Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 875 Invitation from Another Force

Bai Yushan gasped after hearing this, "No wonder so many people want to enter the Snow Mountain Temple. It turns out that there is such a place in the Snow Mountain Temple."

Su Yuanyuan said kindly, "In the Snow Mountain Temple, the greater the contribution of each disciple, the greater the degree of baptism. It is said that the suzerain has been baptized more than ten times."

"How many more times can I be baptized?" That Bai Yushan was stunned, and that Su Yuanyuan nodded, "Every time you baptize, it will increase a little bit, and it is rumored that the oldest master of the Ascension Stage in Xueshan Temple has been baptized twenty times, but still Not an upper limit."

Bai Yushan was stunned, "Wouldn't it be terrible if it increased by dozens of times?"

"Yes, it is rumored that a Dzogchen in the Ascension Realm can be baptized more than ten times, and can't lose to an immortal."

Bai Yushan was shocked again, but Lin Tian muttered to himself, "What kind of baptism is so magical?"

While Lin Tian was thinking, a group of people wearing black turbans appeared in front of him, and Bai Yushan was curious about who these people were.

Su Yuanyuan said in surprise, "It's a famous bandit in Jiuxue Tianshan, from Heixuegu."

"Black Snow Valley?"

"Yes, it is said that many years ago, some disciples betrayed from the Snow Mountain Temple, and then created the Black Snow Valley by themselves, but these people are also very scary, even the people in the Snow Mountain Temple can't find their hiding place, only know that these people are everywhere Make trouble." That Su Yuanyuan explained.

Bai Yushan did not expect that there was another powerful force in the Jiuxue Tianshan.

At this moment, those people came over, and a young man at the head said with a very friendly smile, "I heard that you offended people from the Snow Mountain Temple."

"You know all of this?" Bai Yushan was a little surprised, but Su Yuanyuan asked strangely, "Do you have spies stationed in the Snow Mountain Temple?"

The man laughed and said, "Of course, otherwise, how could we escape the encirclement and suppression of the Snow Mountain Temple every time?"

The others also laughed, but Su Yuanyuan was a little nervous, because in the Snow Mountain Temple, the people in the Black Snow Valley were all murderers, and as long as they were people from the Snow Mountain Temple, they would not give them a chance to survive.

But at this time the young man laughed and said, "My name is Yan Mo, and I am the captain of the Black Snow Valley team."

Su Yuanyuan said in surprise, "You are the Yan Mo who went around attacking the disciples of Xueshan Temple."

"Girl, it seems that you know me." This Yan Mo laughed, but someone said beside Yan Mo, "Senior brother Yan, this girl has the aura of a snow mountain temple."

Yan Mo was stunned for a moment, then stared at Su Yuanyuan, "Girl, are you from the Snow Mountain Temple?"

"I'm a guide." That Su Yuanyuan explained, but Yan Mo laughed, "It seems that you are just a quasi-disciple."

"That's right."

"Then I advise you not to join the Snow Mountain Temple, otherwise we will be enemies in the future." Yan Mo smiled kindly, not really intending to scare Su Yuanyuan.

Su Yuanyuan nervously stood beside Lin Tian, ​​while Yan Mo looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "I've heard about you, so we appreciate you very much and want to invite you to join our Black Snow Valley."

"to join you guys?"

"Yes, join us, we will help you find someone." This Yan Mo said kindly, but Lin Tian was dubious, "You guys are so kind?"

"An enemy's enemy is a friend. We in Black Snow Valley don't like to fight against everyone." That Yan Mo said with a smile.

Lin Tian hesitated and got up and said, "That's okay, you can help me find it."

"Yes, I will arrange for someone to go, but before that, you have to go to a place with me to make sure that you are not sent by the Snow Mountain Temple."

"Why? Do you still doubt me?" Lin Tian laughed instead, and Yan Mo said with a smile, "Some people from the Snow Mountain Temple used to deliberately fight among themselves in order to get in with us, and they found out early to prevent the tragedy, otherwise we would be black Snow Valley is in big trouble."

"Okay then, let's go." Lin Tian really wanted to see what kind of existence this Black Snow Valley really was, so Jian Mo immediately asked everyone to take the three of them there.

On the way, Bai Yushan looked at Su Yuanyuan strangely and asked curiously, "The disciples of the Snow Mountain Temple can be baptized, so what skills does the person from the Black Snow Valley have?"

"It is said that they will be demonized." That Su Yuanyuan whispered, while Bai Yushan asked suspiciously, "Magic?"

"Yes, after being demonized, the immortal energy in a person's body will turn into demonic energy, and the strength of the whole person will also increase. Therefore, the people of Xueshan Temple call these people big devils."

Bai Yushan gasped, but Su Yuanyuan asked Lin Tian in a low voice, "Are you sure you want to follow them?"

"They can help me, why not?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, but Su Yuanyuan said anxiously, "It is said that when these people are angry, they will become demons, and then they will easily kill innocent people. I am afraid."

Yan Mo heard this, and he turned around with a smile and said with dissatisfaction, "Girl, I'm afraid you have something against us."

Su Yuanyuan said awkwardly, "I just heard about it."

"It's the people from Xueshan Temple who slandered us and made everyone misunderstand us, so that everyone won't want to join us to fight against them." Yan Mo explained.

Others also said, "That's right, the people in the Snow Mountain Temple are all sanctimonious and hypocrites."

"No, we have stayed in the Snow Mountain Temple, and we have been slandered by many people, or we will be punished if we offend some people, so we joined Black Snow Valley."

"That's right, Black Snow Valley is the most free and humane, and never bullies others at will."

Seeing what these people said, Su Yuanyuan felt a little unbelievable, and Zi Mo knew that what he said might not be useful, so he said with a smile, "When you know more about us, you will know."

Su Yuanyuan snorted, but Jian Mo continued to lead the three of them until they came to a valley, and there was a formation in this valley.

There is a blood-red stone in this formation, and it is shining with blood, and Bai Yushan is curious, "What is this?"

"This is called the Blood Soul Penetrating Stone. Once you inject your own power, if you are a spy, this stone will penetrate the person's soul. If you are not a spy, then it will be fine." Yan Mo explained.

Bai Yushan gasped after hearing this, "So powerful?"

Su Yuanyuan was worried, "It won't penetrate my soul."

"Girl, as long as you have no ill intentions towards us, it won't!" That Yan Mo patiently explained.

Su Yuanyuan snorted, but she was a little worried, and Bai Yushan stepped forward first and said, "I'll come first."

So that Bai Yushan stepped forward, put one hand on the tall stone of the person, and then a stream of blood shrouded this Bai Yushan's body.

After about a while, the blood light disappeared, and Bai Yushan was fine, Yan Mo congratulated, "You are welcome."

Bai Yushan smiled and looked at Lin Tian and the two of them, and Lin Tian also stepped forward like Bai Yushan, and then he was fine.

When she got to Su Yuanyuan, she was a little apprehensive, but she still put her hand on it, but then an accident happened.

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