Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 868 Obedient cow

When Lin Tian heard this, he suddenly smiled, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Are you still in the mood to laugh?" Su Yuanyuan was so anxious that she ran towards the snow cow, while an old man was "struggling" with a wooden crutch above the snow cow.

I saw that the old man was surrounded by snowflakes, and these snowflakes were released by snow cows.

Once this snowflake touches people, it will paralyze people. This is the scary thing about snow cows, and the old man is frantically resisting at this moment, but this kind of snow has already touched many places on his body.

Therefore, the old man has lost consciousness in many places.

Seeing this, Su Yuanyuan shouted in shock, "Grandpa!"

Seeing Su Yuanyuan, the old man yelled, "What are you doing here? Go back!"

Su Yuanyuan said to Lin Tian, ​​"Hurry up, get out the wall to trap the cow, and I'll save my grandpa."

Lin Tian then made earthen walls, and those walls were smashed by the cow, and the old man said anxiously, "It's useless, go!"

Su Yuanyuan didn't expect that Lin Tian's attacks would be useless to the snow cow, so she became anxious.

However, Lin Tian walked towards the cow step by step, and the cow was as tall as two people, and at the same time, it was covered with white fluffy hair, which looked very majestic.

Not only that, the snow cow stared at Lin Tian with red eyes, and the old man was shocked, "Don't look at his eyes, little guy, or he will be taken away!"

But it was too late, Lin Tian still looked at the snow cow, and the snow cow made a buzzing sound, as if it was luring Lin Tian to go over.

Su Yuanyuan took the opportunity to fly to the old man, stepped aside, and said anxiously, "Grandpa, what does this dementia mean?"

"Once the eyes meet the snow cow, the person's soul will be controlled by the snow cow." The old man felt uncomfortable, but he still explained to Su Yuanyuan.

Hearing this, Su Yuanyuan said guiltily, "Didn't I harm him?"

"Who is he?" The old man couldn't help asking, and Su Yuanyuan explained, "He's new here today."

The old man hesitated, "No matter what, we must save him!"

After finishing speaking, a green rattan flew out from the old man's hand, then entangled Lin Tian, ​​and wanted to pull Lin Tian back.

Lin Tian said to the old man, "No, I'm fine!"

Then the rattan flew to Lin Tian and returned to the old man's hand. The old man was confused, "This."

Su Yuanyuan was also dumbfounded and said, "He seems to be awake."

"How is this possible?" The old man was puzzled, and some daring people in the village looked at each other, and then the Hunyuan Tiger shouted, "Everyone, don't just look, rush out."

Then Hunyuanhu rushed out, that Bai Yushan also went out, and when other people saw these two masters go out, others also went out one after another.

All of a sudden the crowd surrounded Lin Tian and Xue Niu.

But the snow cow stared at Lin Tian without moving, but Lin Tian smiled evilly, "Be obedient."

The snow cow trembled suddenly, and even felt that the power in his body was controlled by something, but Lin Tian smiled half-smile, and then jumped onto the back of the snow cow.

The snow cow rushed towards the crowd crazily, and then galloped away towards the woods. The crowd couldn't keep up with its speed.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, Lin Tian and the snow cow disappeared.

Everyone was in a hurry, and that Su Yuanyuan was going to take someone to look for it, but Bai Yushan said, "No need to go, my lord has already surrendered it."

"What?" Su Yuanyuan thought that Bai Yushan was lying, and that Hunyuanhu stared even more, "Sect Master Bai, are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious, that snow cow has really been subdued." That Bai Yushan still hadn't forgotten Lin Tian's voice transmission to him before he left, so he said awkwardly.

But everyone didn't believe it, but they couldn't find Lin Tian, ​​so they had to go back to the village, but this Su Yuanyuan was very guilty, especially when dressing her grandfather's wound, she said, "Grandpa, did I kill him?"

"Wait." The old man said helplessly, while Su Yuanyuan looked at the sky outside, "If he hasn't come back in the middle of the night, then he won't come back."

The old man knew what he meant, but he was helpless, "Every night, people outside can't survive, and there are never exceptions."

"But." Su Yuanyuan was very ashamed, but the old man comforted him, "Girl, I know what you think, but it has already happened and cannot be changed. I can only pray that he will come back before midnight."

Su Yuanyuan had no choice but to say yes, and after bandaging the wound, she stood at the entrance of the village and waited.

At this moment Lin Tian stood on the snow cow, looked at it with a smile, "How many years have you been here?"

"It's been almost a thousand years since I can remember."

"Oh? Since I have memories? Then you don't know how you got here?"

"have no idea."

Lin Tian knew that this kind of spirit beast that appeared in the Mountain and Sea God Scroll was a kind of alien beast from heaven and earth, and this kind of alien beast had no parents. Lin Tian didn't know exactly how it came about.

So when the snow cow said that it didn't know how it got here, Lin Tian understood very well, and asked, "Then you usually live there?"

"I'll take you there right away." The snow cow ran wildly, then ran into a cave, walked a certain distance in the maze inside, and came to an underground palace.

In this underground palace, there are bull-headed stone statues everywhere, and they are in the body of a tauren, which looks very weird.

"That's it." Xue Niu looked at these stone statues and said, and Lin Tian could feel the strong air flow in the underground palace.

These air currents are somewhat similar to fairy qi, but they are somewhat complicated, and Lin Tian couldn't help but think of the fairy qi transformed from fairy crystals on Shenmu Island.

"Could it be that this place is also transformed from the fairy crystal?" Lin Tian was puzzled, but Lin Tian couldn't understand, what is this place, and why there are so many inferior immortal energy.

"My lord, as long as I can remember, I was here, and then I grew up here for a thousand years."

"Oh? Then no one came to harass you?"

"Those humans, run away when they see me."

After hearing this, Lin Tian asked curiously, "Then why did you run after that old man today?"

"I was looking for food today, and he robbed me of a fruit. I was so angry that I ran after him." The snow cow complained.

Lin Tianoh said after a while, "Then you don't mind if I practice here?"

"No." The snow cow shook his head and said.

Lin Tianen sat down cross-legged, and then began to absorb the fire-type immortal energy from these inferior immortal energy, and made the fire-type avatar more powerful through "Fusion Transformation".

After going on like this for an hour, the fire element avatar was ready, and Lin Tian condensed the water avatar again, which was Lin Tian's fourth avatar.

But half an hour later, there was a sudden burst of strong wind outside, as if it was sweeping outside.

"What's the matter outside?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking curiously, and the snow cow replied, "Every night, there will be this kind of wind outside, and you can't go out."

"Can not Go Out?"

"Yes, I have seen many human beings being crushed by the weird wind outside, and then disappearing without a trace." The snow cow explained.

Lin Tian showed a curious look, then got up and walked outside the cave step by step to see what was going on.

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