Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 813 The Scary

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Tian followed a few people in, those people felt that there was someone behind them, and then turned around one after another.

However, the white fog is thick here, and they can only see a figure in front of them, but they have no way of knowing what it looks like.

"Who, why are you following us?" The big man said angrily, but Lin Tian said, "I'm also here to exchange."

Everyone was dubious, but after Lin Tian took out a piece of fairy crystal, which shone with three layers of golden light, everyone didn't take him seriously, but continued to walk. After reaching a certain distance, these people began to pray.

I saw that these people were together, and they begged the so-called immortal with one voice.

Lin Tian stared at their palms, until the moment the golden light flew, Lin Tian jumped up, trying to chase them out, but at the moment Lin Tian exposed his breath, a powerful force was released in the air.

Lin Tian was "bombed" out by a huge golden light, and the people present were startled, wondering what happened.

As for Yan Shishi, after seeing Lin Tian being beaten out, she hurried forward and asked, "Are you okay?"

Zhou Zhongtian was also frightened, and quickly stared at Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was fine except for the messy aura in his body.

"It's okay, just take a rest." After Lin Tianping calmed down, he stared at the weird fairy island.

Yan Shishi persuaded, "Okay, don't try again, it's useless."

But Lin Tian hesitated and looked at Zhou Zhongtian, "Can only people who have cultivated at or above the fifth level of Sanxian enter?"

"Yes, there must be this."

"What about Ascension Realm?" Lin Tian asked curiously, Zhou Zhongtian hesitated, "Those who have never heard of Ascension Realm can enter."

Hearing this made Lin Tian curious.

Knowing that Lin Tian was frustrated, Zhou Zhongtian comforted him, "Brother Lin, in this kind of place, let alone you, even the ninth-level Sanxian has to obediently follow the rules."

"That's right, Mr. Lin, it won't be too late to inquire after your cultivation level improves." That Yan Shishi also said concerned.

But Lin Tian suddenly laughed, "I need your help tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" The two were curious about what they meant, and after Lin Tian saw that it was getting late, he found an isolated island, and said to Zhou Zhongtian and Yan Shishi, "I have to be busy, please don't disturb me later." I."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian took out the three-star fairy crystal.

Yan Shishi, who saw that Lin Tian also had fairy crystals, showed a surprised look, "This."

Zhou Zhongtian was curious about what Lin Tian was going to do, but he didn't dare to disturb him. At this moment, Lin Tian appeared with a ball of flames, and then made a fuss on the fairy crystal.

The place where the flame passed was like a carving knife, leaving marks on the fairy crystal one by one.

Yan Shishi looked at Zhou Zhongtian with a puzzled expression, "What is he doing?"

"He seems to continue to deal with Xianjing." Zhou Zhongtian said solemnly, but this Yan Shishi didn't understand, "Deal with?"

Zhou Zhongtian couldn't guarantee it either, but after being busy for a long time, Lin Tian took out this fairy crystal that didn't seem to have changed much and smiled at the two of them, "Tomorrow you take it to Xiandao to exchange."

"What's so special about this?" Yan Shishi asked curiously, and Zhou Zhongtian also stared at Lin Tian in doubt.

Lin Tian smiled strangely, "I created a small space inside, and then I will let one of the phantoms hide in it."

"Ah!" Yan Shishi's eyes widened, and Zhou Zhongtian didn't know what the phantom was, so he asked suspiciously, "What phantom?"

At this time, Lin Tian separated a phantom, which was exactly the same as Lin Tian, ​​and Zhou Zhongtian said in shock, "Are you planning to use this fairy crystal to get close to that island owner?"

"Yes." Lin Tian said with a smile, while Zhou Zhongtian stared wide-eyed, "You are playing with your life."

"Don't worry, it's the phantom, not my real self. It's okay!" That Lin Tian was not afraid at all, but Zhou Zhongtian always felt uneasy.

But Lin Tian's phantom had already flown into that fairy crystal, and this fairy crystal looked exactly the same as ordinary fairy crystals, nothing special.

"This." Zhou Zhongtian and Yan Shishi were stunned, and even thought it was too incredible, but Lin Tian smiled at them, "It's up to you."

The two had no choice but to look at the sky. It was almost the next day, and they went to wait outside the fairy island, while Lin Tian continued to stay on the nearby isolated island.

When the time came the next day, the two brought the fairy crystal into the formation, and then Zhou Zhongtian nervously held the fairy crystal and shouted to the surroundings, "Immortal, I want to exchange for the fairy artifact."

At this time, a golden light flew not far away, and then the fairy crystal in Zhou Zhongtian's hand disappeared, and after Zhou Zhongtian got a small bag, he quickly took Yan Shishi out of this fairy island, and then rushed to the isolated island.

However, at this moment, Lin Tian was sitting cross-legged, and Zhou Zhongtian didn't dare to disturb him, so he could only look at Yan Shishi, "Miss Yan, will he be okay?"

"Don't worry, it's just a phantom." That Yan Shishi was not worried, but she was curious whether Lin Tian's method would work.

For Lin Tian, ​​he controls the phantom, and he can see what the phantom sees.

I saw him as a phantom in the fairy crystal, shuttling through the clouds and mist with the fairy crystal, and finally sat a palace in the sky above the cloud and mist.

This palace looks very old, and there are still incomplete walls and broken stone pillars everywhere.

Lin Tian looked puzzled when he saw this scene, but the fairy crystal fell in front of a stone statue in the palace.

At the same time, there are many fairy crystals around, and on the other side of this fairy crystal are a bunch of defective products, such as remnant fairy artifacts, remnant fairy pills and so on.

Lin Tian was in the fairy crystal, and after seeing this scene, he showed a suspicious look, and the stone statue remained motionless, but it flashed golden light from time to time.

Every time the golden light flashes, those defective products will fly out, and there will be an extra black bag, and then another fairy crystal will fall in front of the stone statue.

When Lin Tian was wondering if there was anyone in the stone statue, the stone statue flashed a golden light, and the fairy crystals around Lin Tian and his own fairy crystals immediately turned into fairy energy of various colors and entered the stone statue.

Lin Tian was naturally exposed immediately.

Then a majestic voice sounded in the hall, "Who is it! How dare you trespass on Immortal Island!"

Lin Tianmoying laughed immediately after seeing that there were no formation restrictions around, "Aren't you coming out to chat?"

But that person didn't come out, but the majestic voice snorted, "How can a lowly mortal have the right to chat with me?"

"If you don't talk, I'll find you out."

The voice said disdainfully, "Just you little guy, I can knock you into the air with one blow!"

Then countless golden lights sprinkled in the air, and Lin Tian immediately split the ghost shadow, and the countless ghost shadows scattered in the hall.

But these golden lights are so strong that they hit all the phantoms at once.

Those phantoms disappeared from the hall one by one in an instant, and before all the phantoms disappeared completely, the voice in the hall hummed, "Do you think your deity can escape?"

At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​who was on the isolated island, immediately opened his eyes.

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