Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 835: Something That Shouldn't Appear

Lin Tian's consciousness has entered the necklace, and his whole body is shrouded in green light.

"Why don't you come out and see?" Lin Tian smiled and looked at the surrounding green mist, and a woman in the mist said calmly, "How do you know I'm in here."

"If you want the magic weapon to change its appearance, there is only one possibility, and that is the soul of the host of the magic weapon is fused into the magic weapon, isn't it?" Lin Tian smiled.

The other party was startled, "What do you know?"

"You are an immortal, but due to some reason, your physical body failed, but you didn't want your soul to dissipate, so you merged into such a special immortal weapon."

The other party hesitated for a while and said, "According to what you said, any immortal, as long as he doesn't want to die, his soul can escape into the immortal weapon?"

Hearing this question, Lin Tian laughed instead, "Immortals, not just any soul, can be fused into an immortal weapon."

"What do you mean?"

"In the fairy world, there is a fatal rule, that is, when the body is in the flesh, the fairy artifact entrusted by the immortal soul must have enough immortal energy to maintain it, otherwise once the immortal energy is exhausted, the soul in the fairy artifact will dissipate."

"It seems that you know a lot about things in the fairy world." The woman was surprised, and Lin Tian continued, "Therefore, the time for the fairy soul to hide in the fairy weapon will not be too long."

"Oh? Then how do you conclude that I just hid in the fairy artifact?"

"No, you didn't just hide in the fairy artifact, but you are a special fairy soul." Lin Tian smiled.

"Special fairy soul?" The woman felt more and more that this Lin Tian was not simple, and Lin Tian explained, "In the fairy world, some fairy souls can survive without fairy energy, and you are this kind ,right."

"Little guy, who are you? Why do you, a mortal, know so clearly about the relationship between the fairy world, fairy souls, and fairy artifacts?"

Lin Tian looked at the dark place with a smile, "Aren't you coming out for a chat?"

At this time, a green shadow appeared and floated in front of Lin Tian, ​​staring at Lin Tian for a while and saying, "Your soul is so strong."

"You have eyes." Lin Tian laughed, and the woman tried to pay attention to Lin Tian's consciousness, and frowned when she found that this consciousness was very strong, "Impossible, you are not a fairy soul, why do you have such a strong consciousness? .”

"Okay, don't guess." Lin Tian looked at the other party with a smile, but the woman didn't dare to believe it, "I have been in the fairy world for many years, and I have never seen a soul like yours."

Lin Tian didn't explain much, but asked instead, "Tell me, why did you come to the mortal world here, and how did you destroy your physical body?"

The woman hesitated for a while and said, "This world is not as simple as imagined."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"When I came to this world, it was thousands of years ago, and it was the passage opened by the fairy world at that time."

"Open the passage in the fairyland?" Lin Tian felt incredible, but the woman said kindly, "Yes, when the passage was opened, countless immortals came from the fairyland."

"What are you doing here?"

"It is rumored that dragon fruit can be found in this world."

Lin Tian immediately widened his eyes, "Impossible."

"I know you definitely don't believe it, but someone did find it in this world back then. Later, countless immortals came, but the passage was about to be closed, so when many people returned, they encountered a powerful space storm, and most of them were seriously injured. I am no exception."

Lin Tian didn't expect such a big thing to happen in this world thousands of years ago.

"Since then, everyone has been hiding in various places to create caves, waiting for the next passage to the fairy world to open."

"Is that open?"

"No." The woman sighed.

Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Will the fairy dragon fruit appear again?"

"After I was seriously injured, I built a fairy mansion here, and then waited slowly. As for what happened outside, I don't know." The woman sighed.

Lin Tian fell into deep thought, "Dragon Fruit, these are the top ten fairy fruits, why did they appear in this world?"

"How do you know it is one of the top ten fairy fruits?" the woman was surprised.

Lin Tian didn't explain much, but calmed down and asked, "Did the five immortal officials come out to deal with you?"

"Five Immortal Officials? We didn't go out to kill mortals, so they wouldn't care about us. Unless some people broke the rules of this world, they would be chased and killed by the Five Immortal Officials." The woman explained.

Lin Tian knew the significance of the five immortal officials here, not only to cultivate immortals, but more importantly, to prevent people from the immortal world from coming down and destroying here at will.

After all, mortals are the foundation of becoming immortals. Once mortals are destroyed, there will be no chance of anyone becoming immortal in this world.

The woman looked at Lin Tian who was in a daze and asked, "You are not an ordinary mortal, are you?"

"I? I'm stronger than you think."

"Is it also a fairy?"

Lin Tian shook his head, but the woman was puzzled, and Lin Tian calmed down and said, "Okay, let's stop talking, I have to go out, otherwise they will worry."

But the woman asked anxiously, "Can you wear this necklace?"


"I'm here, but I don't want to be stuck here forever."

"did you mean?"

"I want to go back to the fairyland. As long as I have enough fairy energy, I can re-condense my physical body." The woman said full of expectation.

Lin Tian hesitated and said, "I can take you with me, but you have to agree to one condition."


"I have a grandson, she is of the wood type, and you are also a wood type immortal, so you must have a lot of wood type spells, so I hope you can help her cultivate immortality in the future."

The other party didn't know who Lin Tian was talking about, but the woman agreed, "Yes, as long as you bring me, I will teach her everything."

Lin Tian smiled, and then withdrew from the necklace, while Yan Shishi and the others outside were relieved to see Lin Tian come back to his senses.

Lin Tian put away the necklace, but Gongsun Yuan asked curiously, "What kind of necklace is this?"

"I said there is a fairy soul inside, do you believe it?" Lin Tian smiled strangely.

Gongsun Yuan didn't believe it immediately, and Zhou Zhongtian didn't believe it either, "In this world, it is impossible for immortal artifacts to have immortal souls, otherwise every immortal can just hide their souls in the immortal artifacts, why wait until the body turns into immortal crystals! "

Yan Shishi also agreed, but Lin Tian smiled, until after a while, his brows suddenly frowned.

"What's the matter?" Yan Shishi immediately realized that something was wrong with Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "People from the Tiangu Alliance and the top of Tianhai went to Fengcave."

"Wind Cave?" Yan Shishi didn't know where it was, and Zhou Zhongtian was also puzzled, "What's wrong with Feng Cave?"

Lin Tian said coldly, "My avatar is there, and my disciples and grandchildren are surrounded by them."

"What?" Yan Shishi was startled, and Lin Tian looked at Gongsun Yuan, "Let me use your strength."

Gongsun Yuan knew that this was not the time to joke, so he said, "Say, what do you want me to do!"

After Lin Tian explained to Gongsun Yuan, Gongsun Yuan immediately created a huge wave, then dragged the three of them under the seabed, and rushed to the area where the wind cave was located.

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