The owner of this small island has only crossed the Tribulation Realm, but seeing Lin Tian was as frightened as seeing a beast, "A group of pirates came in the morning and took her away."


"Yes, there are famous pirates nearby." The island owner said anxiously, but Lin Tian didn't expect that someone would take Tian Luo away one step earlier, so Lin Tian asked, "What pirates, where are they stationed?"

"Guluo Island, just west of here, is composed of three large islands, but there are pirates on it! And pirates that are frightening."

Hearing this, Lin Tian felt very familiar, as if he had heard the three words Gu Luo Island before, so after asking the island owner to give the specific location, Lin Tian asked Gongsun Yuan to lead the way.

After Lin Tian and others left, the island owner heaved a sigh of relief, "What a scary person."

However, on the surface of the sea, Yan Shishi stared at Lin Tian, ​​and when she found that he was silent, Fox asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's nothing." Lin Tian returned to his senses, but with a straight face, Yan Shishi didn't dare to say anything more, and Zhou Zhongtian said to Yan Shishi, "It seems that the woman is very important to him."

Yan Shishi Ensheng said, "That's not true."

"I don't know what their relationship is." Zhou Zhongtian became curious, and Yan Shishi wanted to know even more.

Lin Tian didn't know what the two said, but stared ahead.

About a quarter of an hour later, they came to the place the island owner had mentioned, and at this moment somewhere on the island, a group of people were complimenting a young man.

This young man is none other than Wen Yan, who was taught by Lin Tian before, and he is already in the early stage of Ascension, and he said excitedly, "Look, let me say that I can successfully cross the tribulation."

"Senior Brother Wen, your status in Guluo Island will go straight to the elder level in the future."

"No, besides the elders and sect masters in Guluo Island, you are the only one in Ascension Realm."

Wen Yan was very satisfied, and still said with a smile, "You also have to work hard. Sooner or later, you will be as good as me."

Everyone nodded, and at this time someone shouted from a distance, "There are four people approaching in front."

"Oh? Don't you have eyes?" Wen Yan immediately flew up in order to show that he had just arrived at the Ascension Realm, and everyone followed suit as little followers.

When Wen Yan saw the four of Lin Tian leaning against an island, that Wen Yan was surprised and delighted, "So it's you!"

Some people from Guluo Island had obviously seen Lin Tian, ​​so they shouted excitedly, "Senior Brother Wen, it's that bastard."

"Brother Wen, go, go over and shoot him to death."

"I'll go right away." Wen Yan laughed loudly, and then brought the host and landed in front of Lin Tian and the others.

Wen Yan's eyes lit up immediately when he saw Yan Shishi beside Lin Tian, ​​"Hey, boy, you can change women really fast."

When Lin Tian saw Wen Yan, he remembered that it was this gang of bandits, and Yan Shishi and the others gathered together. As for these people with low cultivation bases, they couldn't see through their cultivation bases at all.

Therefore, these people completely regarded Yan Shishi and the others as very weak people.

But Lin Tian stared at Wen Yan, "You guys, who is the boss."

Hearing this, Wen Yan tutted, "What's the matter? Do you want to find our boss?"

"Say it quickly." That Gongsunyuan didn't have the patience of Lin Tian, ​​so he stared directly at him, and that Wen Yan, who had already ascended to the early stage, stared at that Gongsunyuan as if he was invincible, "Little guy, look, what am I doing?" Cultivation."

After finishing speaking, this Wen Yan deliberately released his cultivation, but Gongsun Yuan said two words, "Trash!"

The pirates immediately ran away one by one, and some urged, "Senior Brother Wen, look, this guy actually scolded you."

"Brother Wen, kill him."

After finally breaking through, Wen Yan was scolded and immediately glared, "It seems that I want to let you know how powerful I am."

But when this Wen Yan just took out a sea king stone and was going to suppress Lin Tian and others, that Gongsun Yuan waved his hand, and a strong air current hit Wen Yan directly on the face.

Wen Yan seemed to have been slapped, and the whole person flew upside down, and finally lay on the beach and vomited blood, "You!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, but Wen Yan realized how terrifying Gongsun Yuan was before him.

Gongsun Yuan glared, "I'm asking you something! How can there be so much nonsense!"

Wen Yan said angrily, "Come on, come on, and take them all down."

Those people immediately called a lot of people over, and then prepared to attack Lin Tian and others, but Yan Shishi's vines entangled everyone.

Wen Yan stammered immediately, "All, none of them are human!"

But Lin Tian came to Wen Yan and said coldly, "I'll ask again, who is your boss!"

"I'm here." A voice came from not far away.

Everyone turned around, and saw a middle-aged man appearing. The man was wearing a padded jacket on a hot day, and at the same time, he was breathing cold air. He looked sick, and he seemed to have practiced some kind of kung fu.

When the bandits saw him, they respectfully said, "Master."

This middle-aged man is the sect master of Gu Luo Island, and he said with a serious face, "Boy, my name is Gu Luo, and I am the sect master of Gu Luo Island. What's the matter?"

Lin Tian took out Tian Luo's portrait and asked, "Did you catch her?"

Gu Luo looked at the woman and immediately frowned, "What? Are you her friends?"

"Yes." Lin Tian said a word, but Gu Luo laughed, "Boy, I'm sorry, she has been sent away by me."

"Send away?"

"Is there a problem?" That Gu Luo sneered, and Lin Tian said coldly, "Where are you sending it?"

"Why should I tell you?" Gu Luo teased.

Lin Tian didn't speak, but Yan Shishi made a move, entangled this Gu Luo, and Gu Luo glared, "Little girl, you'd better put away your spells, or you will all die when I explode .”

Yan Shishi ignored it, and the pirates shouted, "Destroy them!"

Wen Yan even complained to Gu Luo, "Master, this guy is the one who killed many of us last time."

As Wen Yan said, he came to Gu Luo and pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and Gu Luo said after hearing this, "Then I will take care of them today."

After finishing speaking, the cold air on Gu Luo's body was overwhelming, and then all of Yan Shishi's vines froze there, and then Gu Luo yelled, and all the vines broke.

Gu Luo's cultivation completely exploded, reaching the peak of Ascension Realm.

Those pirates cheered up one by one, but Yan Shishi was puzzled, "How strong is the peak of the Ascension Realm?"

However, Lin Tian said to Yan Shishi, "The cultivation level of different people in the Ascension Realm is very surprising, so his peak is comparable to the fifth or sixth rank of Sanxian."

Yan Shishi didn't expect the other party to be so powerful, but that Gu Luo sneered, "I can become a pirate here, and I can dominate one side, that's all because of my ability!"

"I don't care what skills you have, you have to tell me immediately, otherwise I will do it, and you will only be left with a corpse."

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