In this sword array, those swords flew around Lin Tian one after another, and they would not approach Lin Tian at all, just like the flames and poisonous snake vines before, they all scattered.

This is also where Hunyuanhu was shocked, and Lin Tian quickly passed through the sword formation, and as for those swords, they returned to their original state and flew around there.

But Bai Yushan looked at the Hunyuanhu and teased, "Look, this is what he is good at."

Hunyuanhu frowned, looking very unwilling, but Lin Tian then let that Bai Yushan and others pass by as before.

Only Hunyuanhu bit the bullet, took a deep breath, then roared, and began to rush towards the sword formation.

Those swords slammed into him, making jingling sounds and emitting starlight, until the Hunyuan Tiger rushed past and snorted, "I can still come here without you."

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, turned around, and led everyone to the fourth pass, but the fourth pass was empty, as if there was nothing.

But when some people came here, they said to Lin Tian, ​​"Young master, there seems to be nothing in here, but as soon as you walk over, there will be many boulders flying around, hitting people directly."

"Flying stone?" Lin Tian didn't know what it was, but those people nodded wildly, and described it in a terrible way.

Lin Tian wanted to take a look, but the Hunyuan Tiger laughed, "Boy, these stones will suddenly attack, so it is impossible for you to avoid them."

Lin Tian ignored his ridicule, but took a step, and some stones flew out around him, and the target was that Lin Tian.

Immediately, earth walls formed around Lin Tian, ​​and those stones hit the earth walls and were stopped directly.

Everyone exclaimed, and after Lin Tiantong passed, he stared at the passage he created and said with a smile, "Whoever wants to come here can come here now, but it's best to be fast."

Bai Yushan immediately sprinted first, and flew between the two walls made by Lin Tian in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the people did the same, until everyone came over, Lin Tian put away the wall, but the Hunyuanhu was a little depressed, especially at this moment, he had a lot of injuries on his body, and he didn't know if he could hold on.

But everyone was joking there, especially that Bai Yushan said with a smile, "Dead tiger, you can ask our lord, he will let you come."

"Bah, I don't want it." Hunyuanhu became stubborn, and then started sprinting there, and those stones hit the Hunyuanhu one by one.

Hunyuanhu made it through with difficulty, but his skin was bruised and his face was swollen, and his body was covered with bruises, which looked very serious.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly and came to the fifth pass, which was a small river.

The small river looked like an ordinary underground river, nothing special, but Bai Yushan curiously asked the others, "What's so special about this?"

Everyone immediately chattered.

From the discussion of the people, Lin Tian knew that this section of the area could not fly, and could only walk through the river, but the river was very strange, as long as it touched people, it would freeze them there.

Bai Yushan felt that it was unlikely, so he took out a spirit stone and threw it into the water. The spirit stone was instantly frozen in the water, but after staying for a while, the spirit stone disappeared.

"Why did you disappear?" Bai Yushan was stunned.

Someone explained, "As long as you freeze there for a while, if you don't come out in time, you will be swallowed."


"Yes, the magic weapon will be swallowed!" Someone took out a garbage magic weapon and threw it into the river. The magic weapon disappeared after freezing there for a while.

Bai Yushan took a deep breath, "You can't fly, you can't use magic weapons, and you will freeze when you enter the water. How do you live?"

"Strong power, as long as it is strong enough, when the legs move, they can break free from the freezing of the water!" Someone explained.

Bai Yushan felt that it was too difficult, but that Hunyuanhu laughed at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, aren't you very strong?"

Everyone knows that Hunyuanhu wants to stimulate Lin Tian, ​​after all, no one here has ever passed the fifth level.

But at this moment, when Lin Tian approached the river, the front of the river was frozen, and Lin Tian stepped on the ice, walking forward step by step, the river in front was also frozen a little bit.

Soon the whole river turned into a bridge, and everyone was stunned until Lin Tian laughed and said, "Can't you come over?"

Bai Yushan was the first again, and the others followed. After everyone passed by, they all cheered, "We're here, we're finally here!"

There are hundreds of people here who have not entered the level for many years, but now under the leadership of Lin Tian, ​​they have passed five levels in a row, which makes everyone very happy.

But this Hunyuanhu was depressed, especially because the bridge was right in front of him. If he passed, he would admit Lin Tian's ability and owe others favors.

But if he didn't pass, he might never have the chance to pass, so he lingered there for a long time.

Everyone shouted on the opposite side, but Bai Yushan still laughed and said, "Dead tiger, let our elder brother help, is it so difficult?"

Hunyuanhu gritted his teeth, and said in his heart, "As long as you are alive, you don't care about any other face."

So when everyone saw Hunyuanhu, he suddenly said to Lin Tian with a smile, "Little brother, your ability is really powerful, and Hun admires you!"

Everyone booed, and that Bai Yushan laughed, and Hunyuanhu smiled awkwardly, then hurriedly stepped on the ice bridge to the opposite side, and then changed his attitude towards Lin Tian.

"Little brother, don't worry, I owe today's kindness, if you need anything in the future, just call me!"

Lin Tian smiled, "As long as you don't make trouble for me, that's fine."

"No, no!" said the Hunyuanhu, but Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, then turned around.

Just when everyone was in high spirits, they were stopped in front of a stone gate.

Everyone was puzzled, "Isn't it enough to pass through the five gates? Why is there still a stone gate?"

"Yes, is there a sixth level?"

"No, Miss Su, Uncle Su has said that there are only five levels."

Everyone became curious, and at this moment the stone door opened, and a young man stood inside.

Everyone was curious about who this person was, but the young man said with a smile, "I, a disciple of Xueshan Temple, Qingtong, and the passage behind me is for going out."

Everyone looked over, and there was indeed a tunnel there, and it was shining with dim light.

So everyone was happy to go, but the young boy laughed and said, "If you want to go, you can, but you have to hand over your valuables, otherwise you are not allowed to go."

"Why?" Everyone immediately became upset when they heard that, and the young boy said with a smile, "I compare you to the disciples of Xueshan Temple, is there a problem?"

Everyone was obviously dissatisfied, but Qingtong stood there with his hands crossed, "If you don't give it, then don't think about it."

"Are you going to go there?" Someone asked stubbornly, but Qingtong smiled strangely, "Try it, I promise you will lose your arms and legs!"

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