Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 863 Can enter but not exit

Lin Tian didn't know where Jiuxue Tianshan was, but he looked at Mrs. Yang and asked with a smile, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Madam Yang affirmed, but she cursed secretly in her heart, "When you go there, you will know how terrible it is."

Lin Tian got up all by himself, swaggered to Bai Yushan and said with a smile, "Lead the way."

Bai Yushan froze for a moment, and took Lin Tian away in a panic, while the dozens of people in the mansion could only watch Lin Tian leave just like that.

When Lin Tian disappeared completely, that Bei Lengkuang returned to his arrogance, and stared and said, "Waste, a bunch of waste."

The dozens of people showed embarrassment, and Mrs. Yang snorted, "Jiuxue Tianshan is his grave!"

"Madam, is your senior sister really there?" Bei Lengkuang asked suspiciously, and that Madam Yang hummed, "That's right, I went there yesterday."

Bei Lengkuang said solemnly, "Although the Jiuxue Tianshan is a threat, I'm afraid I can't do anything to this kid."

"It's simple, send the four masters there, and if the boy is not dead, kill him." The Mrs. Yang said, and Bei Lengkuang nodded, looking at Xue Bing and the two, "You, go to those two, let They're out."

The two said in unison, "Yes."

Before the two left, Mrs. Yang said angrily, "Remember, kill him and save his soul!"

"Yes, ma'am." The two said in unison before disappearing there.

Bei Lengkuang felt sorry for the dead guards around him, "Send someone to clear these people up."

"Yes." The rest of the people went to clean up the corpses one after another, but Mrs. Yang hesitated and said, "I have to inform my senior sister and ask her to take precautions."

"This is fine." Bei Lengkuang agreed, and as for Mrs. Yang, she began to use the sound transmission stone to inform her.

However, the North Xuezhou Prefecture was massacred by a person from the Fusion Realm, and it spread quickly, even the entire North Xuezhou Prefecture, as well as the people in the West Xuezhou Prefecture and East Xuezhou Prefecture knew about it.

Especially the people from Xixue Prefecture and Dongxue Prefecture were gloating there, thinking that Lin Tian had really helped them a lot.

Lin Tian ignored those people, but walked on the snowy ground, and asked, "Is this Jiuxue Tianshan far away from here?"

"It's three days away from here."

"so far?"

"No way, Jiuxue Tianshan is the most remote place in Beihuang Xueling, and it is not under the jurisdiction of any state capital."

After hearing this, Lin Tian showed a puzzled expression, "When did this Jiuxue Tianshan appear?"

"When will it appear?"

"Yes, there is no such place in the Northern Wilderness Snow Ridge ten thousand years ago." Lin Tian still hasn't forgotten the situation ten thousand years ago, and Bai Yushan explained, "Jiuxue Tianshan was discovered five thousand years ago. It is said that the people who discovered it at that time saw that the snow-capped mountains were connected together, and they looked like nine fairy mountains, so it was called Jiuxue Tianshan."

Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Five thousand years ago?"

"Yes, after this came out, many people found some spiritual herbs or some magic weapons outside this Tianshan Mountain, but they just couldn't step into this Jiuxue Tianshan Mountain."

"Can't you go in?"

"It is rumored that there are many fairy formations inside. Once you break into it, you may be trapped in it, or you will not be able to get out, or you will be disabled, so no one knows what's going on inside." Bai Yushan explained.

After hearing this, Lin Tian wondered what Master Zhou was doing with Tian Luo there.

But Bai Yushan said nervously, "My lord, maybe Madam tricked you into going to this place."

"Hit me? Does she dare?"

"But." Bai Yushan always felt that it was too impossible for Master Zhou to go there. After all, it was too dangerous and no one knew what was going on inside, so he was very worried.

Lin Tian didn't think so much, but asked Bai Yushan to lead the way, so the two of them spent a few days and came to the so-called Jiuxue Tianshan.

I saw that outside the Jiuxue Tianshan Mountain, there were forests everywhere, and the forests were covered with snowflakes.

At the same time, some strong people can be seen looking for treasures or spiritual herbs on some snow fields, and some people even fight there.

Lin Tian just glanced at it, but didn't take it seriously, while the Baiyu Mountain continued to lead the way, and finally came out of a cloud of mist, pointing to the nine high mountains in front of him, "Look, if you go further, it will be Jiuxue Tianshan .”

Lin Tian looked at these snow-capped mountains, "This is it?"


"Then go in." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously at all, but Bai Yushan suddenly said nervously, "I, do I want to go too?"

"If I die, you won't be much better, so you should go with me." Lin Tian looked at Bai Yushan with a smile.

Bai Yushan was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do, so he planned to take Lin Tian to walk into the clouds.

After walking for a while, the people behind him and the woods behind him gradually disappeared, instead there were faint clouds and mist floating around.

Not only that, but it was very quiet everywhere, that Bai Yushan became nervous, "It's so quiet."

Lin Tian looked around and found that both the spiritual consciousness and the naked eye were limited here, so he let the three clones spread out, 300 steps away from himself, so that the deity was the center, and the other three clones were around, Go forward step by step.

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, that Bai Yushan sighed in his heart, "Who the hell is he? Why isn't he afraid of anything!"

However, at this moment a snow-white shadow flashed nearby, that Bai Yushan was startled immediately, "There is something."

Lin Tian also sensed it, and was still staring at the surroundings, and the white shadow appeared and disappeared from time to time, plus there were snowflakes and snow fields everywhere, the white shadow jumped to any place on the ground at random, and the whole person merged into one, and then gone.

"It's interesting, the breath can be hidden." Lin Tian laughed, and Bai Yushan panicked, "Is it a snow monster?"

"Snow Monster?"

"Yes, it is rumored that if someone comes in a few steps, he will see the snow monster, and then shout inside. People outside can hear it, but they don't know what's going on inside." That Bai Yushan was nervous.

After hearing this, Lin Tian turned around and stared at the back and asked, "You mean people outside can hear the voice here?"

"You can hear it at a certain distance. If it is further away, you won't be able to hear it." Bai Yushan explained, but Lin Tian hesitated and said, "Then let's go out and try."

"go out?"


That Bai Yushan didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but when he heard that he was going out, he was naturally happy, so he ran out with his legs, but it seemed that there was no end, the more he ran, the more fog he saw in front of him.

"No, we just walked in within a hundred paces, but now it's been so long since we can't get out." That Bai Yushan was in a hurry.

Lin Tian stopped walking and said with a smile, "The psychedelic array, and it blends in with the surroundings, let us walk directly in the Jiuxue Tianshan."

"That means we can't get out?" Bai Yushan's eyes widened.

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