With such a good opportunity, how could Lin Tian let the Tiangu Alliance go, so he took Jia Bu to other shops of the Tiangu Alliance.

Any pills, medicinal materials, or magic weapons are all fake under Lin Tian's "certification".

All of a sudden, everyone in the city was curious about who it was, who dared to expose all the "fake" things of Lin Tian so blatantly.

But Lin Tian seemed to have disappeared, those people couldn't find it when they wanted to find it, and the shopkeepers of those shops were all furious, and even spread the picture of Lin Tian, ​​and threatened to catch Lin Tian.

Until some people found out that Lin Tian was the one who protected Tianshuimen, they all felt relieved, but how the Tiangu Alliance was destroyed in Haigu City, they naturally laughed in private.

Lin Tian was on a tree outside the city, looking at the sky with a smile, "It's getting dark."

Jia Bu was sweating profusely at this moment, and he was afraid that some people from the Tiangu Alliance would appear suddenly to settle accounts with them.

Lin Tian lowered his head, looked at Jia Bu under the tree, and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "You said you, a good spirit treasure body, why are you so timid?"

"My lord, you are openly challenging the Tiangu Alliance, of course I am nervous." That Jia Bu said awkwardly.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "This is just the beginning."

"Ah? Just started?" Jia Bu was stunned for a moment, while Lin Tian smiled strangely, "I'm going to go to the city later, and rob all their shops at night!"

"Ah?" Jia Bu was startled, but Lin Tian smiled, "Don't worry, kindness is yet to come."

Jia Bu couldn't cry even if he wanted to cry at the moment, but he already had Lin Tianhun seal and didn't dare to say anything, he could only sigh inwardly.

As for Lin Tian, ​​when it was late at night, he would look at Jia Bu, "If you are afraid, just wait here."

"Okay, I'll wait." Jia Bu said quickly, but Lin Tian couldn't laugh or cry, and went back to the city by himself.

But Lin Tian knew that there must be a big commotion in the city now, and if he appeared so openly, he would definitely attract the attention of others.

So Lin Tian smiled strangely after thinking for a while, then turned around, his whole face was much more handsome, and his breath also changed.

"As long as the cultivation base is not very strong, you can't see through my disguise technique at all." Lin Tian walked confidently to the gate of the city.

The guard at the gate of the city checked Lin Tian, ​​and after making sure that there was no problem, he let him enter the city.

When he arrived in the city, Lin Tian went to the first pharmacy during the day.

At this moment, the pharmacy was closed, and Lin Tian came to a small alley behind the shop, and then burrowed into it, hiding his breath, and then opened his consciousness.

At this moment, there are some people guarding everywhere in the backyard of the shop, but Lin Tian is standing in the dark, but they don't know it.

Not only that, Lin Tian also escaped, disappeared from the original place, and came to a warehouse.

However, there is still a formation in this warehouse to prevent outsiders from stealing things, but how can this formation prevent Lin Tian.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Tian entered, he emptied the warehouse, and left a line of characters inside, "Patriarch of Tianshuimen, Lin Tian came here for a visit!"

Then Lin Tiandun left, and then Lin Tian used a similar method to loot all the shops of the Tiangu Alliance in Haigu City.

When Lin Tian reappeared outside the city, it was already the next day, and that Jia Bu breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Lin Tian was safe and sound, "You're finally back."

"Because they robbed all their places, it took a lot of time." Lin Tian explained.

Jia Bu was startled, "What? All places?"

"Well, all." Lin Tian said with a smile, but Jia Bu was dumbfounded.

"You can go to the city to inquire and see how they react." Lin Tian suddenly laughed wickedly.

Jia Bu hesitated and said, "I'll go and find out for you."

Then Jia Bu rushed to the ancient city of Hai, but Lin Tian classified the looted things, and then absorbed the things with "red" elements one by one.

After a while, the "skin" on the outside of the primordial spirit changed from red to orange.

"Orange?" Lin Tian hesitated, and continued to inhale the "red" element, but found that the "red" element had no effect, so Lin Tian chose orange instead.

When the orange thing is absorbed, the "orange" peel has orange light flashing again, and it flickers.

"It seems that the color of the corresponding element must be absorbed to change." Lin Tian muttered, and then looked for the "orange" element in a pile of items to absorb.

But early in the morning, the city turned upside down.

Because there is nothing left in all the shops of the Tiangu Alliance, and there is a line of writing left in each place.

The news spread quickly. At first, everyone thought that the Tianshuimen Patriarch went to the Tiangu Alliance to save people was just a farce.

But now that all the things in the Tiangu Alliance have been attacked, everyone is curious about who this ancestor is, and what kind of ability he is able to destroy all the formations.

Jia Bu, who even entered the city and heard the news, was frightened and left the city quickly.

However, the shopkeepers of those shops reported the news one by one, until the Tiangu Alliance sent a group of experts to investigate the matter.

Jia Bu ran back to Lin Tian, ​​and found that Lin Tian was distracted and asked in surprise, "Why did you break through again?"

Lin Tian looked at the "skin", which had changed from "orange" to "yellow" and laughed, "I have to thank the great tonics of the Tiangu Alliance."

After Jia Bu heard this, he immediately asked curiously, "My lord, how did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"It's just going through their formation and looting everything." This Jia Bu said excitedly, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Because the formation can't trouble me."

"So, you are an array mage?"


"What level?"

"Immortal array is not a problem." Lin Tian's words completely stunned Jia Bu, and Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "My ability is much better than you imagine."

Jia Bu snorted, while Lin Tian calmed down and said, "Have you seen Huang Element's stuff?"

"Yellow element?"

"Yes, Huang's, maybe it's a pill or a medicinal herb or something." Lin Tian explained, after all, Lin Tian was stuck here, but there was nothing to rob in the city, so he could only look at Jia Bu.

But Jia Bu hesitated, "For this, I'm afraid I have to find the Tiangu Alliance."

"Oh? You know what they have?"

"It is said that the Tiangu Alliance is rich in a kind of elixir called Huangdudan. This is a poisonous elixir with a holy quality. It is used to attack people and has a strong power."

"Oh? Does this elixir contain yellow elements?" Lin Tian asked.

"Yes, it's similar to golden aura, but it's different from metallic elixirs."

Lin Tian nodded and said, "That's right, Huang Yuanyuan and Jin Lingqi know each other very well."

Lin Tian took out a golden magic weapon and held it with one hand. After absorbing it, the magic weapon turned into scrap iron, but the effect was not very obvious. The "yellow" skin in his body only flickered faintly.

But just now when Lin Tian entered the "orange" skin, he absorbed the magic weapon of the gold system, and the effect was obvious. This made Lin Tian guess that this gold system is close to the "orange" element, but it is also a little close to the "yellow" element, but Lin Tian does not I understand why the person who created the Reincarnation Killing Heaven Art made such a fuss.

But Jia Bu on the other side stared at Lin Tian like a monster, "That one just now was a treasure, right?"

"Yes, treasure, it's too rubbish!"

"Trash?" Jia Bu didn't know what to say about Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian said, "Use my treasure hunting technique, try to find the place where the Tiangu Alliance puts the pills or magic weapons nearby."

Jia Bu stared wide-eyed, "You just finished robbing the ancient city of Hai, and are you going to the Tiangu alliance?"


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