this, Tianbing was very angry, and the people nearby all came to watch.

The Zhuo family leader is still playing a scoundrel there, and there are many Zhuo family members in the crowd.

At this moment, those people are deliberately angry with Lin Tian and others, "Aren't you crazy? Do it in the city if you have the ability!"

Mr. Xie looked at Lin Tian and the others and shook his head, "Don't be fooled!"

Tian Bing also looked at Nangong Yan, "That's right, girl, once you do something, it's breaking the rules of the city, and if Mr. Xie doesn't take you down, he will have an excuse to ask Yunzhou Mansion to take Mr. Xie down!"

Seeing Tian Bing see through his scheme, the Zhuo Patriarch tutted his tongue, "Little girl, not bad, you can guess all of this."

Tianbing stared and said, "We won't be fooled by you!"

"Oh? Then you just wait to see City Master Xie die in Yunzhou City." That Zhuo family leader laughed.

But at this moment, a ring on that Patriarch Zhuo's body suddenly flew out of the city, and Patriarch Zhuo was dragged away.

Everyone present was stunned, but Lin Tian stared at Patriarch Zhuo who had already arrived outside the city, "It seems that you are not in the city now."

Master Zhuo looked under his feet, and after he had indeed walked out of the city, his expression changed drastically, and he wanted to rush into the city.

But Lin Tian's earth wall had already appeared, and he was directly trapped in place, and then he looked at Mr. Xie and asked, "Mr. Xie, do people who are not in the city not belong to you?"

Of course Mr. Xie knew what Lin Tian meant, so he nodded and laughed, "The inside of the city is under our control, and the outside of the city is out of our control."

Lin Tian laughed and said nothing after hearing this, but Nangong Yan on the side was overjoyed, and went directly outside, staring at the Zhuo family leader who was trapped by the wall and said with a smile, "It depends on where you escape this time."

Patriarch Zhuo was startled, and hurriedly shouted, "My sister is from Yunzhou Prefecture, you'd better let me go, or she won't let you go!"

The members of the Zhuo family in the city made noises one after another, and even threatened Lin Tian and the others, "If you dare to hurt Master Zhuo, tomorrow will be your death day!"

Lin Tian looked at Mr. Xie and smiled, "Mr. Xie, this Zhuo family has colluded with the eighteen thieves. Do you think you should kill him or not?"

Mr. Xie nodded immediately, "It should be killed!"

Master Zhuo hurriedly explained, "I didn't, I didn't collude with the eighteen thieves!"

Lin Tian looked at Patriarch Zhuo with a smile, "As for me, I caught some before, but they said they had something to do with you, so whether there was any collusion is not up to you!"

Master Zhuo was shocked and felt that Lin Tian was slandering himself, so he said angrily, "You, you slander!"

"Go to Jiuyou Ghost and explain it!" Lin Tianbing said coldly, and that Nangong Yan did it without hesitation.

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