Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 810 Revenge

Lin Tian looked over, and told them to stop, it was a young man with very little hair, a little bald, and a group of "entourages" around him.

The cultivation base of these attendants has not reached the fifth level of Sanxian, but this young man has already reached the sixth level of Sanxian. After looking up and down for a while, he looked at Yan Shishi.

Yan Shishi was stunned for a moment, and immediately frowned, but the young man turned his attention to Lin Tian again, and said seriously, "Gu family, do you still know him?"

Lin Tian hesitated and asked, "Which Gu family?"

The opponent waved a hand, and a picture appeared, and it was another young man.

Lin Tian smiled wryly when he saw this person, "It's the one who doesn't have eyes."

As soon as these words came out, those "entourages" were immediately displeased, and some people shouted, "You say our young master doesn't have eyes?"

Lin Tian sneered, "On the day my apprentice grandson Du Jie, he suddenly came to disrupt the situation and even attacked her. Do you think this person has no eyes?"

Yan Shishi was curious about what disciples and grandchildren crossed the catastrophe, but only Lin Tian knew that he was the one who helped Hei Xueyu to cross the catastrophe, and then suddenly ran out with a group of people, led by a member of the Gu family.

At that time, that person claimed to be a member of the top ten families of the East China Sea Sacred Heart.

However, the young man in front of him is that person's elder brother, Gu Shengtian.

When Gu Shengtian heard Lin Tian say that about his brother, he said coldly, "You killed my brother, how dare you say that about him?"

"If he doesn't mess with me, will I kill him?" Lin Tian asked back, but Gu Shengtian snorted, "Take him down for me."

Those "entourages" are all Sanxian's second and third ranks, so it's no problem to deal with Lin Tian, ​​but Yan Shishi is here, and she releases a powerful aura, "Who dares to approach!"

That Gu Shengtian immediately stared at Yan Shishi and said coldly, "Girl, this is a grudge between me and him, you'd better not interfere, otherwise I won't mind taking you down too."

"I'm not afraid of you." Yan Shishi knew that Lin Tian had ten thousand stacking skills, so she was not afraid of these people at all.

Gu Shengtian stared and said, "Oh? Are you not afraid? Then I want to learn from you."

I saw Gu Shengtian opened his hands, and the sea water around him flew up, and then turned into a huge "palm", and slapped Lin Tian and the other two.

Yan Shishi immediately condensed a green light, and formed a barrier, blocking Lin Tian and the others.

That Gu Shengtian said disdainfully, "Small tricks."

Yan Shishi looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Use your spell to help me."

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, and then with the blessing of the Ten Thousand Stacking Technique, that Yan Shishi immediately felt the power in her body explode.

Afterwards, the barrier was very powerful, directly blocking all the attacks of Gu Shengtian.

Those "followers" were all shocked, and the people passing by were also attracted by the situation here, so they all surrounded them.

Especially when they saw Yan Shishi's appearance, many people showed curiosity, "Who is this woman? Why have I never seen it before?"

"I haven't seen it before, and it doesn't look weak."

When everyone was teasing, that Gu Shengtian was not reconciled, so he continued to attack, but the result was the same, and that Yan Shishi said proudly, "Come on, continue!"

Faced with Yan Shishi's provocation, Gu Shengtian cursed secretly, "It seems that we have to sneak attack on that kid."

So Gu Shengtian's body suddenly turned into water, and then disappeared into the sea with a plop.

Everyone exclaimed, and some people even enviously said, "Is it the incomplete fairy art, the Water Transformation Art?"

"Yes, this incomplete water magic is comparable to the best holy water magic."

"I'm really envious."

"It is said that only the Gu family has this."

"Could this kid belong to the Gu family?"

When everyone was curious, that Yan Shishi looked around, but found no trace of the other party, which made her nervous, "What's going on?"

"Under water, it becomes one with the water." Lin Tian laughed, and that Yan Shishi asked suspiciously, "Merges into one with the water?"

"Yes." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he smiled strangely, and then told Yan Shishi where the other party was hiding through sound transmission.

Yan Shishi froze for a moment, and wondered how Lin Tian confirmed it, but Lin Tian kept telling Yan Shishi the real-time location of the other party.

Yan Shishi stared at the surface of the water, and Lin Tian handed the celestial artifact, to be precise, the incomplete celestial artifact to Yan Shishi, "Later when I say attack, you attack."


Everyone was curious about what the spear Lin Tian took out, and why it had no spirituality at all.

"Is this a mortal weapon?"

"It's not like, it should be a broken fairy weapon."

Because there are only two kinds of non-spiritual ones, one is ordinary mortal weapons, and the other is incomplete fairy weapons.

At this moment, Yan Shishi is holding the incomplete fairy weapon, just like holding an ordinary weapon, and she can't feel anything special about it at all.

But Lin Tian knows that the reason why the incomplete fairy weapon has no spirituality is because it is a defective product, an unformed fairy weapon.

However, Gu Shengtian, who was under the water at the moment, approached Lin Tian's location a little bit, and tried to test that Yan Shishi.

When he saw Yan Shishi standing there in a daze without attacking himself, he secretly laughed in his heart, "How can you break the water melting technique?"

So Gu Shengtian continued to approach, just when he reached the surface of the water, when he was about to strike, Lin Tianxie smiled, and then shouted, "Attack."

Yan Shishi couldn't hold back for a long time, especially when her whole body was concentrated on this spear, and it was added with the effect of the ten thousand stacking technique.

When the spear was thrown out, it was very fast, and with a click, it was directly inserted into a position.

In an instant, a stream of blood scattered, and then there was a scream, and then the blood dispersed.

Lin Tian had a thought, the spear returned to his hand, but the other party had obviously fled.

Yan Shishi asked curiously, "Is it dead?"

"Not dead, but seriously injured." Lin Tian laughed, and those "followers" ran away in fright.

The onlookers immediately concluded that the spear in Lin Tian's hand was a fairy weapon, otherwise it would have fallen apart if it was an ordinary mortal weapon when it was thrown out at such a fast speed.

But at this moment, the spear was not deformed at all, and it still stabbed the opponent bleeding.

As a result, many people gathered around, and someone showed a greedy look and asked with a smile, "Little brother, are you a broken fairy weapon?"

Lin Tian didn't speak, but someone laughed and said, "Little brother, where did this broken fairy weapon come from?"

Lin Tian knew that if he didn't interrupt these people's thoughts today, they would definitely pester him, which was not what Lin Tian wanted.

So Lin Tian said with a smile, "It's a broken fairy weapon, but it only recognizes me, so I want to give it to everyone, but it won't work."

Some people didn't believe it right away, especially a young fat man walked out of the crowd, and this fat man was wearing magic weapons all over his body, as if he was collecting "waste products".

But at first glance, these magic weapons are all immortal artifacts, but everyone dare not ask him, as if he has some background.

"You said it only recognizes you?" The fat man asked with a smile, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Yes."

"Okay, then I'll come, if it listens to me, then it will belong to me in the future."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became lively, especially someone looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Boy, if you meet a little fat man in the world, you are finished!"

"Boy, it's better not to gamble, the little fat man in the soul world is a master of refining weapons, and a master of lowering weapons." Some kind people persuaded.

Yan Shishi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lin Tian, ​​"What is a descendant master?"

However, Lin Tian suddenly became very interested in this fat man and laughed, "It is rumored that there is a hermit sect in mainland China called Illusion Weapon Sect, and there is a spell in it called Descending Artifacts, and these people call themselves Artifact Descending Masters!"

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