Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 781 Dig a Big Pit

The five generals didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but stared at Lin Tian and said, "Boy, I have given you a chance, but you don't cherish it, so go to hell!"

Then flames flashed in front of the eyes of the five generals, and the flames rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​but they dissipated in front of the formation, until in front of Lin Tian, ​​there was only a small ball of flames left.

With a flick of Lin Tian's finger, the flame ball was extinguished, that Yan Shishi gasped, "Can you carry it down so close?"

The five generals were not reconciled, and he found something wrong with the jade pendant in the formation at a glance, so he sprinted, passed through the formation, and rushed towards the jade pendant, intending to take it down.

Yan Shishi was shocked, "He wants to get the jade pendant!"

It was only a split second, so the fifth general grabbed the jade pendant at once, and then smiled evilly, "Boy, without this, let's see how you can resist my power."

Lin Tian suddenly laughed, "I've been around for many years, and this is the first time I've seen such a courageous guy."

"Bold?" The five generals were suspicious, and Lin Tian smiled, and then a powerful devouring force suddenly appeared on the jade pendant.

The evil energy in the five generals was instantly drained by the jade pendant, and the five generals shook off the jade pendant in fright.

But the five generals without the evil spirit are like a body without strength. Even if they want to recover the evil spirit, it will take a while.

Therefore, when Lin Tian was about to escape from the fifth general, Lin Tian suddenly released countless phantoms to block his way.

The fifth general was furious, "You!"

"Do you think my jade pendant was exposed and was stolen from you?" Lin Tian laughed, and the fifth general knew he had been fooled when he heard this.

Yan Shishi was even more stunned, "It turned out to be to trick this goblin!"

The army outside did not expect Lin Tian to dig such a hole and wait for their five generals to take the bait.

Lin Tian smiled and looked at the fifth general after expressing his plan, "Don't try to restore your evil spirit, because you won't be able to recover quickly!"

The fifth general was not reconciled, and began to absorb the monster energy crazily there, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Don't try it, the small formation here will not let you generate any monster energy."

The five generals didn't believe it, but after trying it for a while, he found that the evil spirit in his body could not recover, so he widened his eyes, "You."

"There is only one way now, and that is to submit to me, or you will die!" Lin Tian smiled and looked at the fifth general.

The five generals gritted their teeth and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"You."

The red tiger outside was in a hurry, and quickly looked at the generals around him, "Why are you in a daze, go over and save the fifth general!"

Those goblins thought about it, but they didn't dare to get close, and Lin Tian didn't want to give them time, so he made a quick move.

I saw countless phantoms suddenly close in front of the fifth general, and pressed the fifth general with one hand.

The fifth general lost his demonic aura, but with his powerful body, he wanted to shake Lin Tian away, but there were too many ghosts.

The five generals couldn't use the demon method, relying on the physical body alone, they could only punch one phantom at most, but when some phantoms were blown away, Lin Tian's soul imprint had already been punched on the five generals.

The fifth general was stunned for a moment, and looking at the soul seal on his soul, he said to himself, "No, it's impossible!"

At this time, Lin Tian's voice sounded in the body of the five generals, "Stop struggling, it's useless!"

The fifth general was afraid, and even stared at Lin Tian for a while, "Who are you!"

At this moment, the fifth general knew deeply that a person who could control his 200,000-year-old demon soul was by no means that simple.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Never mind who I am, sign the contract now!"

Although Lin Tian put a soul mark on the five generals, the demon soul is different from the human soul, so Lin Tian can only make him completely unable to break free from his control if he makes a contract with him.

At this moment, the five generals had no choice but to obey, so they signed a contract with Lin Tian at once.

Yan Shishi, who was there, was stunned, still staring at Lin Tian and muttering to herself, "The 200,000-year-old goblin just surrendered like this?"

Not only that, Lin Tian took out the jade pendant and smiled strangely, and returned all the evil spirit sucked into the jade pendant to the five generals.

After the five generals regained their strength, they stared at Lin Tian with complicated eyes for a while and said, "From now on, Xia Wu, everything will be up to the adults."

"Five Xia?"

"Well, it's a shame to pick a random name." Xia Wu said embarrassedly, and after Lin Tian nodded, he looked at the goblins outside the formation.

At this moment, these goblins were already stupid, and some goblins even said to the red tiger, "Little prince, get out quickly."

Hong Hu was not a fool, he could only leave in embarrassment with others, not daring to get closer, after all, this Xia Wu was the strongest existence in their Spirit Hall.

Lin Tian put away the formation and the jade pendant, then stared at Xia Wu and said with a smile, "How many masters are there in this Red Sea Spirit Hall?"

"Five people who are more than 100,000 years old, twenty people who are more than 50,000 years old, and more than a hundred people who are more than 10,000 years old."

"Oh? Are they all fairies?" Lin Tian asked, and Xia Wuen said, "Yes."

Lin Tian smiled knowingly, "Alright then, take me to the Red Sea Spirit Hall."

Xia Wu looked at Lin Tian strangely, "My lord, what do you mean?"

"I want to take down the Red Sea Spirit Hall." Lin Tian expressed his thoughts, and Xia Wu's eyes widened, "This."

This Yan Shishi was also stunned, staring at Lin Tian in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

"There are so many strong ones, and they will be used sooner or later." Lin Tian smiled at Yan Shishi, and Yan Shishi felt goosebumps all over her body when she thought that Lin Tian had intentions for the top of the sky.

Lin Tian looked at Yan Shishi with a smile, "Don't worry, I've said it before, I never kill people randomly, but as long as someone bullies my Tianshuimen, I will not be polite."

Yan Shishi knew that this was the end of the matter, and she couldn't change anything, so she could only say helplessly, "I didn't say that I would intercede for our alliance."

Lin Tian smiled, then looked at Xia Wu, "Lead the way."


Xia Wu took Lin Tian and the two into the bottom of the sea, and then went to the distance. As for those people, they had already returned to a palace under the sea.

In this palace, the red tiger was very annoyed, but he had to say to the rest of the people, "Quickly, activate the defensive formation to prevent them from coming over."

"Yes, little prince."

Then the goblins went to work immediately, but the red tiger always felt uneasy, so he thought about it, took out the sound transmission stone, "Father, you, come back quickly."

After finishing speaking, the big idiot outside came back and said anxiously to the red tiger, "Little prince, that guy is really here."

Honghu was shocked, "Is the formation activated?"


"Let's go and have a look." Honghu and Big Stupid came outside the palace immediately, and then stood on the edge of the formation, looking at Lin Tian and Xia Wu standing outside.

The red tiger said angrily, "Xia Wu, you really want to help a human being."

"Little prince, you have also seen that I can't help myself." That Xia Wu was helpless, but Hong Hu said angrily, "You are a guy who eats inside and out!"

Xia Wu was silent, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Okay, stop scolding, let's talk about us."

"Boy, let me tell you, you don't want to touch me!" The red tiger said to himself, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Oh? Just rely on this to break the formation?"

"This is the nine-star formation, plus a broken fairy formation, the combined power can withstand the attack of any loose immortal." The red tiger said confidently.

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