Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 760 Suspected

Lin Tian looked at Mu De and said, "Cultivation is just an illusion, strength is everything."

"What does this mean?" Mu De didn't understand, but Lin Tian realized there, "High cultivation does not mean high energy, so there is a saying that is very good."

"What?" Mu De stared at Lin Tian curiously, and everyone else looked at Lin Tian with doubts. Lin Tian thought for a while and said, "High cultivation and low energy!"

Everyone seems to understand something, but they still don't believe that Lin Tian has such a great ability, but Yang Dingtian said on the sidelines, "Masters, my little brother is very powerful."

Everyone was dubious, and some people even asked, "Dingtian, where have you been this year?"

Yang Dingtian told his story over and over, and finally said, "If it wasn't for my little brother, I would have been imprisoned to death by that damn suzerain long ago."

Everyone showed horrified expressions, and Mu De looked at Lin Tian strangely, "Did you really defeat the Mosan Sect master?"


It was hard for the people present to imagine how Lin Tian, ​​in the state of distraction, defeated a master of the ascension state.

Jia Bu, who was on the side, had experienced the horror of Lin Tian. Whoever is most qualified to happen is him, so he flattered there, "Let me tell you, I am in the mid-stage of ascension, but when my lord makes a move, I will Can't resist a move."

With Jia Bu's exaggeration, even Lin Tian felt that his skin was much thicker, and those members of the Tianshui Society worshiped and stared at Lin Tian one by one.

Mu De looked at Lin Tian even more excitedly, "You are really amazing."

Lin Tian didn't say much, and let them worship until they came to a cave, and these people entered the cave carefully.

There is a formation in this cave, if you go wrong, you will get lost, so Mu De introduced to Lin Tian, ​​"This is our stronghold."


"Yes, our Tianshuimen has many strongholds in order to prevent people from being wiped out, and the strongholds are far away from each other. Even the disciples don't know about it. Only the leaders of the strongholds know, and these leaders, all It's at the level of an elder in Tianshuimen."

"Oh? So, there is an elder here?" Lin Tian asked, and Mu Deen said, "There is an eighth elder here, named Mo Yazi."

"Then if I want to see your sect master, isn't he the only one who can take me there?" Lin Tian asked again.

Mu De nodded and said, "Only the elders know where the sect master is, we don't know at all."

Lin Tian snorted, and then asked, "Tianshuimen was beaten and hunted down in the Sacred Heart of the East China Sea, so why did you join Tianshuimen again?"

Everyone laughed immediately when they heard it, Jia Bu wondered what these people were laughing at, and Mu De looked at Yang Dingtian and said with a smile, "Dingtian, tell him."

Yang Dingtian said arrogantly, "Because of Emperor Lin."

"Emperor Lin?" Lin Tian looked curiously at Yang Dingtian, and Yang Dingtian said in a gracious voice, "Yes, Emperor Lin was a man of great influence ten thousand years ago, and everyone knows it, and the disciples and grandchildren led by Emperor Lin are invincible, we worship him. "

"Adore him, so you join Tianshuimen?"

"Yes! The Sacred Heart of the Eastern Sea was passed down ten thousand years ago. You might regret it for a while if you enter the Tianshui Gate, but if you don't enter the Tianshui Gate, you will regret it for a lifetime!" Yang Dingtian said excitedly.

Lin Tian didn't expect these people to worship him, so they joined Tianshuimen.

Seeing Lin Tian in a daze, Mu De laughed and said, "What about you? Why do you want to join Tianshuimen in the mainland? And you want to be their ancestor?"

Some people also said, "In the mainland, the Tiangu Alliance must suppress you in various ways?"

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "It's better on the mainland. After all, the people of the Tiangu Alliance look down on the fallen Tianshuimen, but here, I guess everyone is above the Tribulation Realm, and the Tiangu Alliance is focusing on you. .”

Everyone thought it made sense. After all, a sect, as long as it suppresses the strong, it can prevent the sect from developing. As for the weak Tianshui sect in the mainland, just find some people to suppress it.

After all, the Tiangu Alliance is in the mainland, and it already belongs to the status of the Great Unification. There are no sects and no state capitals who dare to fight against them.

But the Sacred Heart of the East China Sea is different, there are too many loose immortals here, and the Tiangu Alliance is not the most powerful existence here, so they have to unite with the top of Tianhai to deal with the people of Tianshuimen here.

This also caused the situation of Tianshui Gate in the mainland and the East China Sea Sacred Heart to be different.

"It's here." While Lin Tian was thinking about it, Mu De said with a smile.

Lin Tian looked inside, it was an independent space, and there were buildings everywhere.

When Mu De brought Lin Tian and Jia Bu to the main hall, Mu De said, "I'm going to find Elder Mo Yazi right away."

After speaking, Mu De turned and left, while Yang Dingtian and others stayed there to watch.

Mu De came to a secret room, and in this secret room, there was a white-haired old man wearing a gray robe, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, until Mu De came in, he said, "Mu De, what are you doing here again? "

Mu De said with a smile on his fat face, "Elder Mo, well, we have welcomed a big guest."

Mo Yazi stared, "Did you bring outsiders here?"

"Don't worry, listen to me first."

But Mo Yazi said angrily, "I said before, as long as you are not a disciple of Tianshuimen, you can't bring it to our stronghold, otherwise."

Before he finished speaking, Mu De said immediately, "He is from the Tianshui Gate in the mainland."

"What? Continental?" Mo Yazi stared, while Mu De told the story one by one.

Mo Yazi was a little worried, "What cultivation level is he?"


Mo Yazi said solemnly, "I only went to the mainland a few years ago. There were no ancestors there at all, and the Tianshuimen at that time had already become an unpopular sect."

"Huh? Have you been there?"

"Yes, there must be something wrong with him." This Mo Yazi got up immediately, and Mu De was scared to keep pace with Mo Yazi.

When Mo Yazi came to the main hall, he immediately released a powerful aura to make things difficult for Lin Tian, ​​"Say, who are you! Why did you mix in here!"

Yang Dingtian was startled, "Master, he is my savior."

"He has a problem." That Mo Yazi concluded, Yang Dingtian didn't believe it, "Master, there is no way he has a problem."

Mo Yazi stared at Lin Tiandao, "Three years ago, I went to Tianshuimen in the mainland, but at that time it was not a popular sect, and there were not many people there, and I have never heard of any ancestors."

Lin Tian was not angry, but asked with a smile, "Have you been there?"

"Yes, every hundred years, the sect master will send people to the mainland to see if there are any good seedlings, but I only went there three years ago." That Mo Yazi stared at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian laughed, "I only went there in a year or two."

"Why should I trust you?"

"I can divide qi and water flow swordsmanship."

"Well, I guess you stole it from someone, and you have already joined the Tiangu Alliance." That Mo Yazi said thoughtfully.

For his judgment, Lin Tian appreciated it very much, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Then take a look at these pictures."

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