Lin Tian said simply, "Yes, I'm here to ask for someone."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Sanzong was furious, and some people shouted, "Boy, are you too crazy?"

"Boy, what do you think of us? You can have people if you want them?"

That manager Rui said even more angrily, "Boy, don't be crazy!"

Dao Kuang was also shocked by Lin Tian's tone, and murmured in his heart, "This lord is too good at causing trouble."

The white-haired old man's face was already ugly, "I am the Great Elder of Mo San Sect, Su Mo, known as Earth Demon!"

"What's your name? I'm not interested. I just want someone." Lin Tian wanted to ask them at first, but now that everyone is there, he simply asked for someone directly.

The earth demon said, "Boy, do you really think that these sea breezes can defeat us?"

After finishing speaking, the earth demon emitted a stream of devilish energy, and then countless stones gathered around the black snow jade.

Hei Xueyu was trapped there on the spot, and those six-star sea breezes couldn't break through at all.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian knew that it was because of the strength gap between Hei Xueyu and the opponent, but he was not worried, but comforted Hei Xueyu, "Let me do it."

Lin Tian slapped the wall with one hand, the strength of those walls was absorbed at once, and then fell to pieces.

Hei Xueyu regained her freedom again and was about to strike, but Lin Tian told her to stop, "Don't waste your efforts, you are not their opponent."

Hei Xueyu was a little unwilling, but stopped, and this Su Mo said coldly, "Boy, now that you know where you are, how terrible is it?"

"Then you come and attack me." Lin Tian's words stunned everyone in the Mosan Sect, but the supervisor Rui said to Su Mo, "Great Elder, he has a magic weapon that can resist other people's spells."

Su Mo didn't believe it, and said arrogantly, "I don't believe it."

Manager Rui didn't know what to say, so he could only watch silently, while Su Mo looked at Lin Tian coldly, "Boy, I don't care what magic weapon you have, but if you come to me, you will die!"

"Hurry up if you want to do it!" Lin Tian was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, but that Su Mo was furious, one quickly arrived in front of Lin Tian, ​​and then pointed at Lin Tian with the other hand.

Not only that, this finger crazily injected demonic energy into Lin Tian's body, and then said with a grim face, "Boy, you are a righteous person, if you inject demonic energy into your body, you will definitely die."

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but Hei Xueyu became worried. After all, what the other party input was magic energy, not ordinary spiritual energy.

For the Mosan Sect members who were watching, everyone became excited, and some elders laughed and said, "With this little strength, you still want to fight against our sect?"

"This kid is just overthinking his abilities."

Manager Rui laughed even more, "Boy, weren't you crazy just now?"

Lin Tian laughed but said nothing, and that Su Mo was sure of winning at the beginning, but after he exported the magic energy for a while, he found that Lin Tian's body was a bottomless pit, no matter how much magic energy he injected, Lin Tian was fine.

Su Mo was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his hand, and stared at Lin Tian with a surprised face, "Who are you, why aren't you afraid of demon energy?"

"Let's cultivate both immortality and demons." Lin Tian's words made everyone present stare wide-eyed, but Su Mo gritted his teeth angrily, and slapped his hands frantically across the air, trying to kill Lin Tian.

But no matter how the opponent attacked, Lin Tian was fine, but Lin Tian found that the soul of reincarnation flickered.

"A change?" Lin Tian became curious, but when the opponent stopped attacking, the flash of light disappeared again.

This made Lin Tian sigh, "It seems that we need to let powerful people attack."

So Lin Tian said to all the elders, "You, who is the strongest?"

Everyone looked at Su Mo, obviously he was the strongest, but Lin Tian looked disgusted, "He is still too weak."

Su Mo was almost out of anger, but he quickly restrained his temper and said, "Boy, even if you are both immortal and devil, you can't resist my devilish energy."

"Ignorance!" Su Mo couldn't bear the word Lin Tian, ​​and shouted to everyone around him, "Attack me, attack him!"

Countless geniuses and masters of Mo Sanzong attacked Lin Tian one after another, and Lin Tian found that the shining light of Yuanshen was getting stronger and stronger.

"Yes, that's it." Lin Tian was very satisfied, and everyone present stared at Lin Tian like a madman.

Su Mo even discussed with the other elders, "What should we do now?"

"Cheat him to the one-eyed devil, let him be sealed there like the one-eyed devil!" an elder suggested.

Su Mo thought it made sense, so he said, "Okay, let's do it like this!"

So Su Mo shouted to everyone, "Stop!"

Everyone stopped, and then they all wondered what Su Mo was going to do, and Su Mo stared at Lin Tiandao, "Is it someone who gave it to you, and you go?"

"Yes." Lin Tian was straightforward, but that Su Mo had no choice but to grit his teeth, "Okay, then follow us!"

Lin Tian took Hei Xueyu and Dao Kuang to keep up with these elders.

Those disciples were a little disappointed, and some even sighed, "The elders actually compromised."

"No way, who made this guy a monster?"

Some helpless people thought it made sense, but they still followed behind, wanting to see if these elders really planned to release them.

In this way, after walking for about a while, they came to a transparent formation, and the Dugu Demon was in that formation.

But at this moment, the Dugu demon seemed to be frozen there, but he was shocked when he sensed Lin Tian, ​​"My lord."

"You have suffered." Lin Tian sighed after seeing him motionless.

But the Dugu demon said in shame, "It's because I'm not as skilled as others."

Lin Tian looked at Su Mo, but Su Mo said seriously, "Even I have no ability to open this sealing formation, so if you want to take him away, you have to go in by yourself, which is none of my business."

Hearing this, the one-eyed devil was shocked, "My lord, don't be fooled, these guys used to trick me like this before."

"Trick you?"

"Yes, I found a person from Tianshuimen who was related to them, so I asked them to hand him over, and then they said that this person was in this sealing formation, but I walked in, and that was it." is annoyed.

Su Mo quickly explained, "This person was inside, but you are incompetent. Can you blame us?"

The one-eyed devil said angrily, "I didn't see it at all."

Su Mo quibbled, "Anyway, you are incapable."

The one-eyed demon gritted his teeth angrily, but he couldn't move, so he could only yell at him, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "It's just a sealing formation, it's no big deal."

Lin Tian's tone made the members of Mo Sanzong feel that he was talking big, and the one-eyed devil asked curiously, "My lord, do you have a solution?"

"Of course, let's see how I break this sealing formation."

But those elders looked at each other, but secretly laughed in their hearts.

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