Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 850 Get what you want from the fairy

Lin Tian stared at these wooden figures and smiled, "You didn't say anything, then I had no choice but to go to the island to find you."

"Do you think you can break in?" Those wooden men asked back, but Lin Tian ignored them, and took the three of them directly to fly to a place.

"Boy, don't rush around. If you go to the wrong place later, you will be in big trouble." The fairy was still teasing there.

Lin Tian ignored it, and went straight through the clouds and landed on an island, and when those wooden men appeared again, they said strangely there, "Who are you, why do you know how to break the fairy formation?"

Lin Tian said casually, "This kind of one-star fairy formation is a bit more powerful than the incomplete fairy formation, but in my eyes, it's just a decoration, and it can be broken at will."

The other party was startled, obviously Lin Tian's attainments in the formation had surpassed that of ordinary people, otherwise it would be impossible for him to walk freely in this formation, and even find the exit.

"Now you can choose to answer my question, or I will continue to find your hiding place." Lin Tian's direct words made those wooden men go for a long time.

Yan Shishi and the others stared at the high mountains and rivers, and sighed one by one.

"It's as beautiful as the painting." Yan Shishi said first, and Zhou Zhongtian said after feeling the air around him, "This is not spiritual energy."

Gongsun Yuan asked curiously, "It's not spiritual energy, what is that?"

Lin Tian said, "It's the inferior immortal energy condensed by the combination of immortal crystals and formations."

"Inferior celestial energy?" Everyone looked at each other, and Lin Tian explained, "Inferior celestial qi contains a lot of magazines, and this kind of celestial qi can only be transformed into immortal qi in their bodies through absorption by immortals in a special way. "

"That means immortals can cast spells in the mortal realm?" Yan Shishi was startled, and Zhou Zhongtian also gasped.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Difficult."

"Why?" These people looked at Lin Tian curiously, and Lin Tian explained, "Every world has its own laws, and the low plane, that is, the mortal world, once casts a spell, it is easy to destroy the stability of the space and cause the spellcasting In an instant, spells will be devoured by space cracks."

"Ah? Crack in space?" Yan Shishi and the others didn't understand it at all, but the people in the dark admired it, "Boy, you actually know so many things."

Lin Tian returned to his senses and said with a smile, "I also know what you are doing with so much inferior immortal energy!"

"What are you doing?" The other party became curious, and Lin Tian explained, "These inferior immortal energy can maintain the immortal formation, and at the same time allow you to practice in the mortal world, but the cultivation in the mortal world must not be as fast as the immortal world, and this There is a huge gap between this kind of inferior immortal energy and real immortal energy!"

"You even know that I am practicing here."

"You don't use this inferior immortal energy to cast spells, but to maintain the formation. It is more than enough, so you naturally want to create a place full of immortal energy to practice. Even if the effect is not ideal, as long as you practice hard, maybe one day It’s really possible to break through, and it’s possible to increase the lifespan.” Lin Tian laughed.

"Little guy, your analysis is very reasonable, but you actually know that I have inferior immortal energy, so you should know that it can be used in this immortal formation, so if I run the killing formation in the immortal formation at that time, then you But I will die here." The other party said with a smile.

Lin Tian didn't speak, but Yan Shishi said, "You immortals, can't you kill mortals?"

Zhou Zhongtian also said, "That's right, the Five Immortal Officials stipulate that any immortal should not hurt mortals, otherwise it will be a violation and will be held accountable."

The other party laughed, "The premise is that you can complain to the five immortal officials, otherwise, if you die here, who will know?"

Yan Shishi and the others were shocked, but Lin Tian smiled, "Then you also have to see if these inferior immortal energy is enough to maintain your immortal formation."

"What? Do you suspect that my island is not full of immortal energy?"

"It's enough now, but it won't be enough later." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to perform "Fusion Transformation", frantically absorbing the gold-type immortal energy in these immortal energy.

After all, these immortal qi are all transformed by immortal crystals, so this powerful power has been transformed into gold clones one by one.

The people in the dark didn't find anything at first, but after a while, they gradually found that the immortal energy in Lin Tian's position began to decrease, and they became confused there, "Boy, what did you do?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "If you don't answer my question again, then I will take all the immortal energy here."

"Impossible!" The other party didn't believe it, and Lin Tian was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party. After absorbing the gold clone completely, Lin Tian went to condense the third clone, the fire clone.

When the fire clone progressed to normal, the woman in the dark said urgently, "If you want to know anything, just ask!"

Seeing the other party's compromise, Yan Shishi and the others were stunned. They never thought that Lin Tian could force the fairy to surrender.

Lin Tian looked into the dark and said, "All the stand-in woods came from you, and you should know where every stand-in wood is, right?"

"Theoretically, I know, but it is very troublesome to find out. After all, I have distributed tens of thousands of substitute wood." The woman explained.

Lin Tian waved his hand at this time, and a picture appeared.

I saw that this picture was of a woman, which belonged to that Nangong Xue, and Yan Shishi said in shock, "It's so beautiful."

Zhou Zhongtian was stunned, he didn't dare to say anything, "Is there such a woman in this world?"

Gongsun Yuan teased Yan Shishi, "Sister Yan, so he has a woman."

Yan Shishi rolled her eyes, "You are the only one who is clever."

Gongsun Yuan smiled and said nothing, but Lin Tian asked the person in the dark, "Check her."

"This woman, she seems to be called Tian Luo."

Lin Tian knew that this was Nangong Xue's name in this life, so he said kindly, "Yes."

"I need a little time." After the other party finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Lin Tian and the others had no choice but to wait there. After about half an hour, a piece of parchment flew out of the air.

The parchment exuded green light and fell in front of Lin Tian's eyes, "There is her whereabouts on it, but it will only be updated once a day."

Lin Tian stared at the parchment and laughed, "I will remember your kindness."

"You will remember my kindness?" The other party was obviously a little surprised, but Lin Tian said, "I am a person with clear grievances and grievances, and if you help me, I will naturally not owe you."

"It's as if you can do me some good." The other party is still a little resentful at the moment, feeling as if he was forced to help Lin Tian.

Lin Tian laughed there, "I will take you back when I go to the fairyland someday."

"Go to the fairy world? Take me back? Do you think it's possible?" The other party obviously didn't believe it, but Lin Tian laughed there, "You just need to remember this promise."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian looked at the three people with demented faces, "Let's go."

The three quickly followed, while the woman in the dark muttered, "What is this guy doing?"

At this moment, Yan Shishi, who came outside the formation, stared at the parchment curiously and asked suspiciously, "What is this? Why can it record people's traces? And it is updated every day?"

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