Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 728 Wanted

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and walked towards the exit instead. Seeing that Lin Tian was leaving, the ghost corpses looked at the hill one after another, wondering if the ghost corpse king would chase him out.

That Master Zhang was even more anxious, "Ghost Corpse King, don't you intend to take him down?"

At this time, a figure appeared, it was the Ghost Corpse King, and he became shriveled again, with green hair on his body.

Seeing this, Zhang Shi was overjoyed, "Ghost King, you finally came out."

Everyone obviously rarely saw the Ghost Corpse King appearing, but seeing him appearing at this moment, everyone was very excited.

Even the people present respectfully called him king, but the Ghost Corpse King stared at Lin Tian's back and then looked at everyone, "What are you looking at, follow up."

Everyone was puzzled, and the Ghost Corpse King was just following behind at the moment, not daring to step forward too much, and not daring to do anything to Lin Tian.

Master Zhang was puzzled and asked, "Ghost Corpse King, now is a good opportunity, why don't you take him down?"

"Get him?"

"Yes, he offended us. According to our rules, anyone who does not turn into a ghost corpse must be punished." The master Zhang explained, and the ghost corpse king glared, "I set the rules."

"No, he's breaking your rules."

"But he is my lord." Although the ghost corpse king was very reluctant, he still said something, and all the ghost corpses present stared wide-eyed, apparently not expecting such a result.

Master Zhang stammered, "You, your lord?"

"Yes, I surrendered to him just now." The Ghost Corpse King's words once again made everyone dumbfounded.

Master Zhang trembled all over, especially when he thought of the scene where he confronted Lin Tian just now, he looked at the Ghost Corpse King in horror, "Ghost Corpse King, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I look like me?" Ghost Corpse King glared at Master Zhang, and Master Zhang was taken aback. As for the others, they stepped forward to flatter Lin Tian, ​​and some even said, "I knew this young master was extraordinary."

"Young master, we will follow in your footsteps from now on."

Seeing the reactions of these people, Lin Tian smiled helplessly in his heart, and that Master Zhang even puffed up, ran to Lin Tian and knelt down, and kowtowed, "My lord, you can accept me too, I am willing to be your bully!" horse."

Master Zhang, who was clamoring for the Ghost Corpse King just now, looks like a grandson now, but Lin Tian didn't intend to kill him either.

Lin Tian turned around and stared at these ghost corpses, "Those who want to go out must submit to me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, while Ghost Corpse King looked at everyone coldly, "Whoever doesn't obey the order, I will kill him now."

Everyone was frightened on the spot, but the corpse had already bowed there, "I am willing to surrender."

The others were no exception, they all surrendered, and the reason why Lin Tian surrendered to them was because once the formation was broken, these people would become a terrifying force.

Therefore, Lin Tian branded thousands of people one by one, and then came to the edge of the formation, "Is this the formation?"

Everyone nodded, and Ghost Corpse King also said, "This formation can be entered but not exited."

Lin Tian took out the jade pendant, and within a short while, the formation was shattered, and the ghost energy gradually dissipated.

Everyone was shocked, especially when they saw the scene outside, they were surprised one by one, but Lin Tian said to them, "Okay, you are free."

"Yes, my lord." Everyone said in unison, but Lin Tian gave these people a special explanation, so that they could not hurt the people of Tianshuimen.

After receiving the order, everyone dispersed one by one, like wild horses running wild, and the ghost corpse king looked excited, "My lord, what about me?"

"You can also do what you want to do. If you need anything, I will let you come to help."

"Yes, my lord." Ghost Corpse King was overjoyed, and then disappeared with a leap.

However, Niu Mang and Nan Dian who were outside at the moment showed doubts when they saw the black air flow in front of them gradually dissipating.

But suddenly a group of people appeared inside, and each of them was very difficult, and they frightened the two of them.

It wasn't until those people disappeared completely that Lin Tiancai appeared from inside, and Niu Mang stepped forward excitedly, "I finally see you."

Nandian asked curiously, "Haimingcao, did you find it?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "What do you think?"

The two naturally felt that they had found it, and Lin Tian took out two strains, "Each person can take at most one strain within a thousand years. There are two strains here, so I will give them to you."

The two of them were already overjoyed when they saw the sea underworld grass, so they quickly took it over and expressed their gratitude in various ways.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "If you need your help in the future, just don't hide."

Niu Mang immediately promised, "Don't worry, I, Niu, will definitely help you."

Nan Dian also vowed, "Yes, we will not be ungrateful."

Lin Tian nodded and smiled, "Let's go."

But Niu Mang asked curiously, "Little brother, who were those people just now?"

Nan Dian also wanted to know, so they both stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Ghost corpse."

"Ghost?" The two looked at each other, and Lin Tian briefly introduced the situation.

After the two listened, they showed shocked expressions, especially when they heard that there was a nine-star ghost corpse, that Niu Mang stammered, "Isn't this nine-star ghost corpse very scary?"

"Well, but they need ghost energy, so they should go to some places with ghost energy to practice." Lin Tian explained.

The two nodded, until Niu Mang frowned suddenly, "Something went wrong."

"What's wrong?" Lin Tian didn't know what Niu Mang meant when he said something happened, but Nan Dian asked curiously, "What happened?"

"In my mansion, a group of people of unknown origin appeared, and they were attacking the members of the Hei family." Niu Mang explained.

Lin Tian frowned, and quickly rushed out of the abyss with a leap, Niu Mang and the two quickly followed.

At this moment in the Niu Mansion, a group of members of the Hei family are being surrounded by a group of people, and the leader is in the middle stage of Ascension Realm.

The head of the Hei family saw the wounded disciples and said angrily, "Wu Hai, our Hei family didn't mess with your Wu family, why are you chasing and killing our people!"

This middle-aged man, who was from the Wu family in the nearby sea area, took out a wanted warrant in his hand and said with a smile, "The top of Tianhai has issued a wanted warrant, and I want to arrest all members of your Hei family. There will be a big reward for staying with that young man."

Seeing the arrest warrant on the top of Tianhai, the Patriarch Hei was shocked, and Hei Xueyu said angrily, "We won't be afraid of you!"

Wu Hai laughed and said, "Patriarch Hei, is this your daughter who has been missing for many years?"

"What do you want to do?" The Hei Patriarch immediately stood in front of Hei Xueyu and said angrily, while the Wu Hai said with a smile, "Hei Patriarch, there is an explanation from the top of the sky, grab that kid and your daughter, and our Wu family will Get a lot of benefits."

"Since when did you join Tianhai Zhiding?" the Hei Patriarch said angrily, and Wu Hai said with a smile, "All nearby families have joined Tianhai Zhiding and formed a small alliance called the Black Sea Alliance, and our Wu family is A member of it, and the lord is a strong man at the top of the sky and the sea."

Patriarch Hei said angrily, "A running dog!"

Wu Hai didn't want to talk nonsense, but said with a smile, "Tell me where that kid is, and I can spare you from dying, otherwise, if my people do it later, you may not survive!"

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